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Jim Ross Interview Recap

Jim Ross Interview Recap

Posted: May 11th 2010 By: mikeiles

Live Audio Wrestling interviewed Jim Ross on a variety of subjects, including the sale of the UWF, the WCW invasion, his stint as head of WWE talent relations, and more. Ross talked about talent relations as being in a position where you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't. He said: "I had one of the most hated roles in professional wrestling as head of talent. You got deliver all the bad news without question and you try to balance it out with good news. But you can deliver bad news without being confrontational or abrasive or power hungry and I would like to think I wasn't that way. I'm sure again in that role it's inherent that people will say 'Jim Ross is a prick' or 'Jim Ross is a jackass' and I'm sure that were guys that played for coaches or people work in film or television for various directors that would say 'he's good guy' I don't believe I was ever a bad guy but I had to deliver a lot of bad news and deal with lots of bad issues and that came with the job and I knew that when I accepted the terms that I had to cut people, you got to fire people, you have to send people to rehab, you have to sit some guys down for mentoring and leadership and whoever has the role after John Laurinaitis will have that. It's like the old deal in NFL training camp when the guy comes to pick up your playbook - they call that guy 'the turk' and when they make cuts in the preseason and turk comes and asks for your play book and says the coach want to
see you, well you know you're done and have been cut. I never relished in some of the functionalities of that job but my job was to recruit great people and good young athletes and guys that I could see were going to be contributors and on any team when you make a bad recruit or you the recruit goes bad or they didn't materialize or they developed problems you couldn't solve and you eliminated them and move on. It was a tough job but I enjoyed what we accomplished, I thought our body of work during the mid to late 90's to early 2000s was exemplary. I thought we assembled the best roster in the business and I know for a fact that we drew more money than any period from any territory or any company in the history of the business and I know that we helped manufacture a lot of millionaires so I think at the end of the day I won, I had a lot of wins here so I was happy." Full interview at


Tags: Jim Ross, UWF, WCW, WWE

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