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Brandon Walker Interview

Brandon Walker Interview

Posted: Nov 1st 2016 By: Lance Osburn

To start go ahead and introduce yourself.

I'm Brandon Walker and I'm from Tulsa, OK. I've been wrestling professionally for 9 1/2 years. I've worked for just about every company in OK, along with several in Texas, AR, Cali, and WWE.

So why wrestling? What made you want to do this?

I grew up watching my cousins wrestle for OPW and fell in love with it. When I wasn't there I was watching whatever was on TV. It was just seeing how one individual could control an entire crowd that sold me too. That and Tim and I grew up together and we made a kid promise to wrestle together

So how did you get your start?

I started out training at the original SRPW before it shut down. I had the ring to myself just about every night. Once they closed down Tim got a hookup for me to work out in the Compound ring. I showed up to one of their shows and a guy didn't make it in time so Mike 2 put me on against Shane Morbid

So since then, what are some career highlights that really stick out to you?

I've held quite a few championships while wrestling, but the first one that comes to mind is when everyone in the locker room new I was beating Tim for the belt and I had no idea. I was still pretty new, and Russ (original half owner of Compound) told me not to f*** the match up. After the three count I tried I make the ref restart the match and that's when he told me it was planned all along. Another is Bret Hart pulling me aside at a WWE event and telling me I was good after a tryout match.

Who were some guys you looked up to when you first started?

Brent Albright, Rocco Valentino, Red Eagle, Justin Lee, Brian Lakewood, and Dexter Hardaway

What would be your dream match?

Either a healthy Rey Mysterio or Bret Hart or an alive Eddie Guerrero

Any final remarks? Anything you would want people to know?

I actually met Rey Mysterio when I was like 11 at a vintage stock in Tulsa. When I was 18 I snuck back stage at a WWE event and he remembered who I was. He gave me my first wrestling name which was El Super Colibri. The reason why is because I followed his career and did my research and he asked me if I knew his original name which was Colibri. He said since I was bigger I would be called "El Super Colibri".


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