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An Interview with Valkryie's Miss Diss Lexia

An Interview with Valkryie's Miss Diss Lexia

Posted: Jan 15th 2015 By:

What was your earliest memory of pro wrestling?

Miss Diss Lexia: I remember just watching wrestling with my dad every week on TV, and anytime WWF or WCW was in town, we went to the shows.

What was it about pro wrestling that appealed to you?

MDL: I loved the characters and how they were larger than life.

Who was the wrestler you most admired and why?

MDL: I've always loved Undertaker whether heel of baby face, he was who he was. This big, scary guy who kicked ass. What more can you want!?

When did you decide to become a pro wrestler and how did you come about finding a trainer?

MDL: I knew I wanted to be a pro wrestler since I was that little figure going to shows with my dad. I remember telling him once when I was 8 or 9 years old that I was going to be a professional wrestler. I found a trainer in Texas by researching wrestling schools in my area which was at PCW in Arlington, TX. I trained with BJ Turner and Lance Hoyt.

What thoughts and emotions did you have during your first professional match?

MDL: My first match I remember being so nervous and excited. I thought I was going to throw up.

How did you come up with the name "Miss Diss Lexia"?

MDL: The name "Diss Lexia" was given to me in high school because at times I talked so fast that I mixed my words up and spoke backwards - and being that my first name is Alexia (even though that is not what dyslexia is, it was just fitting) so when I started training, my trainer started calling me Diss Lexia . My first few shows, I went by "Starfire", and one show in Arkansas I think they called me Lexington Star. LOL.

Who is your favorite opponent that you have wrestled thus far and why?

MDL: Favorite opponents, I have a few. I'd say Jessica James or Barbi Hayden. Why? Because I like beating up pretty girls. LOL.

Who would you wrestle in your dream match?

MDL: My dream match would have to be Lisa Marie Varon, aka "Victoria".

You challenged Barbi Hayden for the NWA World Women's Championship. What was it like to wrestle for such a highly regarded title?

MDL: I've wrestled Barbi a few times for the NWA Women's World Championship. Wrestling for a title like that is nerve racking anytime you're in a position like that you're representing that company and it shouldn't be taken lightly. You should always go and try your best but multiply that by 100.

You're also a registered nurse. What is it about that field that appealed to you? On a sillier note, is it awkward to have to explain wrestling related injuries to your co-workers?

MDL: I am an RN. I work in the ICU. I love helping people and when you're in a critical situation I at least have an adrenaline rush you have to think on your toes and have to be able to adapt. I get the same feeling when I'm wrestling. Most of my co-workers know that I wrestle. You tell one and then they all know. But you get funny looks from patients and their families when you have a black eye! LOL

What is it about Valkyrie Wrestling that made you want to wrestle for them?

MDL: I wanted to wrestle for Valkyrie because they are trying to help women's wrestling be showcased and being a woman and a wrestler well I wanted to be there.

What can we expect from you during your Valkyrie debut?

MDL: I'm a big broad from Texas, I'm a striker, and I can't tell everything I have planned! So hard hitting, just know that.

And lastly, what are your long-term goals for your wrestling career?

MDL: I've been wrestling on and off for 8 years. I'm just trying to see where I can go. I'd love to go to Europe or Japan.

(Valkyrie IV: Ragnarok will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2015.)


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