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Outlaw Sticks His Nose Into Everyone's Business With Mixed Results

Outlaw Sticks His Nose Into Everyone's Business With Mixed Results

Posted: Oct 17th 2008 By: CMBurnham

The recent return of MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champion Halo to active competition has left the federation much like the proverbial ship without a rudder. Actually, it's not that MSWA has no rudder. It appears they're going to have several for a time. Two shows back, Scott Sanders was named interim commissioner and it was Oklafan's understanding that he would be filling that postion for a while. That seems not to be the case as this past Sunday, SWCW Champion Outlaw stepped out and announced that he had been chosen as interim commissioner for the show.

Outlaw's weekend had been something of a mixed bag. He revelled in the FACT that the University of Texas ended the OU Sooners' undefeated streak this season that afternoon. And he could take credit for turning back the challenge of Rick Garrett for his SWCW Title. But despite his successful defence of the SWCW Title, Outlaw did promise on September 27 that if Garrett could defeat him "anytime, anywhere", he would wash Garrett's dirty laundry. And Garrett took the veteran at his word, rolling Outlaw up after the match and gaining a 3-count. Outlaw vehemently denied it being a legal match, but Garrett promised to have his laundry for Outlaw at the next show.

Outlaw's issues with Garrett were far from his mind when he arrived in the ring to take charge Sunday. He said he had business to take care of and a wrong to right. He then called out the newly crowned SWCW Tag Team Champions The New Varsity Club. One month earlier, Kevin Morgan & Xavior had lost a match to the South Side Soul Assassins to determine the #1 contender to the MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Titles. Outlaw believed that the wrong team had won and said he was going to give the Varsity Club one last chance to earn a title shot. He promised a special referee for the match, although he refused to reveal who that would be. Most importantly, he said that the Varsity Club had to take advantage of this chance or they would be out of contention for a long time.

Outlaw also interjected himself into the scheduled main event between Aaron Neil and Dane Griffin. He told Neil that Dane had come to him and said that he "feared for Aaron's safety", so Outlaw had come up with another opponent for Dane. He then gave Aaron the night off with pay, which only served to upset Aaron, as he wasn't concerned with the money. He simply wanted to get his hands on Dane Griffin. And after that, he wanted "a piece of Outlaw's ass!"

Aaron Neil's replacement against Dane Griffin was Max McGuirk and the two had a hard-fought match. Normally, McGuirk's lack of experience is a major factor in his matches, but Griffin only has about a year's more time in the ring, so this match was very close. The deciding moment came when Aaron Neil's music hit and Dane turned to the entrance doors, waiting for his previously announced opponent to appear. But "The Real Deal" chose to slip in the back entrance instead and came through the crowd, giving Dane a Death Valley Driver, then exiting so that referee Bill Decker could make the 3-count. McGuirk never got to enjoy his victory, though, as Outlaw came in and overturned the decision, declaring Dane the winner by DQ due to Neil's interference. Outlaw also said that he was witholding Neil's paycheck as a result of his actions. Neil realised that he would never get anywhere with Outlaw in charge unless he used desperate actions, so he grabbed Dane and put him in a Texas Cloverleaf, refusing to let go until Outlaw gave Aaron a match against Dane. Dane hollered in agony and Outlaw finally agreed, saying that Aaron had his match...IF Outlaw was still in charge at the next show.

With one problem resolved, Outlaw now waited until the teams for the tag team main event arrived in the ring before revealing that the special referee was....Himself! As should be expected, Outlaw was completely biased against Tyson Jaymes & 3rd Rail. And it appeared that bad luck was going to be in abundance for the fan favourite former champions. At one point, 3rd Rail accidentally splashed Tyson. Later on, Tyson accidentally speared 3rd Rail. Then karma stepped in and Outlaw went to spear Tyson, but Tyson moved and Outlaw speared Kevin Morgan instead. Tyson seized the opportunity and covered Morgan. Outlaw, who had been relatively fair on pins for the Assassins, but extremely quick on pins for the Varsity Club, got into position and counted 2, then winced and pulled his arm up, complaining of some sort of severe pain which prevented him from finishing the count. 3rd Rail, who had already had one title taken from him at the hands of Outlaw, wasn't about to let the vile Texan rob him of another title opportunity and chokeslammed the interim commissioner, the picked up his hand and dropped it to finish the 3-count. The South Side Soul Assassins remained #1 contenders and will receive a title shot in the near future.

After Tyson & 3rd Rail had left the ring, Outlaw blamed the entire loss on Kevin Morgan. After some verbal beratement, the two competitors engaged in a shoving match, which ended when Outlaw chokeslammed Morgan. Then, in what could be perceived as a bit of overkill, Outlaw loaded up his black glove, picked Morgan up and knocked him out in the middle of the ring.

This sort of insanity seems to be what fans of MSWA can look forward to for the time being. No announcement has reached Oklafan regarding a permanent MSWA commissioner or even a list of possible applicants. While Scott Sanders seemed to have a plan on what to do to maintain control, Outlaw only seemed concerned with himself. The future of this company seems to up in the air right now and a strong leader is desperately needed. Hopefully, no more of the shenanigans that happened this past Sunday will repeat themselves.


Tags: MSWA, Halo, Scott Sanders, SWCW, Outlaw, Rick Garrett, The New Varsity Club, The South Side Soul Assassins, Aaron Neil, Dane Griffin, Max McGuirk, Bill Decker, Tyson Jaymes, 3rd Rail, Kevin Morgan, Xavior

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