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Brutal Bouts and Broken Bones at Hardcore Hallelujah

Brutal Bouts and Broken Bones at Hardcore Hallelujah

Posted: Mar 23rd 2009 By: mikeiles

Hardcore Hallelujah was one of the most violent and action packed shows of the year and was in front of a complete capacity crowd. Match after match left its combatants battered and broken. The Double Main Event left four SWCW stars with serious injuries.

-The night started with a HUGE announcement. Miss Sheila took to the ring and after seperating a situation between Shane Sanchez and SWCW Champion Kevin James Sanchez she dropped a bomb. She let Kevin James know that because this was Hardcore Hallelujah that his one-on-one title defense wouldn't be just any match... but a Lumberjack Match. She then added that it would be Kevin James putting his title up against Kevin Morgan and... "The Monster" 3rd Rail.

-The fans were treated to three wrestling showcases but the mayhem got really going after the 3rd match when Xavior and Havoc took to the ring. Xavior told Havoc to take a seat at ringside and enjoy what he was a bout to do. Xavior then launched into a tirade, blasting Havoc's long-time rival and Xavior's former executive consultant Damon Windsor. It didn't take long for Windsor to answer to Xavior's statements as he stormed to the ring and snatched the microphone. Windsor fired back with comments and then siad that he wanted to be fair and he would flip a coin, if it landed heads then the two would go their seperate ways without a fight. If it was tails then he would kick Xavior's *** all over the UnderGround Arena. Windsor flipped the coin and before it hit the ground he decked Xavior and the two launched into what can only be described as a war.
Windsor and Xavior brawled all over the arena and as Windsor was about to hit the "One Night Stand" DDT, Xavior scored a low-blow and captured Windsor in his patented "Cut-Throat Clutch" . As Windsor was almost out the speakers roared with Kevin Morgan's theme song, as Morgan came to the ramp Xavior grabbed the branding iron he had taken from Outlaw. As he prepared to battle with Morgan, non other than Outlaw emerged from the crowd, took out Havoc and struggled with Xavior over the branding iron. Outlaw then released the iron and it slammed into Xavior's head, he stumbeled back into Windsor's One Night Stand for the three count.

-After intermission Rage Logan hit the ring accompanied by Lady Starwind against her will. Logan recapped his breaking of Sage's neck at the last show, taking pleasure in his action and vowing to continue to dominate the cruiserweight division. This prompted Sage to make his way to the ring with his neck still in a brace from the previous show. Sage brought out Miss Sheila who again put her power to use as she banned the Dragon Suplex, the very move that Logan used to injure Sage. Logan, irate, then decided to use his power to force Starwind (whose contract is owned by Logan) to kiss his hand in a sign of servitude. Sage had seen enough and dropped Logan with a big punch.
Logan's opponent for the night, Ozzy Hendrix made his way to the ring and the match got underway. Ozzy showed off his many highflying moves, though Logan's experience showed though. Logan eventually got tired of Hendrix continuing to fight back and hooked him in a full nelson, though referee Rob Justice warned him, Logan drove Hendrix down with a Dragon Suplex causing a disqualification and leaving Hendrix hurting.

-Now it was time for the LumberJack Triple threat for the SWCW title. The three men absolutley left everything in the ring as they pulled out every stop. At one point 3rd Rail was sent from the ring and Kevin Morgan gorilla-pressed Kevin James Sanchez over his head and threw him onto Rail and the lumberjacks. With some still ailing from that amazing maneuver, Morgan took off and soared over the top rope onto the entire mass of humanity.
In the mayhem, Morgan's long time rival Xavior was able to snag Morgan's leg and keep him out of the ring long enough for 3rd Rail to nail a Rail Bomb on Kevin James and get the win. After the match Kevin Morgan demanded a match with Xavior at the next show, that match will be... a last man standing match.
***Injury Update: Durin the SWCW title match, Kevin James Sanchez sustained a debilitating back injury and required medical attention. More updates as the information comes in.

-The 2nd part of the main event was a fatal four-way match for the Hardcore Title. Damien Morte, Shane Sanchez, Romo and SWCW Hardcore Champion Kareem Sadat tore each other to pieces...literally. After slamming each other with tables, golf clubs, hockey sticks, chairs, ladders and yes...even the kitchen sink. Late in the match Kareem Sadat took Morte up onto the crowd ramp and powerbombed him onto the announce table. Sadat made his way back to the ring and in a storm of mayhem, managed to retain his beloved title.
*** Injury Update: In this match Damien Morte recieved a concussion, Kareem Sadat injured his knee, and Shane Sanchez suffered a broken hand. Sadat and Morte have been advised to refrain from hardcore matches. Sanchez however may be out of action for as long as 3-months.

Also at Hardcore Hallelujah:
Maniac Mike defeated Romo
Devon Monroe defeated Havoc
The Good Ol' Boys (Moonshine & Bud Barnes) w/ Outlaw defeated
Tyson Jaymes and Spur the Clown to become the new
SWCW Tag Team Champions.
Hardcore Hallelujah certainly lived up to its name. Be sure to check out the videos at and come see all the aftermath at our next show on April 11th.
Sooner World Class Wrestling- Oklahoma's Home For Action!!!


Tags: SWCW, Miss Sheila, Shane Sanchez, Kevin James Sanchez, Kevin Morgan, 3rd Rail, Xavior, Havoc, Damon Windsor, Outlaw, Rage Logan, Lady Starwind, Sage, Ozzy Hendrix, Rob Justice, Damien Morte, Romo, Kareem Sadat, Maniac Mike, Devon Monroe, Good Ol' Boys, Bu

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