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Big Smooth Interview

Big Smooth Interview

Posted: Oct 18th 2016 By: Lance Osburn

To start go ahead and introduce yourself.

My name is Walt Davis but I wrestle as Big Smooth. I am from Tahlequah Oklahoma and I am 6’4 400lbs. I was brought in the business in 1999 by Rolling Thunder and Daniel Flynn my show name was The Mighty Kong. I hated it, but it was what it was. In late 2000 I changed to what I wanted to be called and that was when Big Smooth was born. I went to Harley Race's Wrestling Academy in Eldon MO from 2001-2002 Started Working in small towns in Eastern Oklahoma in 1999-2001, then in 2002 started working all over Arkansas as Big Smooth. Then started traveling to Memphis Tenn., Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Missouri, Iowa and Kansas. Anywhere I could get booked I went and if I could book 2 or 3 shows in a row I would. Some weekends I would wrestle then pack my bag and wrestle right down the road on the same night. I had worked as an extra for WWF when they needed locals when they came to KC, St. Louis, Dallas, and Little Rock. Just security and guys getting beat up in the hallways. Stuff like that, but the money was good and in cash $300 to $500 plus a meal. Not bad for some stuff that never made to the screen, I taped 4 times and they use one I think. In 2002-2003 I landed a small TV deal with a company out of Fayetteville Arkansas and we taped two shows on Sundays. One at 300pm and one at 700pm. My guarantee money was $75 a week, ha-ha. I thought I made it big. We were on local TV in Arkansas on Sunday nights at 1100pm. I got pretty good because I was working every week two times on one day for a little over a year. After it was over I started taking bookings closer to home, and started working with Sooner Pro Wrestling out Siloam Springs AR. That's where you probably saw me for the first time. After about 3 years there, I help Brad (Fuel) start UWE in 2009 and have been there and few other places since. I take about 3 to 4 booking a month from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. I've been in the business for 17 years

Why wrestling? What made you want to do this?

I always love it as a kid, but the internet was that big yet when I was in college in Kansas, so I didn't know who to find a school to train at. It was a secret art to find someone to train you back then (90's). I played football and tried out for the pros, but didn't make it due a tear in my right knee. I was sent home and asked to come back next year, but I was done playing. I started in the 4th grade and played out all of college years, so I was happy and ready to let it go. I needed something to take the place of football and a cheer of a crowd in my life, and ran into Rolling Thunder here in Tahlequah when I moved back home. He asked me if I was finished playing ball, and ready to start training to become a wrestler. I said yes, and took me to Stilwell every day and we got started training in a barn with 20×20 ring in it. It wasn't tough on me like the people in my class. There was 6 people already training when I came in, and I pasted them up in a month. I wanted it more than them I guess. Professional Wrestling makes me feel like I did when I played ball and landed a big hit on someone. To hear the crowd pop hooked me and to get a little payday with was nice. I use to watch Rolling Thunder when he did dark matches for WWF in the 80's and to have him help bring me in made me very happy. He told me. I'll get you started and going, but you'll have to go to a school to get finished out, and to go on. So I did. It's a passion for me, to be able to stand in a ring and to rock a crowd for 10, 15, or 20 minutes then for fans to tell me that I'm there favorite. It's like a drug, you crave for it. Playing a Star for those that can't.

So when you had your first match, who was it against and who were you feeling at the time?

Against Rolling Thunder for maybe 6 or 7 minutes. I think I got 3 or 4 moves in and got beat up. It was a sold out show in Oaks Oklahoma in their High School Gym. December 11 1999. I remember it like it was yesterday. It made me feel great I had about 30 friends there and they were really loud. I lost, but the fans loved it anyway. That's when I knew I had to do this as long as my body could hold up.

So from that point, what are some career highlights that really stick out to you?

Going to Harley's, being invited to train with the Hearts in Canada. I've won titles, but I never really needed them to get over. I've wrestled a few celebrity guys. The traveling and meeting up with the boys are what I enjoy the most. I'll have to think about some highlights from my carrier

Who were some guys you looked up to when you started?

Dusty Rhodes, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Freebirds.

If you could work anyone, past or present, who would it be?

To work with The Rock.

Any final remarks? Anything you would want people to know?

If you have a dream, and you're willing to work for it to make it come true. Don't wait to do it or it'll just be a dream forever...

My Social Media:

Facebook-Walt Davis
It means Ladies Love Big Smooth


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