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Paul Orndorff studio shoot interview DVD

Paul Orndorff studio shoot interview DVD

Posted: Jul 6th 2009 By: mikeiles


- On-sale now for only $15 plus s/h

- A must own DVD for Paul Orndorff and WWF fans!

- Special autograph options coming soon!

BOSTONWRESTLING.COM and the Millennium Wrestling Federation team to bring you the new series of "The Madness Behind The Mania" Studio Shoot Interview DVD's, this time with special guest WWE Hall of Famer "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff. If you weren't one of the MWF superfans on-hand May 17th, 2009 at MWF Studios (and if so, why weren't you?!?), sit back for two hours and hear Paul Orndorff tell his story, his way. Joined by hosts Dan Mirade, John Cena Sr, and wrestling historian The Jackal, Paul goes into great detail how he broke into the wrestling business. . .his historic rise to fame in WWE. . .his time in WCW, and so much more! If you're a Paul Orndorff fan or someone that loved the WWF of the 1980's, this is a must own!

- Orndorff talks about his football background and how he grew tired of it
- Talks about his first introduction to pro wrestling at his father in laws house and how he got hooked up with Eddie Graham in Florida
- His "try out" with Hiro Matsuda, Robert Fuller, Bob Backlund, Bob Roop and Jack Brisco, and the intense training that went on for seven months.
- How long it took for him to get "smartened up"
- What happened when he asked to bring his father in law to a training session
- Orndorff talks about his pay early on in FL and working the territory
- Thoughts on why he owes Hiro Matsuda so much
- His moving to the Memphis territory
- Moving on to Charlotte through George Scott
- The Jackal talks about Orndorff working St. Louis and the history of the MO Championship
- Orndorff talks about moving on to work for Bill Watts for the better part of four years
- Orndorff goes into the extreme travel working for Watts, seven days a week
- What Jerry Jarrett and Jerry Lawler were like for the nine months he was in Memphis
- Orndorff's personal thoughts on Bill Watts as a promoter, and how his mentality helped his career
- Talk turns to Ernie Ladd's importance to the territory, in and out of the ring
- Talk of NFL players wrestling in the off-season to supplement their income
- Orndorff talks about his NFL contract, compared to what NFL players get today
- Orndorff compares working for the Crocketts to Watts, and how he wasn't a huge fan of the Crocketts
- How the Crockett territory was cliquish
- The Jackal and John Cena Sr. talk about early memories of Orndorff
- Orndorff and Cena talk about today's generation of wrestlers missing out on the learning opportunities that the previous generation had
- Orndorff talks about a younger Jimmy Snuka helped his career before his life began to fall apart due to drug abuse
- Talk goes to the lengths he went to to make sure he never had the same match twice
- Thoughts on his expectations returning to Mid-South for a second time
- Orndorff talks about his one regret not jumping on the chance to go to WWF the first time he was presented the opportunity, and how he felt he could have been given the championship
- The Jackal talks about what an Orndorff-Backlund title program would have been like
- Talk turns to Watts' huge SuperDome events in New Orleans
- Memories of the late Bruiser Brody
- Thoughts inside the wrestling world when word of Brody's murder broke
- Orndorff talks about refusing to go to Puerto Rico to wrestle as a result of the scandal behind Brody's murder
- Was Brody difficult to deal with and do business with?
- Could there ever be a locker room murder like that again?
- The jump from Mid-South to Georgia Championship Wrestling
- Orndorff talks about studying WWF TV before going to NY and how he was going to be different
than what they had at the time
- Talk turns to Georgia trying to sign Orndorff to a contract when he already agreed to go to WWF and the behind the scenes turmoil
- Vince McMahon Sr.'s promise to take care of him for eight months between Georgia and debuting in NY
- Jackal and Cena Sr. talk about their initial impression of Orndorff into the WWF
- Orndorff talks about making what he did believable
- Jackal talks about the list of superstars that jumped ship to WWF
- Jackal and Cena Sr. talk about how Orndorff would have been perfect to be managed by the late Grand Wizard
- Orndorff talks about how he didn't like Roddy Piper as his manager
- Memories of Mrs. Orndorff's reaction to Paul going north
- Thoughts on Hulk Hogan not being worthy of being champion in the early part of his run and why
- Could Orndorff have been as successful as Hogan as champion if given the same push Hogan got?
- Was Hogan as difficult to deal with in the 80's as he was when he got older?
- Thoughts on the late Andre The Giant
- A memorable trip to Studio 54 in NY
- How Andre's condition grew worse as he got older
- Memories on the late Junkyard Dog
- Thoughts on Jimmy Snuka being on the top of the world to falling off the face of the planet after the incident where his girlfriend died, or "murdered" as some have speculated
- Did Snuka's drug problems prevent him from making big money?
- Memories on working with Bruno Sammartino
- Thoughts on Sgt. Slaughter trying to start a union for wrestlers, why Orndorff wanted it, and why it failed
- Was there more of a political situation in WWF than in other territories with so much big money on the line?
- Orndorff not liking the babyface turn post-WrestleMania
- Orndorff talks about getting a part in the Rambo movie, and how WWF wouldn't let him do it
- Orndorff talks about how Stallone has a spot for Orndorff in a Rocky sequal as well, and how he regrets not taking the parts
- Orndorff talks about how he got injured in the ring in Toronto by someone on drugs and how the company failed to take care of him
- Jackal takes the fans through memory line as a babyface Paul Orndorff went to war with the Heenan Family
- Orndorff continues on about how the injury was the end of what he felt was the best of his career, and how he regrets putting off surgery.
- Talk of how big a success the Hogan-Orndorff house show feud in 1986 was
- Orndorff talks of how difficult a wrestlers life was and what they went through working hurt, to the point where he cried at night
- How different would the business have been if Jesse Ventura's attempt to unionize before WrestleMania II been a success?
- Why did Hogan stab the other wrestlers in the back and tell McMahon what was going on, as revealed in court in 1994?
- Talk about trying to disguise Orndorff in tag matches on house shows in early 1987 and how he was left off of the WrestleMania III card
- Thoughts on Jim Duggan and The Iron Sheik getting busted for drugs in May 1987, and how it was bad for the business
- What was the Iron Sheik like back in the 80's during his big WWF run?
- Orndorff talks about how he was focused on hitting the gym instead of the bar/drug scene
- Orndorff thinking Vince got desperate turning him again to feud with the Heenan Family
- Talk of blowing off his final bookings with WWF over his resentment once he got his bowling alley opened up
- What was it like to go from being one of the most recognizable stars in the world to operating a bowling alley in Georgia?
- Orndorff talks about his work with helping kids prevent suicide
- Talk on the newspaper articles that Paul Orndorff died
- What brought Orndorff to the NWA as one of the Dudes With Attitude?
- Differences between WWF and NWA
- Talk of return to WCW in 1993
- Thoughts on feud with Cactus Jack and Mick Foley's future
- Talk of the turnover in WCW with the constant changes in management
- Differences in Bill Watts from Mid-South to running WCW
- Talk of Bill Watts being labeled a racist by Hank Aaron over a newsletter interview
- Locker room reaction to Eric Bischoff being named president
- Was he happy with his WCW run?
- Level of excitement behind the scenes when Hogan and Randy Savage were signed by WCW in 1994?
- Differences in Hogan from the 80's to WCW in 1994
- What kind of a run could Orndorff have had with Savage in their respective primes
- How Savage used to "script" out matches beforehand
- Initial reaction to Nitro kicking off
- Memories of the wild WCW European tours where Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious stabbed each other, and where Mick Foley lost his ear in a battle with Vader
- Has Orndorff spoken with Vader since he beat him up in the locker room?
- How he didn't care about his farewell angle with the Horsemen on Nitro?
- Thoughts on going on to become a trainer and an agent
- Memories of a young Goldberg
- Did Orndorff use any of the techniques Hiro Matsuda used on him in his training?
- How would someone break into the WCW Power Plant?
- How would Orndorff have reacted if he was Bret Hart in the Montreal Screw Job?
- Reflections on the McMahon family
- How would Orndorff liked to be remembered?
- Many more great stories on a "wonderful" career!
BONUS: special phone call from WWE Hall of Famer "Superstar" Billy Graham prior to the taping where a fan wins one of his paintings, and Orndorff and Graham chew the fat.

Run time - 1 hour 54 minutes


Tags: Paul Orndorff, WWF, WWE, Robert Fuller, Bob Roop, Jack Brisco, Bill Watts, Jerry Lawler, Ernie Ladd, MSW, Bruiser Brody, Roddy Piper, Andre the Giant, Junkyard Dog, Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan, NWA, WCW, Cactus Jack, Mick Foley, Vader, Goldberg

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