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JR's Blog: New, ROSS REPORT PODCAST, Brooklyn RAW Thoughts, RINGSIDE in Knoxville & Houston, JR's Products back in UK/Ireland, Sting, Damn Dudley's, Divas Coach

JR's Blog:  New, ROSS REPORT PODCAST, Brooklyn RAW Thoughts, RINGSIDE in Knoxville & Houston, JR's Products back in UK/Ireland, Sting, Damn Dudley's, Divas Coach

Posted: Aug 26th 2015 By: Jim Ross

New, Ross Report podcast drops tonight at 9 pm ET on, iTunes and here on our homepage. My guest is the head honcho of PWInsider Dave Scherer and we break down NXT Takeover, Summers Slam and the wresting business as a whole on a plus sized, FREE addition of the Ross Report podcast. Subscribe for FREE at iTunes and never miss a show and get the latest show downloaded automatically into the device of your choice. Our podcast business is growing weekly and we have you to thank for that. If you're just now finding out bout our show take a look at the archived ones that you may have missed including shows with Ronda Rousey, Bill Watts, Jim Cornette, Sting, Stone Cold and many many others.

A tip of the black hat to WWE for three extremely successful box office days at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn as WWE garnered three sell outs in the arena Saturday-Monday. Business definitely picked up for WWE and they came out of the three days with some interesting, new elements.

Strategic booking for the Sting vs. Seth Rollins main event at WWE Night of Champions in Houston on Sunday September 20 in the Toyota Center. Sting had some great dys in Houston back in the mid 80's with Watts and Boesch so he's no stranger to the marketplace plus he lives in Texas these days. I don't see this as a long term scenario but the build will be fine and the match is fresh and provides both men something new to sink their teeth into. The Sting reveal was well executed and created a buzz as the show went off the air. Sting will likely surprise all with his match against the talented Rollins.

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar had another strong RAW and Lesnar is arguably WWE's hottest star, full or part time. Not seeing Lesnar every week helps him immensely which would hold true for other talents who seemingly are on RAW automatically every week. Not sure that's the best thing for them these days. Lesnar's physicality on Bo Dallas was a nice touch especially if one isn't Bo Dallas. Lesnar is a human demolition derby and fans love to see even the most minute amount of physicality from the Hereford Bull. Plus, when Heyman speaks it's a can't lose segment. One doesn't need to be a "writer" to get that one right.

Great seeing those "Damn Dudley's" back on WWE TV. Good 'get' by WWE as Bubba and Devon can mentor the young tag teams and provide some marketable name identity for live events. Young talents cannot improve with out working with talents of a higher skill set. The Dudley's have that in spades.

Nice debut for the newest member of the Wyatt Family, Braun Stowman, and the odds game might actually help Bray Wyatt in becoming a more main stream heel as he's close to being a character baby face in my eyes. Stowman's second appearance on RAW will be important on how hes going to be perceived. This green talent needs to be handled/booked carefully until he gets his main roster, sea legs under him. How this big, impressive looking, young talent SELLS is going to be crucial in his development.

Hats off to Jon Stewart for taking th AA from John Cena. It was obviously a scaled down version but still the entertainer still had to go for it.

The 8 man tag felt like a filler match although the talents all worked hard the match really did not enhance any of them.

Felt bad for Miz as Mix TV had a rough night. I still say that Miz' long term future in WWE is that of a talker/actor and not that of a main event level wrestler.

The Divas need issues/rivalries just like the men as personal issues will make most fans sit up and pay closer attention to what's going on and its time for the women in WWE to be booked more like their male counterparts. The match Saturday night between Bayley and Sasha Banks was spectacular no matter the gender and one of the reasons i that the two had a personal issue plus the title was at stake. Coach Sara Del Ray is arguably the most effective coach WWE employs as evidenced on how she's taught the women that have come out of NXT.

Thought that Finn Balor and Kevin Owens had a terrific match on Saturday night that I got to finally see. Really strong story telling, selling and the will to win. In that match, winning seemed to be paramount and losing not an option either talent wanted to consider. On many TV bouts it doesn't feel that way.

All wrestlers should 'detest' losing but some seem non plussed when they do. That is a blatant expose'.

Not wild about Lana's ring attire lately as I loved her business suits but her look lately hasn't been doing Lana any favors and it takes quite a wardrobe matter to not make Lana look good. I will say her cat fights with Summer Rae have been entertaining.

Knoxville, Tennessee get ready for the RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Show coming to the International on Thursday evening September 10 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at only $20 for my first show ever in Tennessee. This is the Thursday of the OU vs. Vols college football game on Saturday at Neyland Stadium so it's going to be a festive week in Knoxville amd all fans, Vols, Sooners and, of course, wrestling fans are invited to come and enjoy the show. Tickets are available online at

Just before he NOC event in Houston, WWE's next major event, we will have our RINGSIDE Show just a 10 minute walk from the Toyota Center which will house Night of Champions. Our show will take place at 4 pm at the Warehouse Live Ballroom and tickets start at $20 at Our event will be over in PLENTY of time for you to take the short walk to the Toyota Center for the WWE show after mine.

Two quick thoughts....Cesaro is arguably the most underutilized talent in WWE and for Kevin Owens to grow and be the main event talent that he can be he needs to speak more often than not on RAW. A lack of promo time generally can mean several things and none of them are particularly good. is back in business with JR's products. Order early and often while stocking up before they are once again out of inventory. They are on twitter @americansoda.

Our new, Slobber Knocker cap is now available at They're badass.

We're on a string of some really compelling Ross Report Podcasts including Tony Schiavone, Dave Scherer and next week MMA fighter, pro wrestler, broadcaster and actor Josh Barnett joins us.

Q&A's are updated here on the site.

Thanks for stopping by.....

Boomer Sooner!



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