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Hardaway Promises Answers On March 7

Hardaway Promises Answers On March 7

Posted: Feb 26th 2009 By: CMBurnham

The conflict between Shane Morbid and Dexter Hardaway is beginning to resemble the hit TV show "Lost" where, with every answer you get, two more questions are revealed. Morbid has been wondering exactly what the issue is ever since he was attacked by Dexter after he won an "I Quit" Match over Cast-Iron Cothern on February 7.

Morbid came out to the ring the next week with his face heavily bandaged as a result of the fireball Dexter threw in Morbid's face the previous week. He told the crowd that his match against Cothern was the hardest match he'd ever fought in his life. At one time, Cothern was his best friend, but those days were gone. Cothern pushed him further than he'd ever been pushed, but in the end he dug down deep and found enough to fight through and come out victorious.

Morbid then turned his attention to Dexter, wanting to know why he did what he did. Morbid told the crowd that Dexter had trained him and at one time, they were close friends. He didn't have the same feelings for Dexter's wife Talon, whom he simply called a "trash bag". Morbid wondered where Dexter was, even though he isn't medically cleared to wrestle. He promised the crowd that he would be back soon and would get revenge for Dexter's actions.

Even though he couldn't wrestle, Shane still made his presence known as he came to ringside while his cousin, ComPro Oklahoma X Division Champion Jake McCoy, defended his title against Dexter. Morbid's presence was enough to take Dexter's mind off the task at hand and allow Jake to retain the belt. Morbid then told Dexter that he wanted some answers for why Dexter burned him. Dexter mysteriously replied that "in due time" Shane would get his answers and that all he had to do was "ask the right questions". This left Shane upset, but Jake stepped in to encourage his cousin, saying they struck first and they'd get Dexter and Talon soon enough. Jake even went so far as to compare Shane to Chris Benoit and call Dexter his "Nancy".

Shane was still determined to get answers last Saturday when he came out during Dexter's match against Brandon Groom. After Groom put Hardaway down for the 3-count, Shane again demanded answers. As the crowd waited in anticipation with Shane, Dexter picked up the mic. Then he slowly put the mic down before saying anything and left Shane just as he had arrived.

All that frustration pent up inside Shane would be taken out on his opponent Thomas Knight, who was making his ComPro debut that night. He never stood a chance as Morbid beat him from one side of the ring to the other. Even the surprise appearance of Talon halfway through Morbid's match wasn't enough to throw him off his game. After disposing of Knight, the enraged Morbid took the mic and demanded answers. Talon calmly informed Shane that if he wanted answers, he would have to wait until March 7. Then, he and and all the fans would get the answers they needed.

And now, Shane and all of Oklahoma waits to find out exactly what the explanation is for Dexter's cowardly act. Meanwhile, a variety of rumours continues to be proposed to the members of Oklafan. Could this issue date back to the days of SRPW? Shane was a member of P.I.N.K. Nation in the War Games Match that shut SRPW down, a match where Dexter was the last man on the losing side. Dexter gave his heart and soul to SRPW and was very upset to see it close. Maybe there's some jealousy at the FACT that Shane held the SRPW Title twice, while Dexter never achieved that goal. Or perhaps this issue stems from the brief time that both men were in SWCW, along with Talon. Morbid's actions with Cast-Iron Cothern led to them being blackballed from the federation. Whatever the explanation, when it's finally revealed on March 7th, the issue between "Mr. Entertainment" and "Mr. Endurance" may just be beginning.


Tags: Shane Morbid, Dexter Hardaway, Cast-Iron Cothern, Talon, ComPro, JakeMcCoy, Brandon Groom, Thomas Knight, P.I.N.K. Nation, SRPW, , SWCW

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