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Terrorist Agenda! Impact, Inc. Re-Invades MSWA

Terrorist Agenda!  Impact, Inc. Re-Invades MSWA

Posted: Jul 16th 2009 By: CMBurnham

It worked so well the first time, so why not do it again? That seems to be the thinking behind Impact, Inc's recent reappearance in MSWA. Two years ago, Impact, Inc. nearly drove MSWA off the map. Now, while their mission might not be so bold, their tactics are still the same. Intimidation, group attack and brutal beat downs until they get what they want.

In 2007, Impact, Inc. had a minor advantage. Two of their members, Brad Michaels and Aaron Neil, were regular competitors in MSWA. While Neil is still a regular member of the MSWA roster (And the MSWA Champion as well as the IZW Champion), he long ago severed all ties with Impact, Inc. and their leader, Johnny Z. And thus seems to be the source of the problem. Johnny Z has come to MSWA on a mission: to take the MSWA title from Aaron. And for the first few weeks of Johnny's presence, it seemed like this might be a one-on-one competition. But that wasn't to be the case as Impact, Inc. revealed their presence before the show opened this past Sunday.

However, this was a different Impact, Inc. in many ways. While Johnny Z was still leading them, the only other active wrestler in the group was IZW Tag Team & GPCW Wichita Moutains Champion Jermaine Johnson. Johnson, together with Montego Seeka as BLK-OUT, had fought two horrendous TLC matches against Johnny Z & Bernie D for those tag team titles. So why would people with as much history as Z and Johnson had join together? That would be revealed later on. Johnson & Z brought their own personal security force, which included former Impact, Inc. member Tommy Revell, as well as their personal photographer (later to be indentified simply as "Ralfus") and sat in the crowd before the show began.

When MSWA comissioner Outlaw hit the ring, he had several things to handle. There was the tag team title situation, which ended with him declaring the belts vacant, due to Blake Albright & TOPW Champion Brandon Groom's interference in the match two weeks prior. And then there was the announcement that SWCW Hardcore Champion Maniac Mike was suing MSWA for $2500 as a result of his life-time suspension at the hands of Outlaw. MSWA asked Outlaw to step down while this matter was resolved and it was after this announcement that Impact, Inc. hit the ring. Johnny Z immediately got in Outlaw's face and called him a chicken. Outlaw countered by saying he simply respected the wishes of the MSWA board of directors, but that wasn't good enough for Johnny. He continued by saying that Outlaw had suspended him 2 months prior, but he returned and was going to prove he was the best thing that MSWA had in their locker room. He demanded a shot at Aaron Neil and the MSWA Title. Outlaw ignored the pleas and turned his attention to Jermaine Johnson, expressing disbelief and asking why Johnson was now associated with Impact, Inc. Johnson said he hadn't been booked on an MSWA show since March and that Outlaw didn't recognize his ability. As a result, he hooked up with someone that could help him and allow him to get to where he wanted to be. Outlaw then turned back to Johnny and said that he knew he wanted a shot at Aaron Neil's title. While he was still planning to step down as commissioner after the show was over, he was still in charge until then and he had a plan. At that point, Aaron Neil's music hit and the champion made his way to the ring.

Aaron said he had never backed down from a challenge in his life and he wasn't going to start now. He also suggested that Johnny Z's real reason for not being on the MSWA shows for a month was because Z knew that Aaron would be there and was scared of him. He practically got on his knees and begged Outlaw to set up the match between himself and Johnny Z and at that point, all hell broke loose. Impact, Inc. attacked Aaron Neil and IZW Security and MSWA security had to use all their forces to keep those two men away from each other. When the melee was over, Outlaw said that now was not the time for the Neil vs.Z match, but both men would have matches on the card. Neil would face Jermaine Johnson and Johnny, who had been begging for a title shot, would get one against MSWA Oklahoma Champion Ky-ote Joe.

Another near riot occurred as Impact, Inc. was being escorted back to the locker room, only this time it was the fans who were almost jumping over the guard rope to get to Johnny and his associates. Things weren't much better when Johnny returned for his title shot. Obviously, this wasn't the title that Johnny wanted, but still, a belt is a belt and it would give him some leverage in the company. Johnny employed the use of his security and Jermaine Johnson's presence to give himself a huge advantage and there was constant interference from the outside forces. Ky-ote Joe, despite the odds, managed to overcome and look as if he was going to get the win with a diving splash off the top rope. But as Johnny had the referee distracted, T. M. S. came out and pushed Joe off the turnbuckle and down to the concrete floor below. The referee administered the 10-count and counted the champion out. Johnson grabbed the Oklahoma title belt and ran into the ring to present it to Johnny when MSWA ring announcer Milton Winkelman reminded them that titles don't change hands on a countout. Still feeling smugly superior, the Impact, Inc. members threw the belt down at the unconscious Ky-ote Joe and went back to the locker room, basking in the boos of the fans.

When it came time for the main event, the feelings towards Impact, Inc. were so negative that several fans had taken cardboard during intermission and fashioned crude, but useful signs expressing their distaste for the faction. Jermaine, Johnny and their cronies made their way to the ring, but before the match began, they took time to publicly express their discontent with the recent Oklafan Mid-Year Report as well as the site itself (calling it "") and making personal attacks on senior editor C. M. Burnham who was present. With that out of the way, Jermaine prepared to face the MSWA Champion,but like in Johnny's match, the presence and near-constant interference of the other Impact,Inc. members and associates put Neil in a 5-on-1 disadvantage. Nevertheless, Neil fought back, even battling Jermaine on the outside amongst the crowd of enemies and managing to give Johnny Z a wedgie in the process. Once again, it looked like Impact, Inc.'s opponent was going to be able to overcome and Neil had Johnson in a pinning predicament when Johnny Z hit the ring and attacked the champion, prompting a DQ. Impact, Inc. didn't care as both members brutally beat down the champion, then demanded that the DJ play their music. The DJ refused, instead playing Aaron Neil's (since he had been declared the winner of the match). This only prompted more violence, then both members left the ring to go and yell in the DJ's face to play their music. They even made it clear that they would continue to beat on Aaron until their music was played. Again, the DJ refused and played Aaron's music. Impact, Inc. simply returned to the ring and continued the beatings until, reluctantly, the DJ saw he had no choice but to play Impact, Inc's music. The vile duo, surrounded by their security goons, stood in celebration in the ring as the fans looked on helplessly towards their fallen champion.

Aaron Neil is obviously a marked man, but the bigger question is how far does Impact, Inc. plan to go with this invasion? Last time, they brought all (then) current members into the fed to wage war, which culminated in a 4-on-4 Elimination match for the future of the company in OKC. At this point, Only Johnny & Jermaine have made their presence known. Blake Albright is a regular member of the MSWA roster, but has been a staunch fan favourite. The question does rise now as to whether he might be a mole of some sort for this invasion. And the status of Bernie D, Johnny's longest confidant and tag team partner of 5 years, seems in limbo right now, based on statements made by Johnny in a recent interview conducted by Ryan James Ragsdale (and posted in the interview section on this website, in two parts). No matter who ends up on their side, Impact, Inc. has made it clear that they mean business. And that business is to screw the fans and MSWA until they get what they want.


Tags: Impact, Inc., MSWA, Brad Michaels, Aaron Neil, IZW, Johnny Z, Jermaine Johnson, Montego Seeka, BLK-OUT, Bernie D, Tommy Revell, Outlaw, Blake Albright, TOPW, Brandon Groom, SWCW, Maniac Mike, Ky-ote Joe, T. M. S., Milton Winkelman, C. M. Burnham

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