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Meet Brian Blade

Meet Brian Blade

Posted: Jan 13th 2017 By:

In which city do you live?

Algonquin, IL & Omaha, NE

How long have you been in the business?

15.5 yrs

Where did you learn to wrestle?

Omaha Wrestling Association started my training. Got a lot of my training and knowledge working shows all over.

Why are you still a wrestler?

I always loved wrestling. It also gave me a way to stay an athlete and to still compete at a high level at something.

What are your signature moves?

Spine buster, clothesline off the top rope, gut wrench throw, double under hook suplex, big boot, clothesline off the top rope to the outside.

What are your finishers?

F-5, Sharpshooter, blockbuster off the top rope

What promotions have you wrestled for?

Too many to remember them all, but here are some: OWA, MWA, WWA, MSWA, NWA, NWA-Top of Texas, RMCW, Primos Harcore, MCW, RCW, WAM, BBOW, CWE, AAA AMERICA, COMPOUND PRO, GPPW, WMPW, ICW, 3XW, RWF, MWLL, and a lot more I can’t remember at this time.

What injuries have you sustained?

Nothing serious, just slight strains, sprains, bumps and bruises.

Are you mainly considered a face or a heel?

Depends where I am. Probably 50/50 in all honesty.

Who are the indy wrestlers you look up to? Why?

I really don’t look up to any Indy wrestlers at this point. I never even knew there was Indy wrestling till I started.

What are your favorite promotions to work for?

They all are. Every one poses a different atmosphere. I enjoy going out and entertaining anywhere I go.

What style do you do? Are you a high flyer? Are you old school?

I am more old school, but will do some high flying moves when it’s needed. I wrestle a technical match or an all out brawl.

Tell us about your first match. Describe it as best you can remember, from the moment you arrived the minute you left.

It was against Max Magnus, the man that brought me into the OWA gym to train. We went about 12-15 min in a back and forth match that he won with intervene from his tag partner. It was fun and the crowd was really behind me. I feuded with Max and his partner Abu for next few yrs.

How far do you want to take your wrestling career?

Not sure, I will take what comes along. I enjoy going out there and entertaining and putting on a great show.

Complete the following sentence: If I don’t make it to the WWE, I’ll…

Keep doing what I’m doing. Wrestling and putting on good shows. I love being a part of benefit events. Most shows I will do in 2017 will be benefit events, so I get a lot of satisfaction from that.

And complete one more sentence: If I wasn’t a wrestler, I would be a…

owner of Plantz Construction still and probably coaching. I have had a couple offers to coach, but my wrestling schedule stops me from doing so. So after I quit I will probably start coaching also.


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