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Recap of Hillbilly Jim's "Moonshine Matinee" featuring George Steele, Jim Duggan, & Ted DiBiase

Recap of Hillbilly Jim's "Moonshine Matinee" featuring George Steele, Jim Duggan, & Ted DiBiase

Posted: Jul 3rd 2006 By: mikeiles

Starts the show off at 10AM with the usual "Don't Go Messin' With A Country Boy".

Hillbilly says "Yeehaw" is exactly right, says he & cousin Spike are again in the Mudlick, KY studios. He says not only is this the 4th of July weekend, but it's also their 1 year anniversary of "Moonshine Matinee" & he'll be celebrating with a wrestling theme to it.

Plays Jerry Reed's "Amos Moses", ZZ Top's "Just Got Paid", Junior Brown's Hillbilly Jim
promo, Junior Brown's "My Wife Thinks You're Dead", Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings' "Just To Satisfy You".

Hillbilly says welcome back, tells Spike that he's looking good & tells him to pick up a chicken wire that's on the floor & take it outside on top of the barn so they can do some high tech broadcasting. He again says they're celebrating the 4th of July weekend as well as their 1 year anniversary. He gives a shoutout to someone named Joe Stoner who's out to see his Mom, tells him to drive safefully, says he knows he's listening & knows he's heading up to Illinois as well as being 1 of his musician friends. He then plugs his email hillbillyjim@sirius-radio.com & his toll free request line 877-33-SIRIUS & press #63, then says after this break he'll have a guest from the wrestling world on his show. He plugs the Johnny Cash "American 5:A 100 Highways" album that'll be out 7/4.

Plays Johnny Cash's "God's Gonna Cut You Down", Texas Tornados' "Who Were You
Thinkin' Of" & Little Feat's "Let It Roll".

Hillbilly introduces George "The Animal" Steele [via phone] on his show, tells George that whenever he thinks about his business that he's been in for many years, he thinks
about him because both have traveled up & down the road for many years. George says
yes & it was always fun & respectful. Hillbilly says it was & says he's learned so much from George, says George's 1 of the veterans & is 1 of those guys that was there before him. He says George's showed him the ropes & learned things from him & says he ain't sure if he taught George anything but says he's sure that George taught him lots of things.

George says Hillbilly did teach him a little bit & says it was about class, says he means that from the bottom of his heart & calls Hillbilly a class act. Hillbilly says thanks for the compliment, says he thinks about him all the time & the things that he's accomplished in his life. He says people don't realize of some of the things that George's done & asked him to explain as to
what he's done in his career before he got into wrestling. He asks George to talk about
his football days as well as his coaching career so people can see that George's not
just an all star wrestler & a Hall Of Famer.

George says wrestling wasn't a part of his plan when he started, says he graduated from Michigan State University & was football minded all the way. He says blew his knee out & signed with the Buffalo Bills & after that was out of the picture, he started teaching in high school. He says his 1st contract was for $4,300, then says when he signed with the Bills it was a huge contract at the time & it was for $8,500. He says that's how football was then because
there was no union & it was a deal so he started teaching, had at the time 2 kids with a 3rd 1 on the way with a $4,300 yearly deal. He says he realized he had a problem & started looking for work as a bar bouncer with a friend of his.

George say his friend was a wrestling fan & he himself wasn't & found out a couple of things:#1 if you're out looking for a job as a bar bouncer, you shouldn't take a friend & you did partake in the beer & says it was a blessing that he wasn't hired for that job. He says his friend talked him into calling Burt Ruby who was a local Detroit promoter at 2:30AM & growled on the phone, Hillbily says Burt thought it was a rib & George says Burt laughed & was woken up. George says Burt asked him a couple of questions & invited George over the next day which he says was surprising. He says at the time he didn't know anything about wrestling, then says in a way he still don't & says he does a little bit of it now.

George says he knocked on Burt's door & when Burt opened it, took 1 look at George & said "Beautiful". George thought "Uh oh, switchhitter" & says he didn't know what to think. He says Burt introduced him to his wife, his mother-in-law & his 2 kids & then he relaxed. He then says Burt took him into his office & told George very little about the wrestling business, because promoters didn't want wrestlers to know too much. He says during the conversation, he told Burt
about his teaching & says he wasn't sure if he wanted to be known as a wrestler & a teacher. So Burt decided that George would wear a mask & wrestle as "The Student" since he's learning the business.

George says that Burt told him to take his jacket off & then after that Burt told him to take his shirt off, says he was starting to wonder as to what's going on here. He says when Burt saw the hair & the body, Hillbilly interuped & says Burt saw "The Animal" then, says that's what everyone in WWF worldwide saw & says he'll get into more on that later. He asks George if he remembers Hank Williams, George says yes & Hillbilly says well this is his grandson Hank III.

Plays Hank Williams III's "I Don't Know", Travis Tritt's "Here's A Quarter [Call Someone Who Cares]" & Dave Alvin's "4th Of July".

Hillbilly says welcome back with him & George Steele & tells George that it's good for him to be part of his 1 year anniversary. George says anything that he does he wants to be a part of it. Hillbilly says both of them had lots of fun over the years, says George has told him many stories & asks George to tell 1 story about his 1st match & asks him to tell where it was because the
fans would like to hear about it. George says it was in Kalamazoo, Michigan, says he showed up with a mask that he made up himself from a girdle & says it was a silly looking thing because where do you get a mask if you don't know what you're doing.

George then says he don't remember the name of his 1st opponent who was about 400 lbs, Hillbilly says George's told him several times but the name escapes him right now. George says at his age he forgets lots of things & Hillbilly says he's right behind him too. George says the opponent would work as the WCW ring guy later on who was a big guy that carried the rope & was a lumberjack type guy. He says Burt told him to go in the ring & have a "shoot" with the opponent & says at that time he didn't know what a shoot was. Hillbilly then explains as to what a "shoot" is, which is real wrestling by going on the mat & doing some real hard moves.

George says both he & his opponent were pushing each other real hard for about 12 minutes, says both thought they were gonna die & says when it was over, he wasn't sure if he wanted to wrestle again & says it was a horrible & terrible experience. He says pushing the 400lb guy was tough & wishes he could remember his name & says that goes with age. Hillbilly says it wasn't so different the 1st time George got in the ring even when the time he 1st began like training, but says there's no experience like getting in the ring because what you do is that you blow up. He says you don't realize that you tighten up, you don't know how to relax in there & asks George if it's a strange thing.

George says he remembers Hillbilly being with him when The Ultimate Warrior 1st came in WWF, says Warrior runs in the ring & shakes the ropes & dying. He says later on Warrior was in the car with both George & Hillbilly & says Hillbilly would ask George to tell Warrior as to what he needs to learn. So George looked into Warrior's eye & said "son, you need to learn to breathe". George says Hillbilly looked at him like he was nuts & then George says he told Warrior that every time he'd go & pick someone up he'd hold his breath but tells him to keep on
breathing. Hillbilly tells George that his stories are amazing, then says George had someone amazing feuds in WWF & mentions the 1 with Randy "Macho Man" Savage with Miss Elizabeth.

Hillbilly says he remembers it being 1 of the greatest things & says it was like "Beauty & The Beast". George says yes & explains as to how he got into WWF, says Bruno Sammartino way back then was champ & came to Detroit & spotted George in his mask & invited him to Pittsburgh. He says he went to Pittsburgh with his mask on & the promoters told him they didn't want a masked man, says he told them that he didn't want to use his real name Jim Myers
& says Johnny DeFazio [I assume that's how the last name's spelled] who later became
the President of the Steelworkers Union told George that since Detroit's the steel city, let's call you Jim Steele.

George says he liked the named Steele, but didn't like Jim & when someone suggested the name George & then says he wanted to says that he loved that because he was 39 years old in 1 half of his body. He then says people would ask him as to why he had a green tongue, says he started because a guy talked him into it because he had a drink. He says he was on a TV show in Pittsburgh & had a drink & then puts some Clorets in his mouth & says he didn't know his tongue was green. He says the switchboard lit up & says the next day at the Civic Arena, there were signs everywhere with a green tongue hanging out & says what developed from that for him was the best breath in wrestling.

Hillbilly says that turned out to be 1 of the best gimmicks of all time, George says it was a good breath, Hillbilly says he don't know if George's a gimmick or not & says he'll talk with more of George later on.

Plays Johnny Horton's "The Ballad Of New Orleans", Billy Joe Shaver's "Mother Trucker" & Jerry Lee Lewis' "What's Made Milwaukee Famous".

Hillbilly says again he's celebrating his 1 year anniversary of his show, tells George that the stories that he's telling are the greatest. He asks George to talk about his movie career where he played a part in the "Ed Wood" movie. George says they called him up & told him he looked like the movie star Tor Johnson, says he didn't know who he was & was excited when he told his
wife & says his wife's response was "you look like a movie star?" He says he told his wife yes, then as he researched the part he found out that his part of being Tor Johnson, who was a guy that did monster movies without makeup.

Hillbilly says that movie's now a cult movie, says it's great & George's part is amazing. He says he was so excited & when to 1 of George's favorite towns in Pittsburgh to see the movie. He says he was saw that movie, he was beating with pride because he was saying "that's my buddy right there & he's a movie star". George says it wasn't too long ago that he told Hillbilly that he should get his own website & says Hillbilly looked at him like he was nuts & told George that he's just a country boy. Hillbilly says that's true, says both have sites now: www.hillbillyjim.com & asks George to plug his own site if anyone wants to contact him
for personal appearances. George says it's www.georgetheanimalsteele.com , says there's all kinds of info on there, says there's a link for people to ask questions & they answer fans very honestly. He says there's a link about his coaching where he's coached football for 25 years. Hillbilly says George's in the Michigan Hall Of Fame, George says yes he's in the Football
Coaches Hall Of Fame in Michigan as well as the Coaches Hall Of Fame. He then plugs the Pro Wrestling Hall Of Fame as www.pwhf.com. George says he's in all 4 of these & says something about being voted into the Hall Of Shame. Hillbilly asked him as to how it was being inducted in '95 when [WWE] inducted him, says he was happy when they inducted him, says he had to be in there & asked as to who the others that was inducted with him at that time. George says
it was Ernie "The Cat" Ladd & calls him a class act, says when Vince [McMahon] does
something he does it right. He then says the Pro Wresting Hall Of Fame is a museum in Amsterdam, NY, says it's done right & says they try to maintain the past & says Vince keeps plowing ahead as hard to stay up with them. Hillbilly says he's priviledge to have been
around guys like George as well as the Mr. Fuji's, the Harley Race's, says to have been
around guys like George on a personal note was just an honor for him. He says he's so
glad that he can tell people that both he & George over the years have kept in touch with each other. He tells George that he loves him, his wife & says both are great folks. He then asks George that before he leaves if he can again plug his site, George again plugs it & says even if they type down www.georgesteele.com , it'll take them to the other site. He tells Hillbilly that whether he's on the phone or not, that he should tell the fans about "Earl The Dead Cat".

Hillbilly says he will after the next break, tells George that he appreciates him coming on his show, tells him that he's the 1st guy that he thought of when he was getting his 1 year anniversary ready. He again tells George that he loves him & says if anyone gets a chance to see George, you need to check him out & says if you ever get a chance to talk to him, you'll be impressed because he's impressive in life as well as in wrestling. George says congradulations on Hillbilly's 1 year anniversary, Hillbilly says thanks & he'll talk to him soon.

Plays Wayne Hancock's "Kansas City Blues", Hank Williams Jr.'s 4th of July promo
for Outlaw Country & Steve Earle's "Telephone Road".

Hillbilly says his show's a cooker, says it's hotter than the 4th of July which's around the corner. He again says this is his 1 year anniversary, says Spike's on top of the roof & says he's holding up the heavy duty broadcasting equipment up there such as antennas so we can get some cool vibes & his wrestling buddies to call in. He says he's putting some bodyslams on your weekend
needs, says he hopes you're digging this & loving it & mentions of George telling him to talk about "Earl The Dead Cat" which was a gimmick that he created. He says they [WWF] changed it into a sock character called "Mine".

He says the reason he did that is that someone found 1 of those "Earl The Dead Cat" things, gave it to Hillbilly & put it in his bag & threw it to George 1 time. He says George laughing & playing with it & then he saw a light come onto George's head that gave him an idea. He says that George said "You know, I'd like to merchandise something like this", then says George took
it to the WWF merchandising folks & they created a little stuffed character called "Mine". He says it had a little green tongue & 5 arms on it, says it was like a little weird thing that George carried around. He says that's the story on that, says George has millions more of stories, says he himself has lots of stories & says he'll get more of his friends on the show.

Plays Loretta Lynn's "Somebody Somewhere", Jim Lauderdale's "Hole In My Head", Jason & The Scorchers' "Lost Highway" & Elvis Presley's "Kentucky Rain".

Hillbilly says "Kentucky Rain" is his favorite Elvis song & plugs the Elvis channel, then introduces "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan [via phone] on his show. Duggan says hi & the 1st thing he has to do is give a big "HOOOOOOO!" Hillbilly says that's what we're looking for, Duggan says that fires him up & gets him ready to go in the morning. Hillbilly says he saw him on the Fan Axxess tour back in January, says Duggan looked great & got to see Deb [his wife] & the kids & said they all looked great. He tells Duggan that he looked like he turned back the hands of time & asks him as to what the secret is to his longevity.

Duggan says he don't know & had the opportunity to return to WWE, says that was a motivation for him & he dropped 45 lbs, trained hard, says as you get older you get more health conscious & says that was another motivating factor. Hillbilly says he's never seen Duggan look better, says his spirit's there & has watched some of his matches. He tells Duggan that it's his 1 year
anniversary, Duggan says congradulations & Hillbilly says he's enjoyed it & has so much fun. He says to know that he came from wrestling & have buddies like Duggan, says Duggan's an inspiration at 4th of July time & says when he thinks of the 4th of July, he always thought about the man that carried the flag & the 2X4 in the ring & that's Duggan.

Duggan says thanks & says he still carries the flag & 2X4, says it's great to go out not only in the USA, but overseas & carry the stars & stripes & having worldwide fans chanting "USA" & says there's nothing like it. Hillbilly says it don't get no better, then says Duggan's from Glens Falls, NY was quite an athlete in high school. He says Duggan was a state champion wrestler, a
great football player & asked him if he took a football scholarship at SMU. Duggan says yes, Hillbilly says he's listened to everything that Duggan's ever said & Duggan says no wonder he's doing so well in radio & says he's got the mind for it & he's very sharp.

Hillbilly says he was able to take some chair shots by Dr. Death Steve Williams & some
headbutts by Junk Yard Dog & asked Duggan if he took some of those from The Freebirds. Duggan says yes, then Hillbilly says both came from a magical time & when he comes back after the break, he wants Duggan to talk about the territories that he's been in. He tells Duggan that he's worked for Bill Watts [UWF] & elsewhere & has been a star everywhere he's been. He
then says he'll play a song for Duggan.

Plays Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone", Dwight Yoakam's Hillbilly Jim promo, Dwight Yoakam's "Turn It On, Turn It Up, Turn Me Loose" & Rolling Stones' "Sweet Virginia".

Hillbilly again plugs his email & toll free request line, then tells Duggan that it's amazing to think about his career & what he's been through. He again tells Duggan that he's been in different territories & asked Duggan to talk about his early days when he broke in like in the south. Duggan says he originally broke in at Dallas, TX & worked for Fritz Von Erich [WCCW], says he
met Fritz on a recruting trip & says back then the business had lots of territories nationwide & says there were probably 10 or 12 territories. He says he went from Mid-South to Georgia Championship Wrestling to Florida All Star Wrestling, then back to South West Wrestling in San Antonio.

Duggan says his 1st major break came in Mid South in the Louisiana territory, says that's where he developed the "Hacksaw" character, started carrying the flag & the board & then left to go to WWF "back in the good old days". Hillbilly asks Duggan as of all of his matches & if he can think of 1 feud that really comes to mind, says he knows it's hard to pick 1 but asks him to do so. Duggan says the 1 match that sticks out in his head was the main event vs Andre
The Giant in Madison Square Garden. He calls that the crowning point in his career to work with Andre at The Garden, says it was a thrill & it turned him from a mid card guy to in main event level & says that's something he'll always appreciate of Andre doing that for him.

Hillbilly says he'll be selfish for a bit by saying he remembers many matches on where both he & Duggan tagged up vs Andre & "King" Haku, Duggan says he remembers it & calls that a rough day at the office. Hillbilly says he remembers 1 night both wrestled Andre & Haku in Glens
Falls, New York, Duggan says that might've been a rough night when you're close to your home town, you get really fired up especially when carrying the 2X4 & gives a "HOOOOOOO!". Hillbilly says he's fired up & can feel it & says it's like the old times, he asks Duggan has a celebrity golf
tournament that he does yearly.

Duggan says it's for the Children's Home Society in Florida: www.chsfl.org , says he's been involved in that for almost 4 years & says it's great. He says most of the celebrities are football players or retired baseball players & they're a little reserved. He says it's different to have a pro wrestling golf tournament, says when he comes out he has the two 12 gage bandelleros full of golf balls & says he looks like a bandit. He says they introduce everyone they say hello & when they say "professional wrestler Hacksaw Jim Duggan", he has to give them a "HOOOOOOOO!" & the place chants "USA". He says it's a little different atmosphere for a golf tournament, but they have lots of fun & raise money for a good cause.

Duggan says he does other charity work by doing stuff for the Variety Club in Des Moines, IA: www.varietyofiowa.org where they do a yearly telethon. Then mentions doing stuff for Paul Newman's "Hole In The Wall" charity: www.holeinthewallcamps.org , says that's a great one because they do the "world's selfish championship" in Key West. Hillbilly asks him if he'd like to return on his show, Duggan says yes & Hillbilly says both will do an hour of what Duggan has going on & asks Hillbilly if there's anyway that fans can contact him. Duggan plugs www.hacksawjimduggan.com , says he needs to update it a bit & says he ain't as quick as Hillbilly is on the computer with all this new technology.

Hillbilly says he has to keep it fresh, Duggan says he himself's working on that & says fans can contact him thru there. He mentions he was at the WWE "Vengeance" PPV recently in Charlotte, says it's great with these young guys are really alot of fun. He says it's the most fun he's had in his wrestling career & has had a chance to come back at this stage in his life & get a
taste. Hillbilly says it's a hoot to have a legend like Duggan, says as a friend from him to Duggan he's always had respect for him. He says Duggan's got a wonderful family, says he's met his wife Deb & the kids & says his daughters are beautiful. He says Duggan's got his hands full & says he loves him.

Hillbilly says if you hear some static, it's because Spike's on top of the roof holding up some high tech broadcasting equipment. He tells Duggan he sounds good but in the studio he might get a little scratchy, tells Duggan he appreciates him coming on the show, loves him & will see him again. He says he can't wait to see Duggan back in the ring & says anytime Duggan's involved with anything, you should check it out because Hillbilly told you so. He says goodbye to
Duggan & Duggan says he hopes to see him on his 2nd, 3rd & 4th anniversaries & says
goodbye with a "HOOOOOOO!".

Plays Buck Owens' "I've Got A Tiger By The Tail", Ray Wylie Hubbard's "Rock-N-Roll Is A Vicious Game", Robert Earl Keen's "Amarillo Highway", James McMurtry's "We Can't Make It Here".

Hillbilly says "We Can't Make It Here" is from the album "Childish Things", says again he's in Mudlick having a rootin' tootin' rooster of a bodyslamming weekend. He says recently he was talking to the folks at the NFL channel, says they were nice to him & they promoted his show for
this week as his 1 year anniversary show. He says they're the best over there & are just
great & says he wants to send this next song ["The Man That Turned My Mama On"] to a legendary football man named Coach Dan Reeves. He says Reeves' 1 of the greatest of all time, says he's sure he'll love this because he hears that Reeves listens to his show & says if he's listening, to call him because he'd like to talk to him.

Plays Tanya Tucker's "The Man That Turned My Mama On", The Flying Burrito Brothers' "High Fashion Queen", Matt Hardy's Hillbilly Jim promo, The Highwaymen's "It Is What It Is" & Emmylou Harris' "Leaving Louisiana In The Broad Daylight".

Hillbilly says things are perculating around here & says if he sounds excited it's that he's hotter than the 4th of July. He then tells people to be careful during this weekend, & says if you're boating on the water don't drink & drive on the water. He says if you're operating barbeques like
Spike does, make sure you don't put carosine in it because Spike almost had a bad accident in last year's 4th of July. He tells Spike to get back up on the roof & to take some static out because he's hearing some & says after the break, he says he'll have [as he says it]:"The Man Of The Hour, The Man With The Power, The Man That's Got So Much Money That He Can Buy
Anything" & says it's the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase.

Plays Merle Haggard's "Red Bandana", The Outlaws "There Goes Another Love Song", John Anderson's "Black Sheep", Red Foley's "Night Train To Memphis".

Hillbilly again plugs his email & toll free request line, again says he's having a hootnanny because it's his 1 year anniversary of his show & then introduces DiBiase [via phone] on his show. DiBiase asks what's going on, Hillbilly says it's good to hear him & says DiBiase brings him so many memories every time he sees him. He says it's like years ago when he got in the
ring with him in Madison Square Garden or wherever & says every time he was in the ring with DiBiase he knew he'd learn something & tells Ted that he knew what he was doing in the ring. Ted says when Hillbilly would say he's a "not so smart hillbilly" was all a cover & says Hillbilly's a strong fella & he had more than his body could handle when he got in the ring with him.

Hillbilly says every time he thinks about him, people don't know that Ted comes from a wrestling background, says his father [Iron Mike DiBiase] was a great wrestler & says he heard his Dad will soon be inducted into the Iowa Wrestling Hall Of Fame. Ted says he's looking forward to that
on 7/15 & 7/16 where he'll be in Iowa, he says his dad, several others as well as Dory Funk Sr. will be inducted [NOTE: It's really from 7/14 to 7/15, it's at the International Wrestling Institute & Museum]. Anyhow Ted says Dory & his dad were good friends & he's excited to be there to accept the award for his dad.

Ted says the other great thing about this is that 2 of his 3 sons [Teddy & Michael] are now training to wrestle with Harley Race's school in Elden, MO & will appear at 1 of Harley's shows (World League Wrestling). He says this'll be his son's 2nd match & says that's exciting.
Hillbilly says Harley was the 9 time real world champ & says he'll tell you. He says he's excited & didn't know that about Ted's kids, says he remembers them being little & says if they got any of their grandpappy or their daddy in them, they'll be something else in the ring.

Hillbilly says it won't be long before they'll be calling his number & putting Ted in the WWE Hall Of Fame & says he has to be in there. Ted says WWE hasn't called them yet, Hillbilly says don't worry it'll happen & says he knows things. He tells Ted that after the next break, they go into the "Backstage Pass" segment, it'll be about DiBiase & he'll let DiBiase do it for this week. He asks Ted if he likes B.B. King & Van Morrison & Ted says yes & Hillbilly says he'll play a song by them.

Plays B.B. King & Van Morrison's "Early In The Mornin'", BR5-49's "Me 'N' Opie [Down
By The Duck Pond]", Big & Rich's Outlaw Country promo, Big & Rich's "Filthy Rich" &
Mac Wiseman's "Johnny's Cash & Charley's Pride".

Hillbilly says he's having himself a wonderful 4th of July weekend, says Spike just came back & has his high tech broadcasting equipment & has everything going. But says the main thing's that Ted's on the phone & says he's glad he's with him today. Ted says he's happy to talk to him & it's been a long time, Hillbilly says people don't know that Ted's been working behind
the scenes in WWE at the Stamford offices. He says he just found out that Ted will be
going back on the road doing things that he's really good at doing by teaching guys
[the talent] & working the shows. Ted says yes that he'll be a full time agent starting
now, says he'll be traveling to Philadelphia for a "Supershoot" [it's really a Supershow]
on Monday.

Ted says on that day they'll do Raw live on Monday & ECW on Tuesday both in the same place [at the Wachovia Center]. Hillbilly says they need him there & says it's time for his "Backstage Pass" & explains to Ted that every week he picks a wrestler from the business either from a long time ago or someone that he knows & says again that this week's about Ted. He says he'll start of by saying that Ted "cut his teeth" in the business by being in a wrestling family & started early. He asks Ted as to what his 1st match was as well as his thoughts about it. Ted says he really started as a referee, says he was going to college & was playing football at West Texas State University.

Hillbilly says Tito Santana was from down there, Ted says yes & says he, Tito & Tully Blanchard were all on the same football team. He says there were 13 wrestlers that came out of West Texas State & says it started with the Funk Brothers [Terry & Dory Jr.]. Ted then mentions Dusty Rhodes, Bobby Duncum Sr., Stan Hansen & others, again says he started out as a ref before actually wrestled. He then says his 1st match was that since they didn't have anyone to wrestle & were looking for someone to fill in, says Terry Funk called him & asked as to what he was doing. Ted told Funk that he's been training with the Romeros & don't think anyone remembers them.

Ted says back then they used to do deals that way by just throwing you in there, says he was scared to death [for his 1st match] & says after he did his 1st match in the summer when he started full time, was with a Japanese wrestler named Akio Sato in El Paso, TX. He says he was shaking in his boots, Hillbilly tells Ted that he forgot to breathe & says everyone talks about blowing up & explains that "blowing up in the ring" is that when you get in the ring & forget what you're doing & your body locks up. He says young guys are bad for doing that & says he was bad for doing that his whole career. He tells Ted that he guarantees that throughout his WWF career that he never blew up & he was 1 guy that can never blow up.

Hillbilly asks him if he has any memorable moments that he wants to share with the listeners, says he knows Ted had a story career in Bill Watts' territory as well as other territories but wants to know if there's any moment or 2 that sticks out in his head of the wrestling business. Ted says there's a couple, says in anyone's career there's milestone markers with dates & events that you remember that set a course for you & says his 1st match was 1 of them.
He says started going from 1 territory to another then, then spent most of his time either with Watts in Mid South or in Atlanta & went back & forth between the 2.

Ted says his 1st real milestone that said that he'll go on, be great & do real good was the 1st main event that he had. He says that was in St.Louis, MO vs Harley Race, says Race was the world champ at that time & he went there & wrestled Race. He says back then, St. Louis was like a "hub city" where it was like a territory of itself. He says if you were a star or of someone
with potential in the region territories in the USA & if they brought you into St.Louis & if you got over in St.Louis, the press that you'd get out of there in the wrestling magazines & the word that traveled would set you up. Hillbilly tells Ted to hold on because he has to play a tune & when they return, he wants Ted to finish up about his match with Race & asks him to talk about
the story of the Million Dollar Belt.

Plays Pure Prairie League's "Amie", Johnny Russell's "Rednecks, White Socks & Blue Ribbon Beer" & Rodney Crowell's "Old Pipeliner".

Hillbilly tells Ted to continue his story about him wrestling Race, Ted says that was the 1st big main event of his life & says both would wrestle to almost a 1 hour draw. He says it'd be 56 minutes & Race took the fall & says that was the milestone of his career that launched him & let the wrestling world know who he was with articles of him in the wrestling magazines. He says prior to that, he had his 1st run in New York in '79 to early '80 & says as '80 came, he went back to Mid South. He says the 1st time he went to New York in the old WWWF when Vince McMahon Sr. was running it & working for him, then says his last match there was at
Madison Square Garden [12/19/1979].

Ted says he was leaving the next day to go to Louisiana & Mid South & says in his last match, he wrestled someone named Hulk Hogan & it was Hulk's 1st match in Madison Square Garden. Hillbilly says that's trivia there & probably lots of people didn't know that match was Hulk's 1st match at The Garden & says he probably took Hulk to school that day. He then asks Ted to talk about the Million Dollar Belt, says he remember when they 1st did it everyone was looking & laughing at it & asked Ted if it ever got over. Ted says yes & says the story behind that by saying there was talk that he'll be the next WWF champ, says he won't name anybody but says "to appease personalities in the business", it was decided as to why would the Million
Dollar Man want the WWF title.

Ted says he tried to buy it, says that was the NBC special ["The Main Event" 2/5/1988] &
says it was the 1st time that wrestling was on national network TV. He says he was involved in it not by wrestling, but was part of the main event with Hulk vs Andre. He says the deal was when Andre wins, he buys the belt by paying Andre off when he beats Hulk. He says they had twin referees [Dave & Earl Hebner], says the bad ref [Earl] counted Hulk down & he got the belt. Then Ted said this went onto Wrestlemania 4 where he wrestled Randy "Macho Man" Savage in the last match of the tournament, says Savage beat him to be the new champ & then Ted goes out saying that he didn't need that stinking belt but he'll make his own.

Hillbilly says Ted got a better 1 too & Ted says that's how the Million Dollar Belt was born. He says people always asked him is it [Million Dollar Belt] real & says if it was real they [WWF] wouldn't let him walk around with a million dollar belt. He says he'd be robbed & have armed guards with him & says what people don't know, is that when the belt was made the value then was $40,000. He says it was made & designed by a world renowed jeweler in Greenwich, CT named named Betteridge Jewelers & says it's a very well known place. Hillbilly asks him as to where the belt is now & Ted says it's in a safe at WWE Headquarters.

Hillbilly says that's amazing stuff & asks Ted if there's anyway fans can contact him for appearances. Ted says he has 2 sites, he 1st plugs www.milliondollarman.com & says it
needs to be updated but does have contact info on there. He then says many of his fans know that he's also a minister & has a ministry site called Heart Of David Ministry. He says the easiest way to go on his milliondollarman.com link & find it there says Heart Of David has a phone number where you can call them if you're interested in a speaking engagement. He says he appears in high schools when he has time, says lots of it's time related & plugs the number

Hillbilly says this is great, says he can tell him as to how everyone in the studio's so happy to have him on the show. He says Ted's always been a favorite buddy & always enjoyed their time together & he's sure they'll have many more. Ted says he can't wait, Hillbilly says he wishes him luck in everything he does & he'll have Ted back on again where they'll talk longer. He again
tells Ted that he appreciates him being on his 1 year anniversary, Ted says congradulations on it & hopes Hillbilly has many more to come. Hillbilly says he knows that Ted likes David Allan Coe & says he'll play a song by him.

Plays David Allan Coe's "This Old Truck", Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Don't Look Now", Hank Williams Jr.'s 4th of July promo for Outlaw Country & Hank Williams' "Lost Highway".

Hillbilly says it's hotter than July because it IS July, says it's around the corner of the 4th Of July & says it's cool inside with his show's 1 year anniversary. He thanks everyone like his producers for putting his show together, says Spike's running around getting the soda water, pops & stuff. He says he's having a wonderful show just like he'll have every other week & he'll make sure you know what's on his mind. He again plugs his email & toll free request line &
says this is about you, it's the people's music & what y'all want.

Plays The Charlie Daniels Band's "Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye", Molly Hatchet's "Beatin' The Odds" & Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Air's "Looking At The World Through A Windshield".

Hillbilly says he hopes you've enjoyed that last song because he does, he also says he hoped you've enjoyed the guests that he had on today's show because he says he likes it. He says he wants to do more of bringing some of his old wrestling buddies on the show because he hasn't spoken to them in a while. He again plugs his toll free request line & says Spike just reminded him to plug the email again also. He then says if you're driving anywhere in the USA, this
next song ["The Pusher"] will make you step on the pedal.

Plays Steppenwolf's "The Pusher", The Allman Brothers Band's "Ramblin' Man", John Cena's Hillbilly Jim promo & Charley Pride's "Does My Ring Hurt Your Finger".

Hillbilly says that Pride song's from '67, says Cowboy Jack Clement & Shooter Jennings shows follows his . He says it's good to play these great tunes & says when he thinks of this next man, he thinks about legends. He says this person's wrote many songs & had a story career, but says the tributes keep coming for him. He says he's talking about Kris Kristofferson, says this is a tribute album for him called "The Pilgrim:A Collection Of Kris Kristofferson Tunes". He says 1 of the hottest little old country girls in the world named Gretchen Wilson's gonna lay a song for you now.

Plays Gretchen Wilson's "Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down", Charlie Robison's "Desperate Times" & Waylon Jennings' "Clyde".

Hillbilly thanks the fans for helping him celebrate his 1 year anniversary by the emails & phone requests that he's been getting. He says this makes it so much easy in Mudlick to bring it to you, says he's tickled pink & says everyone in the studio's like a bunch of possoms by showing all of their teeth now. He says whenever he thinks about this next guy [Johnny Paycheck], says he's gone but no one can deliever a song like him & says his version of this song's amazing. He says he had a big hit with this song even though it was written by David Allan Coe, but this guy had a huge hit with it.

Plays Johnny Paycheck's "Take This Job & Shove It", Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Gimme 3 Steps" & Bobby Bare's "Detroit City".

Hillbilly says by looking at the clock on the wall, he & Spike has to go home. He says he hoped you've enjoyed his 1 year anniversary show with the great guests that called in & again plugs Clement's show. He thanks Spike & his producer Steve Popavich Jr. & says he'll see you next week.

Ends the show with Jimmy Martin's "6 Days On The Road" & Bruce Springsteen's "Viva Las Vegas", show ends at 2:01PM.


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