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Mess With The Devil And You Get The Horns

Mess With The Devil And You Get The Horns

Posted: Sep 20th 2014 By: Michael Hunt

The saying goes that it is hard to keep a good man down. But if you were ask the Canadian Red Devil, he would say it is not for lack of trying. For most of his career, CRD has been fighting the good fight against the evil forces in ComPro, MSWA and various other federations around the state. But recently, it seems like the evil forces may have found a way to get the upper hand.

At the ComPro show in June, CRD put his ComPro Title on the line against Jake O'Brien. CRD appeared to be on the track to victory until Richie Adams made a surprise appearance from the crowd, where he had been disguised under a luchadore mask. A well-placed Impaler DDT ended in CRD being pinned and O'Brien becoming the new ComPro Champion.

September saw CRD cash in his rematch clause, but OBrien and is manager Richard Pierce tried to weasel out of the match. O'Brien had been involved in an automobile accident earlier that week and Pierce said that because of this, the injuries he suffered were too great to allow him to compete that night. Newly appointed ComPro co-commissioner C. M. Burnham quickly stepped in and said that if O'Brien was unable to compete, then he could take the night off, but he would have to leave the title behind as he would be stripped of it. Pierce was irate and OBrien was upset as well, but the match was on and CRD was ready.

But every time that it seemed like the match would being, O'Brien would roll to the outside and avoid contact. This continued until finally, CRD took the match outside as well. A brawl outside led to more brawling inside and as before, CRD had O'Brien on the run. As the crowd cheered on their encouragement, CRD locked the champion into a Sharpshooter and looked to be on is way to a 4th ComPro Title. But then, history started to repeat itself as once again, Richie Adams it the ring while Richard Pierce struggled with referee Steve Shotzman. Adams distraction allowed O'Brien to roll CRD up and pull the tights for a cheap win.

After the match, Adams made it clear that all is anger for being out of action for most of 2014 lay at the hands of CRD and commenced a vicious beatdown of CRD after the match. Thankfully, before things could get serious, Adams was removed and CRD got assistance to the back. It was obvious that a major issue between the two of them needed to be settled and CRD must have figured that since his title opportunity was ruined by Adams, he would return the favour when Adams was supposed to get a title match against ComPro Oklahoma X Division Champion Terry Montana. That match never even began as CRD rushed and attacked Adams from behind before the match started. Co-commissioners Mike Iles and C. M. Burnham were barely able to get things under control, but when they did Iles decided that next month, Adams and CRD would be able to resolve their issue by facing each other 1-on-1. And Burnham decided that Pierce could fund some improvements to ComPro by fining him $2000 due to Adams shoving Steve Shotzman during the melee.

As if all that was not enough, CRD now seems to be the target of the Saints of Pro Wrestling in MSWA. After defeating Kenny K and gaining some revenge for the concussion given to him a few shows before, CRD found himself attacked by the Saints. In an act of compete humiliation, they ripped the mask off is head and it was only through luck that he was able to cover up and avoid exposing his identity. Now, the Roc-N-Roll Cowboy as been posting pictures and videos were he has disguised himself as the so-called Sooner Red Devil and has been mocking CRD to the internet audience. A match between CRD and Tyson Jaymes is set for this Sunday and CRD surely hopes to gain some revenge from that.

All in all, it seems like CRD as been the target of many revenge-oriented attacks. But for a veteran competitor like him, this is essentially another day at the office. CRD has learned that the biggest advantage for him is that his opponents often underestimate his ability. e comes back stronger and better than before. And both Adams and the Saints can expect hell to pay for messing with the Devil.


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