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Colibri Out, Justin Injured: Who Can Stand In Rockwell's Way?

Colibri Out, Justin Injured:  Who Can Stand In Rockwell's Way?

Posted: Jun 26th 2008 By: CMBurnham

To say TAP Oklahoma Heritage Champion Tim Rockwell was humiliated might have been an understatement. To suggest that he was frustrated also wouldn't tell the complete story. Both of these factors figured into the actions that he took Saturday night against ComPro Oklahoma X Division Champion El Super Colibri and Justin Lee. The results: One man out on the injured list, one man probably injured more than he is willing to believe, a new alliance in ComPro and a new Oklahoma X Division Champion.

Since parting ways as Team Super Terrific, Rockwell and Colibri have found themselves circling around the Oklahoma X Division Title. After Colibri defeated Rockwell for that title a month ago, ComPro commissioner Kitty declared that she was going to assess the talent to determine a new #1 contender for the belt and Rockwell wasn't automatically the #1 contender. This was where the frustration set it and it was compounded (no pun intended) when Kitty proclaimed Justin Lee the #1 contender to the belt. Rockwell was furious and demanded a rematch, which was set for the week before Night of Champions VII on June 28. Then, the humiliation, as Justin Lee superkicked Stevie Caballero's birthday cake into the face of Rockwell at the beginning of the show on June 7.

Well, as the well-known saying goes, paybacks are a bitch. And Rockwell had his well planned.

Rockwell tried to gain a little revenge on June 7 by attacking Justin Lee during his match with Dutch Hagen. He used a chair and attempted to break Justin's leg with it. Damage to Justin's knee was done, but Justin refused to take any time off and competed at the NWA-OK events the next week. Rockwell was present at one of those events as well, but on June 14, he was back in ComPro. This time, the attack was delivered to El Super Colibri during Colibri's match against Draven Cross. Again, a chair was used. And again, injury was felt, this time to Colibri's shoulder.

Colibri & Rockwell ended up across the ring from each other at the NWA-OK event at Cain's Ballroom on June 20. Both men were paired with men they had never teamed with before as Rockwell partnered with Anthony Jackson and Colibri matched up with MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champion Dane Griffin. Colibri's team came out the winners there, which only added to the frustration that Rockwell felt in his heart. He knew that if Caballero had been at the NWA-OK event, they would have won. But he also knew that he had a title shot against Colibri the next night. So he bided his time and prepared to become a 2-time Oklahoma X Division Champion.

Rockwell couldn't resist taking out a little insurance by attacking Justin Lee after he & ComPro Champion Romero Contreras defeated La M in the first half of the June 21st show. Rockwell appeared to be a man possessed and the intensity of his hatred for Lee made Rockwell look like it was 2006 and Rockwell & Lee were feuding with each other as they had been at the end of TPW. But this was 2 years later and many things were different. Rockwell did his damage, but he & Caballero ran when Romero tried to even things up. The sneaky Texan knew that he couldn't afford to mess up his championship opportunity.

And then the main event began. Colibri & Rockwell. Two men who once looked poised to win the ComPro Tag Team Titles. But now, the hatred had boiled over and both me lashed into each other. Rockwell targeted Colibri's injured shoulder. Colibri used his arial speed and agility to avoid the hard-hitting tactics of the "terrific" one. And Stevie Caballero did everything he could to help out his charge and make sure he walked away champion.

The surprises began when Justin Lee made his way out during the match, fed up with Stevie's constant interference. Justin chased Stevie around the ring and back through the entrance way, distracting Rockwell and allowing Colibri to set up Rockwell for the 918. Colibri hit that, but as soon as he did, Caballero emerged back from the entrance. And following behind him was Draven Cross, carrying a limp Justin Lee across his shoulders. Cross dumped Lee at ringside like a sack of potatoes and stood over him menacingly. Caballero & Rockwell then put their surprise plan into action. They took Generic Referee One to the other side of the ring and held him there while Draven entered the ring and absolutely demolished Colibri. Draven exited, Rockwell covered the champion and a title change occurred.

Was that enough for the man who now held 2 belts? Not even close. Rockwell & Caballero orchestrated the complete destruction of El Super Colibri as Draven hit 6 leg drops and splashes on the prone superstar. Caballero's thugs then stood in the ring, Rockwell holding his title high and proud, while the fruits of their labour rested on the mat, helpless.

Doctor's have confirmed that El Super Colibri suffered internal injuries and will be out of action for at least 2 weeks, probably more. Justin Lee's injuries are unknown as he refused to visit a doctor. He said he did not want to be forced out of his title shot this Saturday. Justin has a history of serious injuries, mostly to the head and knees. If either of these have been aggravated, he may be risking his career with this match.

Stevie Caballero confirmed to Oklafan that he has acquired the managerial contract of Draven Cross and suggested that other talent may soon be in his stable as well. Though Caballero has made an image for himself the past 2 years as the manager of Texas, Inc., his career began with Tommy Smash in his corner as he led that monster through the closing days of SRPW. With Cross, Caballero has the largest member of the ComPro roster by his side and it seems unlikely that anyone will be getting to Caballero or Rockwell and his title without going through the 400 lb monster first.


Tags: TAP, Tim Rockwell, ComPro, El Super Colibri, Justin Lee, Team Super Terrific, Kitty, Stevie Caballero, Dutch Hagen, NWA-OK, Draven Cross, Anthony Jackson, MSWA, Dane Griffin, TPW, Texas, Inc, Tommy Smash, SRPW, La M, Generic Referee One

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