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Gang Warfare Overwhelms SWCW

Gang Warfare Overwhelms SWCW

Posted: May 26th 2010 By: CMBurnham

Many fans believed that, with the demise of Nemesis, SWCW was a safe haven for pro wrestlers to settle issues one-on-one. And for a while, it seemed that was the case. But nature abhors a vacuum and soon, two powerful new factions coalesced together to bring pain and misery to many of the upstanding members of the SWCW roster.

Damien Morte had risen to success as a member of Nemesis. And he had been the one to force it out of existance when he lost a match to fellow Nemesis alumni Damon Windsor. But prior to that match, Morte had capture the Sure Shot Briefcase, which guaranteed him a title shot against any champion, whenever he chose to cash it in. Morte captured that opportunity in December and this past Saturday, he finally made good on it, but he wouldn't do it alone.

Within the past month, Morte formed an alliance with Korvin Sage and Draven Cross. Together, they became known as the Saints of the Damned. This new trio of terror immediately focused their attention on two targets: the SWCW Tag Team Titles and the SWCW Cruiserweight Title. Sage and Cross tagged together on Saturday in a #1 contenders' match for the Tag Team Titles against the Cycle of Violence, Tyson Jaymes & Romo Cruz. Both teams knew that a victory here would be not only a springboard towards a title shot, but would gain recognition and respect for their particular team. When this match ended, Draven Cross had Romo laid across the middle ropes, choking him with it. Referee George Knight made the 5-count and, when Cross refused to break, called for the DQ. The SotD had lost the match and the title opportunity, but that didn't seem to be as important as making an impression. And the three of them beat Romo down until Jaymes grabbed a steel chair and slid into the ring. Morte was so frightened that he briefly forgot the Sure Shot case, which was in the hands of Jaymes. But at an opportune moment, he reclaimed that and the dastardly trio went back up the walkway to plot their next moment.

That moment came right after intermission, when Crisstopher Crow defended the SWCW Cruiserweight Title against Damien Morte. Both men were fellow members of Nemesis, so they knew each other very well. Crow had been champion for several months and although Morte had been in SWCW for 3 years, he had never held the Cruiserweight Title. The match was evenly fought and Crow wasn't fazed heavily by the presence of the other SotD members (as well as Lady Starwind) at ringside. He overcame all those odds and pinned the challenger, retainin the title. But that wasn't the end, as this moment had been prepared for. As soon as the bell rang, Draven Cross entered the ring and speared Crow halfway across the mat. Sage then grabbed the Sure Shot case and Morte communicated to George Knight that he wanted his guaranteed title shot right then. Knight had no choice, but to signal for the bell and the match was on. Morte covered a fallen Crow, but it was only good enough for 2. Morte then hoisted Crow up for a devestating finisher and this time, Crow would not be so lucky. The referee's hand fell 3 times and Damien Morte celebrated his acquisition of the SWCW Cruiserweight Title, the first title to come under the control of the Saints of the Damned.

The other faction to rise in SWCW had actually been together for quite a while before acquiring a name. In the course of his war against Rick Garrett, Kareem Sadat had recruited assistance from Maniac Mike and SWCW Hardcore Champion Shane Sanchez. But it was the alliance with Outlaw that brought them the name of The Hardcore Alliance. These 4 men show their opponents no mercy and have also selected two targets in the SWCW Roster. Like the Saints of the Damned, the Hardcore Connection are interested in upending X-Rated for the SWCW Tag Team Titles. And two of their members got the chance this past Sunday when Mike & Sanchez challenged the new champions for their title belts. Again, the numbers game was significant, as Sadat and Outlaw remained at ringside while Kevin James Sanchez & Bobby Star had no one but the fans to be in their corner. But that was all they needed and they made their first successful title defence by turning back the challenge of the Hardcore Connection. All 4 members laid out X-Rated after the match was over, making it clear that they were intent on gaining those belts to add to the SWCW Hardcore title they already control.

The other target for the group is SWCW All-American Champion David Kyzer. This issue is somewhat personal between Outlaw and Kyzer and has to do with the disrespect Outlaw feels the rookies have shown him since his return. In truth, it appears that Outlaw just wants everything handed to him on a silver platter and believes people should do this because of his seniority. Kyzer refused to lay down and allow himself to lose the chance to become the first SWCW All-American Champion and defeated Outlaw for that title on April 25. Since that time, Outlaw has sworn revenge. And the issue became even more personal when it was brought to his attention that he was the biological father of Nikki Knight, who accompanies Kyzer to the ring.

Outlaw was granted a title shot this Sunday against Kyzer, but the title wasn't really the thing on Outlaw's mind He wanted revenge and he wasn't coming for it alone. Once again, the gang mentality flowed through this match as the other Hardcore Connection members swarmed at ringside. Kareem Sadat climbed up on the ring apron towards the end of the match, allegedly to hit Kyzer, but Kyzer reversed the irish whip and Sadat cold-cocked Outlaw. Kyzer then cradled Outlaw for the win. But the damage was done as Kyzer was ambushed by the Hardcore Connection. Sadat eventually brought Kyzer up onto the steel chairs that he had put together and connected with an Egyptian Piledriver, bending one of the chairs at an ugly angle and leaving Kyzer in a broken pile in the middle of the ring. X-Rated and the Cycle of Violence finally ran to the ring, but the damage was already done. Kyzer had to be helped to the back and Outlaw bragged about having put Kyzer out.

So the SotD gain control of a title and the Hardcore Connection make an impact on another champion. Both teams recognise that there is serious strength in numbers, moreso than they could accomplish on their own. With them united, some of the more moral members of the SWCW might need to think of a possible counter-force to prepare for the eventual war that one (or both) of these teams will bring to the Underground Arena. Because of they're not prepared, the future for SWCW is remarkbly cloudy and unhappy, based on who would probably be in charge.


Tags: Nemesis, SWCW, Damien Morte, Damon Windsor, Korvin Sage, Draven Cross, Saints of the Damned, Crisstopher Crow, Tyson Jaymes, Romo Cruz, George Knight, Lady Starwind, Rick Garrett, Maniac Mike, Shane Sanchez, Hardcore Alliance, Kevin James Sanchez, Bobby S

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