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Canadian Cone Connection Whip Some Sense Into The New Age Syndicate

Canadian Cone Connection Whip Some Sense Into The New Age Syndicate

Posted: Sep 13th 2009 By: CMBurnham

At their hearts, The New Age Syndicate are just a pair of bullies. And the best way to handle bullies is to stand up to them. Which is why, with all the shenanigans that have been pulled for the past couple of months, Damien Morte and the Canadian Red Devil have met tactic for tactic. Ultimately, both teams knew that neither would be satisfied until something drastic happened. And that was exactly the case last Sunday.

The feud between these two teams began in May, when the Syndicate stole the CCC's mascot, Coney. At one show, in return for that action, the Devil stole one of the Sanders twins' jackets. Both items were eventually recovered, but the bad bloode between the teams didn't go away. By August, the teams were still unhappy with each other. There had been post-match beatdowns and two-on-one attacks in the interim time and the CCC had had enough. Damien Morte proposed a Country Whippin' match to resolve the issue once and for all. MSWA owner Bad Boy made the match official and it was set for August 23rd.

But when August 23rd came around, both teams couldn't wait to start and battled their way out after the opening match had finished. They fought into the ring and Shawn Sanders yelled at the timekeeper to start ring the bell and start the match. Referee Bill Decker refuse to acknowledge this and then the newly reinstated MSWA commissioner Outlaw made his way to the ring. Outlaw annouced that the strap match wouldn't happen that afternoon, but booked it for the main event of the September 6th show. Until that time, he invoked a "No Touch" clause on both teams. With two more weeks to prepare, the four men made their way to the back to plot and prepare some more.

After months of sneak attacks and thievery, it all came down to this one match. The Syndicate arrived with belts in their hands first. Then came the Connection. Damien Morte arrived with his belt tied around his neck, but the Canadian Red Devil came empty handed. Could it have been that he intended to take it easy on the twins? Not a chance, as he removed his jersey to reveal a huge weight belt around his waist! The Syndicate looked absolutely frightened, but the bell rang and at that point there was no turning back.

The rules on the match were simple: the combatants could use the belts in any manner they wanted to. Victory came through pinfall or submission. No DQ, no Countout. Confronted in a way where they had no where to run or hide and didn't have an immediate upper hand, Scott Sanders and Shawn Sanders were quickly made into red billboards as Damien Morte & the Canadian Red Devil tanned thier hide with the belts. The Devil even hogtied Shawn Sanders, then motioned for the microphone and demanded that Sanders squeal like a pig. Sanders refused and every time he did so, the Devil would yank the belt to inflict more pain until high-pitched squeals eminated through the speakers. The Devil also tied one of the twins in such a way that he could yank on the belt and cause him to hit himself in the groin repeatedly.

Not everything was fun and games for the Connection, though. Although the match was contested under Tornado Rules (meaning all 4 men in the ring at the same time), both teams essentially paired off. But the Syndicate did employ some double team moves, resulting in Damien Morte being heavily lacerated and bleeding a geyser onto the mat and down his face. Shawn Sanders was also cut, though not as deeply. The damage to Morte was compounded when the Syndicate tied one of the belts around his neck and threw him over the top rope, hanging him. Morte collapsed outside and had to be assisted to the back, leaving the Devil to face both twins together. It seemed, at this point, that the Syndicate was destined to win as they had the numbers advantage and no remorse about severely injuring their opponent. And then, as they had the Devil prepared for the final blows, Morte reappeared and staggered down the entranceway. He crawled to the top rope and connected on both Sanders twins with a somersault plancha, putting both men down and allowing the pin to be counted. Finally, the Canadian Cone Connection had prevailed and whipped some sense into the heads of the Sanders Twins.

Both teams have their eyes set on the vacant MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Titles and are entered into the tournament on October 2nd. In addition, the Syndicate has been involved in the SWCW Tag Team Title picture against the Good Ol' Boys and will be facing them in an Oklahoma Street Fight on October 11th. Damien Morte is also a regular in SWCW and the Canadian Red Devil made his return to the fed on September 13.


Tags: New Age Syndicate, Damien Morte, Canadian Red Devil, Bad Boy, MSWA, Bill Decker, Outlaw, Scott Sanders, Shawn Sanders, SWCW, Good Ol' Boys

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