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Why X-Rated are Ex-Champions: An Interview with NEMESIS

Why X-Rated are Ex-Champions: An Interview with NEMESIS

Posted: Feb 15th 2008 By: mikeiles

On the night of February 2nd the SWCW Tag Team Champions X-Rated (Kevin James Sanchez and Shane Sanchez) were in the middle of a title defense, when they were attacked by Nemesis (Rage and Damien Morte) and lost the titles in a very controverial manner to newcomers Death Row (Blade and Shank). I decided to sit down with Nemesis and get to the bottom of what
happened that night.

Q: What brought you two together as NEMESIS?

Rage: Well..I was teaming with Sage and it wasn't getting me I decided to up my game, and in doing so I needed a better partner, thus being Damien Morte. I have always liked this guy (pats Damien on the back) because he is unlike any other wrestlers I have came across! Besides he makes me look better.

Q: Rage you mentioned your ex-partner Sage, what happened between the two of you to cause such a rift in your partnership?

Rage: Sage....?? Like I said, he wasn't at the level that I am. I put him out of commission for a couple months by taking out his shoulder..and he might have cheated to defeat me last time but if we ever get the chance to go at it again I will take him out again and he wont be coming back!

Morte: We're together because we were both sick and tired of being treated like CRAP. I mean come o, we're the best thing "The Biz" has ever laid eyes on. I'm a two-time Hardcore Champion, I've main-evented so many times I've lost count, and my buddy Rage?.... You want high-flying?,You want fast? He's IT and he's a damn good-looking guy as well (winks at Rage). Nemesis is here to take over. I dare anybody to step in our way.

Q: Well let's get down to your recent actions. During the Feb. 2nd show you attacked
X-Rated in their title defense, causing them to lose their SWCW Tag Team Titles: Explain your actions, it didnt get you the titles so why interfere?

Morte: HEY NOW!!! Me and Rage were just out there to watch the match. We tried to stand up and cheer on X-Rated but we slipped on some water and the whole thing just went to hell. Damn! Ha Ha Ha!

Rage: Ha Ha..We did what we did because we hate X-Rated and watching them lose the thing they love the most gets us excited--no not that way you pervert! Plus I hate to say this but it wont be as much of a challenge taking the titles from Death Row.

Q: What's in the future for Nemesis?

Rage: Gold baby..we are the most dominate tag team in the business today we just need our chance to shine and everyone will forever remember the effects of NEMESIS!!

Morte: Don't get us wrong here. We are two hot and sexy guys but some gold on us would look just a tad better, don't ya think? Death Row or X-Rated, It doesn't matter, It's all about the gold.

Q: Do you have any words for anybody in the SWCW roster or the whole roster in general?

Rage- I sure do...Death Row we are coming after our belts so those Death Row inmates better not drop the soap because we'll be there when you do...I mean we want you at 100% so you understand we are the best...And X-Rated stay out of the way if you know what is good for you!!

Morte: And to those fans in the stands, just keep your fat A***** in the seats and watch as Nemesis sets their name in stone..and in gold.

The tag team scene is heating up fast at SWCW and who knows whats gonna happen next?
Be sure no to miss the next show Saturday February 16th at the UnderGround Arena!!!


Tags: SWCW, X-Rated, Nemesis, Death Row, Sage

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