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The 2008 Oklafan Mid-Year Report

The 2008 Oklafan Mid-Year Report

Posted: Jul 2nd 2008 By: CMBurnham

2008 is more than halfway done and we at are pleased to release The Mid-Year Report. In this report, we'll look at the top 20 wrestlers of 2007 (as listed in the Oklafan Top 50) and see where they stand today, what they've accomplished and where they might be going. With a little less than 6 months left before the end of the year, some performers might need that extra motivation to kick things into gear. So, without further adieu, let's get to it:

1. Tim Rockwell: Rockwell is one of the few dual champions in the state these days, holding the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Title as well as the TAP Oklahoma Heritage Championship. He's reinvented himself as a singles wrestler after spending most of the last two years as part of Texas, Inc. His first X Division Title reign saw him undefeated until he lost the title to El Super Colibri. And the presence of Stevie Caballero certainly helps make sure things go Rockwell's way. Unfortunately, while Rockwell has been a regular at ComPro, and TAP, and made a couple of appearances for the revived NWA-OK, fans below I-75 really haven't seen much of him this year and that costs him some spots in his ranking. If he were to go back to travelling in the central and southern portions of the state, he would be a strong contender to repeat as #1. Current ranking: #9

2. Bernard Funk: Tim Rockwell's uncle has taken most of the year off after starting out on a sour note by losing the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Title to Shane Morbid. He competed in ComPro a couple of other times and was at his nephew's side in TAP. He also reformed Texas, Inc. to compete in the tournament to crown new NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Champions, but they were eliminated in the first round. Funk recently turned back up in ComPro and says that he will be back regularly. Hopefully he can build himself back up to earn a spot in this year's top 50
Current ranking: unrated

3. AWOL: One of the most impressive physical specimens in wrestling, AWOL suffered severe injuries in a motorcycle crash last year. But he rebounded from that to return and compete for MSWA, SWCW and ComPro. He was briefly a member of the Hall of Famers led by Anthony Jackson, but lost a Loser-Leaves-Town match to ComPro Champion Romero Contreras. AWOL's last match was against Slam Shady at the NWA-OK event in Enid. He has been called up for military duty and has reported overseas for a year-long tour. Oklafan wishes him a safe tour of duty and looks forward to his return to U. S. soil and Oklahoma wrestling rings
Current ranking: unrated

4. Dexter Hardaway: Another stalwart of the Top 50 who is now gone. Dexter competed twice for IZW before no-showing them and being fired by commissioner Mike Iles. He did turn up at the last TAP event in April, but those are the only 3 appearances Dexter has made in an Oklahoma ring this year. Wrestling seems to be on the back burner for him, but our loss is his gain as he recently married pro wrestler/valet Talon.
Current ranking: unrated

5. The Canadian Red Devil. Another dual champion, the Devil holds 1/2 of the ComPro Tag Team Championship as well as the TAP Heavyweight Title. He also held the FCW Title until it was unified with the ComPro Title by Anthony Jackson. Something of a cult favourite, the Devil is always full of surprises. He reformed the Canadian Luchadore and put New Canada back together. Defending those tag team titles have taken precedence in his career at this point and, with TAP not running regular shows until August, his singles career is again on the back burner. He's another star who doesn't seem to compete much below the I-75 line.
Current ranking: #5

6. Romero Conteras: Contreras lost the FCW Tag Team Title that he held with Justin Lee when it was unified with the ComPro Tag Team Title by La M. But he defeated Anthony Jackson for the ComPro title in a match where tables, chairs and chains were legal. Contreras spent 6 months of his career chasing that title and has had no problems defending it against all comers. Sadly, this has caused him to devote his attention exclusively to ComPro, which moves him down some steps in the state-wide rankings. Romero has all the tools and charisma to make him the biggest star in the state, but he can't do that while staying in the northeast.
Current ranking: #10

7. 3rd Rail: The monster finally acheived what many thought should have been his a long time ago when he won the SWCW Title from Damon Windsor. It was his first Heavyweight title in Oklahoma. He also spent the first 5 months of 2008 as 1/2 of the MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champions with Tyson Jaymes. Their partnership seemed to be crumbling for a time, but things have been patched up and they are actively pursuing Limited Edition to regain those belts. Rail's size makes him an impressive foe and his unpredictable attitude makes it almost impossible for opponents to plan strategy against him. Although Rail is the SWCW Champion, SWCW's shows tend to be a bit scattershot. And while he has ventured down to Lawton for GPCW events, he hasn't travelled up north for anything since the days of TPW. He's another one that could be dominant where ever he chooses to go, but he has to choose to go there.
Current ranking: #12

8. Shane Morbid: Last year, fans voted him the most improved wrestler in 2007. It seemed like we would only have to wait a little bit of time for him to become a Heavyweight Champion again. Well, we're still waiting. Morbid did start the year well by defeating Bernard Funk for the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Title and holding that for 2 months. He also reformed his Gentleman Thugs tag team with Cast-Iron Cothern and is appeared that they planned on making a concerted run at the ComPro Tag team title. That championship still eludes them. Morbid has reinvented himself in ComPro and taken some of the anger away, but none of the aggression. He needs to focus on gaining something in ComPro or leaving the federation for greener pastures. He's another one that was much more successful when he was traveling and might want to think about venturing over to NWA-OK.
Current ranking: #17

9. Michael Barry. My, how the mighty have fallen. Last year, Barry was voted the wrestler of the year by the fans. He held the IZW Title for all but the last 16 days of 2008. Upon losing that title, it appeared that he would be leaving the state and venturing to Ohio Valley Wrestling in an effort to gain a developmental contract with the WWE. But shortly after arriving there, WWE severed its association with OVW and Barry came back. Upon returning, he turned his back on the fans who had supported him during his career and joined Impact, Inc. That alliance hasn't proven fruitful as the losses continue to mount. And some of those losses have been rather embarassing, such as losing to IZW rookie Jermaine Johnson in Johnson's first ever professional match. Barry seriously needs to reasses his priorities or he will find himself much further down the list by the end of the year.
Current ranking: #29

10. Outlaw. Probably the most senior member of the Oklahoma active roster, Outlaw carved a path of villainry in MSWA for the first half of 2008. He kept a death hold on the MSWA Oklahoma Title until he was unseated by the Midnite Rider, a man he brought into MSWA himself. His constant feud with Bad Boy seemed to have gone his way when he defeated the MSWA owner in a Loser-Leaves-MSWA match, but that banishment was overturned a month later when Outlaw lost a rematch. Outlaw has now been reduced to putting on giant animal costumes to try and get into the head of Bad Boy and his obsession with ending Bad Boy's career has gotten in the way of his own. His win-loss record is deplorable in both MSWA and SWCW. He's nowhere near title contention. And it seems that his career may come to an end not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Current ranking: unrated

11. Justin Lee. Last year we complimented Justin for stepping outside his comfort zone and venturing beyond the Tulsa area to wrestle. That compliment seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Two words seem to sum up Justin's career this year: missed opportunities. He has appointed himself as the heart and soul of the X Division in ComPro and seems almost obsessed with that title. Returning to ComPro in February after recovering from an infected arm, Justin set his eyes on regaining the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Title and beginning a 3rd reign. He also helped defend the FCW Tag Team Titles with Romero Contreras, but lost those belts to La M. Justin battled to the finals of a 2-night tournament to determine the #1 contender to the X Division Title, but lost in the finals to El Super Colibri. He recently earned a title shot against Tim Rockwell, but came up short again. He also competed against NWA-OK Oklahoma Champion Brent Albright and teamed with 3DW Texoma Champion and MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champion Les Mayne to challenge High Society for the NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Titles, but communication problems with his partner prevented Justin from ever being legally tagged into the match. Justin's body is beginning to show the effects of the X Division style he competes under and he might be advised to adapt in order to extend his ring career. He needs to find that determination again that brought him to gold or he might make it through the year without adding any titles to his resume.
Current ranking: #33

#12. Shane Rawls. An impressive build, but a horrible attitude. Rawls is the current 3DW champion, but has gone out of his way to avoid defending that title against many challengers, specifically Michael Faith. He was competing for MSWA, but hasn't been around there since the end of the Lethal Lotto Tag Team Tournament. He seemed to be an impressive star on the rise, ready to go out and make a name for himself all over. Now, he just seems to be a coward and an unworthy champion.
Current ranking: #37

#13: Tyler Bateman: The "Action City Saint" left Oklahoma last year for the greener pastures of California after losing the IZW Tag Team Titles. We have seen one report of him competing on a California card, but nothing else. Perhaps he has given up wrestling. It should be noted that he relocated to California after becomign engaged to be married.

#14: Kareem Sadat: The "Oklahoma Hardcore Legend" is currently embroiled in a feud with SWCW Commissioner Miss Sheila. This began when Sheila was given a pin by Rick Garrett and took the SWCW Hardcore Title from Sadat. Sadat & Sheila are both assembling teams to compete on July 5 at an event entitled "Scars & Stripes", which promises to resolve the dispute and determine the future of the federation. Sadat has been seen in the audience at MSWA events, but has not competed for them this year, bar one time. For a man who was once the most hated and most popular man in Central Oklahoma, his stock seems to have fallen.
Current ranking: unrated

#15: Tommy Revell. Tommy seemed to have fulfilled the promise so many saw in him when he took the IZW Title from Michael Barry. But his reign last only 3 months and he was defeated by Angel Williams. Tommy's appearances in IZW have grown to be infrequent and usually of a losing nature of late. He is reportedly suffering from a knee injury that will require surgery. Too bad, as he seemed to be one of the shining stars, but now has faded almost to nothing.
Current ranking: unrated

#16. Kenny Campbell. "The Vulture" spent the 2nd half of last year and most of this year chasing or defending (or finding reasons not to defend) the IZW Impact Division Title. He was the first Impact champion and is currently on his 4th reign. Being a 4-time champion is fine, but isn't it about time that Campbell step up and challenge for heavyweight title? It doesn't have to be the IZW Title, it could be ANY heavyweight title. Kenny has always had the tools to be a heavyweight champion, but for a long time, his size caused promoters to classify him as an X Division/Impact Division wrestler. It's time for them to take a chance. And it's time for Kenny to take a chance and find some new areas to conquer. How many times can you hold a title before it becomes meaningless?
Current ranking: #24

#17: Montego Seeka. Seeka was the highest ranking rookie of 2007. An incredibly gifted athlete who had overwhelming amounts of charisma, Seeka thrived in UWF06, but suffered at the hands of MSWA Mid-South and NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Champion Al Farat when he was burned during a match and it was thought his career was over. Thankfully, that wasn't true, but Seeka came back changed. He aligned himself with Farat and Ky-Ote, was renamed "Montego Sheik-ah" and became part of the United Sheik's Army (U. S. A.) Now, Seeka is intent on destroying the federation that helped him rise. But his alliance hasn't brought him much success in the ring and these plans seem to be going nowhere. Seeka still competes at times for MSWA and has not shown this darker side to the fans there. And he turned back up in IZW recently. He needs to stay away from Farat and get back to doing what he knows best: being entertaining, having fun and getting wins.
Current ranking: #31

#18. Al Farat. Say what you will about the man, but he is successful. He's the longest reigning current champion in Oklahoma, having held the MSWA Mid-South title since September of 2007. On June 13, he added the NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Title to his resume by teaming with Thomas Trump and reforming High Society. He also enjoyed a reign as 3DW Violent Division Champion. As expected, controversy follows Farat wherever he goes. He recently burned IZW Tag Team Champion Striker during a Flag Match for the MSWA title, putting him out of action for an indeterminate amount of time. He's terrorizing 3DW with the members of U. S. A. And his alliance with Charming Charles in NWA-OK can only spell bad things for that federation. Nevertheless, he is active in northern, central and southern Oklahoma and has captured gold in all 3 regions. That's pretty impressive and, sadly, if he continues these winning ways, we may have no choice but to name him #1 by the end of the year.
Current ranking: #2

#19: Eric Rose. Another attitude change and not for the better. Rose lost to Ky-Ote in the finals of the Lethal Lotto tournament and took it very personally. When Al Farat was making a post-match attack on Ky-Ote, Rose came out of the dressing room, but then stopped and refused to help. This came after refusing to shake Ky-Ote's hand following their 1-on-1 match. In 3DW, Rose was chosen by NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Champion Thomas Trump to be his tag team partner in High Society and the pair have been involved in a Best-of-Seven series with 3DW Dual Kombat Champions 2AM. That series is tied at 3 apiece and will be resolved in a Red Gauntlet Match this Saturday in Madill. But after the last 3DW show, Farat & Trump were revealed as allies in High Society and Rose is now in the thick with them. Rose's cockiness has reached all-time highs and is sure to go even higher now with this revelation, especially if they walk out of Madill with the titles. On a side note, Rose and his girlfriend, Maria Star, recently celebrated the birth of a daughter. That seems to have taken Rose out of some competition, but it hasn't lowered his talent. Hopefully, he won't be sucked into the cheating ways of his associates.
Current ranking: #13

20. John O'Malley. Now calling himself "The Juggernaut", O'Malley has most recently been embroiled in a feud with referee-turned-wrestler Randy Price. That's fine, but this is a man who is used to being in top contention for titles at any given time and that just isn't the case this year. O'Malley hasn't received an IZW title shot nor has he been a top contender for the Impact Division Title. As a singles wrestler, he hasn't even tried to form a regular tag team and challenge for the tag team titles. And he has made IZW his home, no longer making forays over to MSWA or up to NWA-OK. It seems that wrestling may be losing its allure for Oklafan's first #1 wrestler, unless something happens to reawaken the competitive spirit in him.
Current ranking: #27.


Tags: Tim Rockwell, ComPro, TAP, Texas, Inc., El Super Colibri, Stevie Caballero, NWA-OK, Bernard Funk, Shane Morbid, AWOL, MSWA, SWCW, Hall of Famers, Anthony Jackson, Romero Contreras, Slam Shady, Dexter Hardaway, Mike Iles, Talon, Canadian Red Devil, Canadia

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Spotlight in History

  • 1971 Bill Watts became the TSW North American Champion
  • 1978 Jose Lothario def. Assassin 1 for the TSW Louisiana Champion
  • 1985 The Von Erichs (Kerry Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich) def. The Dynamic Duo (Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams) for the WCCW American Tag Team Champion
  • 2008 Michael Barry def. Angel Williams for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 2008 New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) became the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 2008 The Gentlemen Thugs (Cast-Iron Cothern & Shane Morbid) def. New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 2009 Jermaine Johnson def. Ky-ote Joe for the MSWA Oklahoma Champion
  • 2013 Mike Foxx def. Tim Storm for the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 2013 Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) def. The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 2013 The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) def. Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Kevin Morgan & became the IZW Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Jordan Jacobs def. Drake Gallows for the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 2014 Claudia def. Bree Ann for the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 2014 The Brotherhood (Kyng Benjamin & Akuma Jones) def. A. C. Slaughter (Aaron Anders & Clint Cassidy) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Fuel def. Tim Rockwell for the UWE Heavyweight Champion

Week of Sun 09-15 to Sat: 09-21

  • 09-15 1969 The Medics (Medic #1 & Medic #2) def. Alberto Torres & Ramon Torres for the TSW United States Tag Team Champion
  • 09-15 1980 Junkyard Dog & Terry Orndorff def. The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts) for the MSW Mid-South Tag Team Champion
  • 09-15 1986 Black Bart def. Chris Adams for the WCCW World Champion
  • 09-15 2007 Sudden Impact (Sudden Impact 1 & Sudden Impact 2) def. Texas, Inc. (Bernard Funk & Tim Rockwell) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-15 2007 Anthony Jackson def. AWOL for the ComPro Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2007 Shane Morbid def. Justin Lee for the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Champion
  • 09-15 2012 Double D def. Aaron Neil for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2018 Chavo Guerrero, Jr. def. MVP for the WCR Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2019 Chaz Sharpe def. James Southard for the ASP Inter-County Champion
  • 09-15 2023 Jastin Taylor def. Sam Stackhouse for the BCW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 1975 John Tolos def. Al Madril for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 1988 Michael Hayes & Steve Cox def. The Samoan SWAT Team (Fatu & Samu) for the WCCW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-16 2005 Lily McKenzie def. Chiquita Suzuki for the SRPW Womens Champion
  • 09-16 2006 Michael Barry def. Aaron Neil for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2006 Ryan Davidson became the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Paige Turner def. Erica for the IZW Womens Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Skyler Fayden def. Riker for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Big Smooth & Zakk Sinizter became the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-16 2022 Shane Taylor def. Johnny Bedlam for the TexPro Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2023 Red James def. Ozzy Hendrix for the EPW Internet Television Champion
  • 09-17 1979 The Spoiler & Mark Lewin def. Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody for the WCCW Texas Tag Team Champion
  • 09-17 2004 Bobby Dalton def. Shane Morbid for the SRPW Hardcore Champion
  • 09-17 2008 Michael Faith became the TCB Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2008 High Society (Al Farat & Thomas Trump) became the TCB Dual Kombat Champion
  • 09-17 2008 Michael Faith became the TCBW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2008 High Society (Al Farat & Thomas Trump) became the TCBW Dual Kombat Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Dane Griffin def. Cody Jones for the NWA-OK Texoma Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Aerial Assault (Ky-ote Joe & Montego Seeka) became the NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Michael Faith def. Dane Griffin for the NWA-OK Oklahoma Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2016 Mr. Nasty def. Brian Breaker for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-18 1967 Chati Yokouchi & Togo Shikuma def. Danny Hodge & Skandar Akbar for the TSW United States Tag Team Champion
  • 09-18 2005 Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch def. The Hurricane & Rosey for the WWE RAW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-18 2005 Ric Flair def. Carlito for the WWE Intercontinental Champion
  • 09-18 2015 Sons of Texas (Moonshine Mantell & Killer McKenzie) def. The Imperialists (Charlie Haas & Griffin) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-18 2021 Thrash def. Jermaine Johnson for the WFC Hometown Heroes Champion
  • 09-18 2021 Reed def. Thrash for the WFC Hometown Heroes Champion
  • 09-18 2022 Fuel def. Koko for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-18 2022 Fuel def. Koko for the UWE Apex Champion
  • 09-19 1979 Mike Sharpe, Jr. def. Mike George for the MSW Mississippi Champion
  • 09-19 1982 David Von Erich def. Bill Irwin for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 1988 The Samoan SWAT Team (Samu & Fatu) def. Michael Hayes & Steve Cox for the WCCW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-19 2014 Simply Irresistible (Matthew Palmer & James Johnson) def. The Dark Circle (Mace Malone & Apoc) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-19 2015 Loaded Guns (Jon Cross & Brandon Walker) def. The Rising (Riker & Abel) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-19 2015 Brian Breaker def. Clint Cassidy for the UWE United States Champion
  • 09-19 2015 Zakk Sinizter def. Anarchy [2nd] for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2015 Jon Cross became the WFC Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2019 MVP became the WCR Imperial Champion
  • 09-19 2020 Pastor Brent became the WAH Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Maui Mike def. Thrash for the ASP Mid-American Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Brixton Barricade def. Brandon Barricade for the ASP All Time Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Malik Mayfield def. Jerome Daniel Griffey for the ASP Livestream Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Double D def. Jerome Daniel Griffey for the ASP 5-Star Champion
  • 09-20 1971 Bill Watts became the TSW North American Champion
  • 09-20 1978 Jose Lothario def. Assassin 1 for the TSW Louisiana Champion
  • 09-20 1985 The Von Erichs (Kerry Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich) def. The Dynamic Duo (Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams) for the WCCW American Tag Team Champion
  • 09-20 2008 Michael Barry def. Angel Williams for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-20 2008 New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) became the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2008 The Gentlemen Thugs (Cast-Iron Cothern & Shane Morbid) def. New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2009 Jermaine Johnson def. Ky-ote Joe for the MSWA Oklahoma Champion
  • 09-20 2013 Mike Foxx def. Tim Storm for the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-20 2013 Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) def. The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2013 The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) def. Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Kevin Morgan & became the IZW Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Jordan Jacobs def. Drake Gallows for the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 09-20 2014 Claudia def. Bree Ann for the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 09-20 2014 The Brotherhood (Kyng Benjamin & Akuma Jones) def. A. C. Slaughter (Aaron Anders & Clint Cassidy) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Fuel def. Tim Rockwell for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-21 1954 Johnny Valentine def. Joe Christie for the WCCW Texas Brass Knuckles Champion
  • 09-21 2002 Shadow of Death def. Terry Montana for the OCW Oklahoma Hardcore Champion
  • 09-21 2012 Tim Storm became the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-21 2012 Kyra Maya became the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 09-21 2013 Nasty Swag (Robert Lee & Ace Archuleta) became the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-21 2019 Slice & Kill (Skylar Slice & Killista) def. The Proclamation (Ethan Cole & Reed) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
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  • Raymon Downey Sep 30th
  • Fred Urban Sep 30th
  • Kidd Riggs Sep 30th
  • Seth Coburn Sep 30th
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  • James Southard Oct 2nd
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  • Abilene Maverick Oct 2nd
  • Mike Foxx Oct 2nd
  • Abilene Maverick Oct 2nd
  • Cold Blooded Chris Oct 2nd
  • Don Fargo Oct 3rd
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