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Superstar Bill Dundee Is The Latest Guest On The Wrestling Hotseat

Superstar Bill Dundee Is The Latest Guest On The Wrestling Hotseat

Posted: May 1st 2008 By: CMBurnham

"Superstar" Bill Dundee is our special guest on this week's edition of William Hatfield's The Wrestling Hotseat brought to you courtesy of

This legendary athlete joins us for a jam packed interview! This is the best thirty minutes in pro wrestling audio! Mr. Dundee discusses so much with us this week, from his start in Australia, to his current role in the United Wrestling and their Internet Pay Per View Series! Visit so you can view the event!

Topics discussed include:

Whether he prefers tag team or singles wrestling and how tag team wrestling was brought over from Australia

Mr. Dundee's thoughts on Jerry "The King" Lawler, both as a partner and as an adversary

Thoughts on his 1979 series of matches with "Outlaw" Ron Bass

First impression of Beautiful Bobby Eaton

How you need an ego to truly succeed in wrestling

Missing the territory days and the camraderie he shared with men like Tommy Rich

The toughness of Exotic Adrian Street & Miss Linda

Thoughts on his son Jamie Dundee and his WWF run

Teaming with Jerry "The King" Lawler to defeat PG-13 for the USWA Tag Team Championship

Winning the USWA Tag Team Titles with his son Jamie Dundee

His thoughts on TNA Wrestling, WWE, and how drawing ability should be gauged on where you last performed

His series of matches with "The Flamboyant One" Eric Embry and how over Mr. Embry was in Texas

Overcoming the odds and becoming "The Superstar" at his size

How the combination of genetics and thought bring about longevity

The upcoming United Wrestling Internet Pay Per View available exclusively on

The future for "Superstar" Bill Dundee

All this and so much more!

While you're there check out the other interviews with stars of the WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, and the National Wrestling Alliance, like Doug Basham, Amy Vitale, "Ironman" Rob Conway, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Handsome Jimmy Valiant, "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, Bill DeMott, "Southern Justice" Jude Justice, "Tradition" Chris Draven, "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, "Stone Cold" Shark Boy, "The Damaja" Danny Basham, "The ECW Zombie" Tim Arson, and more!

You can also take the show with you on Itunes at

William Hatfield's The Wrestling Hotseat is brought to you courtesy of The fastest and easiest job search and job posting website "Get To Work!" and also Florida's Premier Surveying & Mapping Firm

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Tags: Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler, Ron Bass, Bobby Eaton, Adrian Street, Miss Linda, TNA, WWE, Eric Embry

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