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2 top Oklahoma talents headed to Louisville?

2 top Oklahoma talents headed to Louisville?

Posted: Jun 1st 2005 By: oklastaff

Oklafan has been informed that 2 top Oklahoma talents are planning to leave the area in late July and head to Louisville, possibly to OVW.

Chris Matthews and current MSWA Champion Angel Williams have been mainstays in Oklahoma and Texas, competing for practically every federation there is. Matthews? record includes reigns as MSWA Tri-State Champion and a 3-time Asylum Championship Wrestling Champion. Williams is the current ACW Champion, his second reign, and is also the current MSWA Champion. He?s held that title more than any other wrestler in the federation. He also has a reign as Mid-South Tag Team Champion in the record books.

Oklafan contacted 2 of their fellow wrestlers for opinions about these performers. ACW owner & promoter Brandon Bishop said that when he thought of them, he thought of "loyalty." and he was happy that they were so helpful to train and work with so much of the younger talent, including himself. He believes if he sees them on WWE TV soon, he"ll know he?s done the right thing during their time in ACW and they "leave with (his) blessing to go make some waves in the wrestling world".

Former SRPW Champion Luc Lapointe said that Williams has "a look that can really take him places" and that Matthews "will learn from everyone he works with in the ring". He summed up their chances at success by saying "Both these guys should do really well out there"

Oklafan wishes both of these competitors well in their journey away from Oklahoma. We sincerely hope to see their names in print again soon.


Tags: Chris Matthews, MSWA, Angel Williams, ACW, Briandon Bishop, WWE, SRPW, Luc Lapointe

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