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Mind Games Bring Neil's Busy Weekend To A Close

Mind Games Bring Neil's Busy Weekend To A Close

Posted: Jul 11th 2008 By: CMBurnham

It seems that everywhere you turn these days, Aaron Neil keeps popping up.

For 2 years, Neil was one of the top 5 wrestlers in the state. Last year, he dropped to number 39 after disappearing from the scene following the attempted invasion that IZW made on MSWA. All reports indicated that Neil was done with wrestling, but he was just taking time off, refreshing himself and preparing to burst back on the scene.

As documented in other articles on this site, since Neil made his return, he's kept the surprises coming. He reignited his old feud with Michael Barry, rejected an approach to rejoin Impact, Inc. and declared a desire to regain the IZW Title all in one night. Then, he made his SWCW debut and took on his former Real Impact Players partner Se7en and won a Battle Royal to secure victory for SWCW Hardcore Champion Miss Sheila's team, helping maintain that federation's existence.

For most wrestlers, that would be enough, if not too much. But Neil was just warming up and headed to MSWA for a confrontation with Seth Allen.

Allen & Neil had crossed paths a few shows ago and Allen seemed to be on the bad end of every confrontation since then. But Allen had no idea how bad things could get when he entered the Golden Goose Flea Market Sunday. He came to compete, but Neil had other things in mind.

When the show opened, Neil walked to the ring prior to any other announcement and brought a wrestling bag with him. He said he wanted to get business done with Seth, but Seth probably wouldn't come to the ring to face him. This might have something to do with the FACT that the bag Neil was bringing was Allen's and it had all his clothing in it! Neil asked MSWA ring announcer Jesse Storm to join him in the ring and together, both men rifled through the belongings in the bag. They found things they expected such as wrestling boots, wrestling trunks and a pair of pink wrist bands (given to Seth by Randy Orton) and things they didn't expect like a bottle of Viagra and a tampon! Seth finally came out of the dressing area, dressed only in a towel and clutching it for life. Neil immediately blamed the theft of Seth's belongings on ninjas and said they also took his wallet and maxed out his credit cards. Looking completely embarassed, Seth tried to explain the controversial items in his bag to the audience (he said he knew nothing about the Viagra and that the tampon was for "nosebleeds".) With the crowd eating all this up, Neil turned serious for a moment and promised Seth that things would only get a lot worse from here.

Allen may have been embarassed, but he wasn't discouraged. He picked up a singles victory over Shane Sanchez, then interfered in a match where Neil teamed with the Midnite Rider (who Neil was once accused of being) and took on the Gentleman Thugs. Allen pulled Neil off the ring apron and battled to the back with him, allowing Cast-Iron Cothern and Shane Morbid to double team the mysterious masked man and gain their first win as a team in MSWA.

Neil and Seth were both entered into the show ending Battle Royal and even though Seth spent most of the match on the outside, Neil constantly pursued him. Through constant evasion and oportunistic behaviour, Allen was able to put in very little work and still come out victorious, eliminating Neil along the way.

Neil seems to handling all these duties very well, but by sticking his nose in so many people's business, he risks stretching himself too thin. With someone like Seth Allen, who has a strong technical background , Neil's fun-and-games attitude may backfire on him. It's all great until things don't go your way and Seth Allen could turn things around in a minute on Neil. Eventually, the time for fun and games will come to an end and Neil will have to confront Allen in the ring one-on-one. Then, the real mind games will come to pass.


Tags: Aaron Neil, IZW, MSWA, Michael Barry, Impact, Inc., SWCW, Real Impact Players, Se7en, Miss Sheila, Seth Allen, Shane Sanchez, Midnite Rider, Gentleman Thugs, Cast-Iron Cothern, Shane Morbid

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