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Power Mad!! Johnny Z Asserts New Authourity As MSWA Champion

Power Mad!!  Johnny Z Asserts New Authourity As MSWA Champion

Posted: Feb 26th 2010 By: CMBurnham

Impact, Inc. leader Johnny Z has recently taken to proclaiming himself the ?savior of Oklahoma wrestling?. But who will save Oklahoma wrestling from him, especially now that he is the MSWA Mid-South Champion?

Johnny fought with every dirty tactic he had to get a shot at the MSWA Title. He conspired with MSWA Oklahoma Champion Jermaine Johnson. He used all the members of Impact, Inc. security. He abused women, committed acts of brutality against people such as IZW Champion Kevin Morgan. And the utter deviousness of the plan to take the belt away from Aaron Neil paid out after months of patience.

It looked like things were going to be OK. Despite the shenanigans Johnny Z had perpetrated to earn the title shot, when it came time for the match, he clearly underestimated Aaron Neil?s desire to be a standup champion. Impact, Inc. and their cronies came to the ring and Johnny immediately began to berate the crowd, talking about how they weren?t up to his standards and they should all bow to him. Aaron Neil?s music hit and Johnny & Jermaine looked at each other, then began to laugh as they had obviously set things up to try and prove that Aaron was a paper champion like they claimed. But the joke was on them as Aaron?s music hit again and ?The Real Deal? ran to the ring. After the introductions were complete, MSWA owner Bad Boy came out. He?d had enough of listening to Johnny complain about the lack of standards and said that, as far as he could see, the only standard he had was ?dating a monkey?. He then announced that he would be serving as special referee and the match was on. Aaron began by climbing to the top and diving on the assemblage of Impact, Inc. The match quickly lost control as Aaron and Johnny tore into each other , both men wanting to walk away as the champion. Bad Boy maintained control until he was backed into a corner. Aaron charged in, but Johnny moved and Aaron collided with the MSWA owner. With the referee stunned, Jermaine Johnson took the opportunity to grab the belt and throw it into the ring to Johnny. Johnny attempted to slam it into Aaron?s head, but Aaron ducked and Johnny ended up knocking Bad Boy out with the impact. At that point, one of the Impact, Inc. security members revealed himself to be a licensed referee and stripped off his security t-shirt to reveal a referee?s shirt. He entered the ring as Neil had Johnny covered and reluctantly counted to 2 before Johnny could kick out. Jermaine then jumped in the ring and this brought Kevin Morgan out to make it 2-on-2. Jermaine grabbed La Reina de Corazones, who had come out with Kevin. Kevin tried to get her away, but that got him close enough to Johnson that he could kick Morgan in the nether regions. Referee Donny Brooks arrived at this point and ordered both Johnson and Morgan to go to the back and the match resumed. Back to a 1-on-1 affair, it seemed that things were once again going in Aaron?s favour until Bernie D, who hadn?t been with Impact, Inc. since their return to MSWA, ran to the ring. He grabbed the title belt, slid into the ring and used it to knock Aaron senseless. Johnny then made the cover and Donny Brooks had no choice but to count 3 and declare Johnny Z as the new MSWA Mid-South Champion.

That was 2 weeks ago and rumour has it that Johnny?s ego had been unbearable in the time between then and this past Sunday?s show. And Johnny was still planning. At the close of the previous show, Milton Winkelman had announced that Aaron would receive his rematch at the next show. That wouldn?t end up being the case. When Sunday?s show opened, Impact, Inc. assaulted Aaron backstage and battled with him out to the ring. They used a steel chair to injure his arm and then held off any attempt by other wrestlers to get in and save him. Feeling confident that they had eliminated their opposition, they began to brag about their accomplishment, saying that the fans had had a couple of weeks to get used to Johnny being champion and now they would have a couple of years to deal with it. Once again, Bad Boy came out and changed the plans. He said that Johnny Z didn?t get to call the shots as far as title defences went. Even though Aaron was injured, Johnny was still going to defend his title at that show. And Bad Boy refused to reveal who the opponent would be until the time of the match.

When the main event rolled around, Impact, Inc. came to the ring, confident as ever. But that confidence would be shattered when Johnny?s opponent was revealed to be SWCW Champion 3rd Rail. There was no way that Johnny could match power with ?The Monster? and that was proven as Rail powered out of some initial pin attempts with no effort. Johnny then tried to lure Rail to the outside where he could be delayed by the security and lose on a countout. This tactic didn?t work either and the frustration mounted for the new champion. Finally, Jermaine & Bernie attacked Rail as he was trying to climb back into the ring. This was done in full view of referee Bill Decker, who called for the DQ. Johnny had found a way to retain his title despite the odds. But Bad Boy still had one more trick up his sleeve. He couldn?t force Johnny to continue the title match, but he decided that, since Impact, Inc. wanted to be involved, he would change the match to a handicap match and pit Johnny & Jermaine against former tag team champions The South Side Soul Assassins. This announcement was not what the crowd was expecting as they thought Rail would be teaming with Jesse White, who had won the #1 contendership to Johnson?s Oklahoma Title earlier in the card by defeating Kevin Morgan. Also, Tyson Jaymes had been injured earlier in the show in his match with SWCW Cruiserweight Champion Xavior. But Tyson arrived, his shoulder taped up and the battle was on. Again, it was clear that even though the South Side Soul Assassins were competing at something of a handicap, they were holding their own. And that irritated Johnny Z, who finally pulled down the top rope when Rail was whipped into it, causing him to fall out of the ring. Johnny then grabbed his title belt and nailed Tyson with it, again earning a DQ. This wasn?t about winning anymore. But Impact, Inc. acted like winners after the match was over, saluting the crowd on all four sides.

Then, the unexpected. Aaron Neil came running back to the ring, his arm heavily bandaged. It might have been a foolhardy display as Aaron was subjected to a 3-on-1 attack and his arm was targeted again. MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champions Aerial Assault tried to come to Aaron?s assistance, but some well place chair-shots disposed of them as well. Kevin Morgan then made an appearance and things kind of ground to a stalemate. Impact, Inc. held the inside of the ring and kept Aaron prisoner. Morgan, Montego Seeka, Ky-ote Joe and other members of the locker room circled the outside, trying to figure out how to get into the ring and rescue their comrade. Finally, Impact, Inc. bunched up on the side nearest the ring entrance and hastily exited, allowing the rescue to be made.

It?s obvious that Johnny doesn?t care about winning. He probably doesn?t care about any fines that will be levied against him either. His primary concern is keeping a tight grip on his first singles title. As long as he is champion, MSWA is essentially held ransom to the tactics of a street gang mentality. It?s going to take a unified front to combat this group as well as some serious strategy sessions. And even then, given Johnny?s ruthless cunning, it seems likely that he will be in control of his title for a long, long time.


Tags: Johnny Z, MSWA, Jermaine Johnson, IZW, Kevin Morgan, Aaron Neil, Bad Boy, La Reina de Corazones, Donny Brooks, Bernie D, Milton Winkleman, SWCW, 3rd Rail, Bill Decker, South Side Soul Assassins, Jesse White, Tyson Jaymes, Xavior, Aerial Assault, Montego S

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