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JR's Blog: Tenay Podcast Continues to Roll, Big Show Remarks Addressed, EC3/Angle/Wolves/Heels, ROH/Corino, Summer Slam RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Show Tickets Hot, Questionable Lawsuits, Jimmy's Seafood Crab Cake 'Mania for July 4th

JR's Blog: Tenay Podcast Continues to Roll, Big Show Remarks Addressed, EC3/Angle/Wolves/Heels, ROH/Corino, Summer Slam RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Show Tickets Hot, Questionable Lawsuits, Jimmy's Seafood Crab Cake 'Mania for July 4th

Posted: Jul 4th 2015 By: Jim Ross

For those cerebrating the 4th of July holiday I want to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th and hope that you enjoy it with friends and family....and your grill.

Some odds and ends...

Q&A's are updated elsewhere here on the site.

One question I've been asked many times regarding the Big Show apparently saying on a podcast that he was "never one of my guys" while I was in charge of talent roster in WWE. That's news to me. It was Jerry Brisco and who I who made the first contact in person with Show to begin recruiting him to come to WWE which was the smartest thing that Paul Wight ever did. It was my wife who invited Show and his former manager into our home where she cooked him a meal fit for a king including home made biscuits and apple butter which we have given him as a gift occasionally through the years. I have always thought the world of Paul Wight and still do. Yes, Vince McMahon and I decided to send Paul to developmental to help him with his fundamentals and to give him the opportunity to lose some needed weight to improve his overall health and to help us maximize our significant investment. If that was being unfair, then so be it.

The role that I fulfilled in assembling our talent roster as EVP of Talent Rations was a thankless one but I knew that when I took the job. Tough decisions have to be made and if encouraging someone to lose weight is a bad thing then I was guilty. Show wasn't the only performer with who we addressed this matter. Plus, how many 500 pound men do you know that live long, healthy lives? We also addressed these issues with Yokozuna and Vader who we both wanted to achieve optimum health.

Our system of scouting, signing and developing talent seemed to work pretty well because, in the opinion of many, the best roster that WWE ever had or will have was during the time around the Attitude Era. I hope that roster is surpassed some day but only time will tell.

Congrats to EC3 and Kurt Angle for having, along with The Wolves and the Dirty Heels, a helluva wrestling match Wednesday night on Destination America and it's unfortunate that the TV ratings did not reflect the effort and execution of talents involved. EC3 has been well programmed for his new role and getting the torch passed from Kurt Angle is one of the best things that will ever happen in EC3's career.

ROH always gets a spark from the NJPW talents and this week was no exception. Speaking of ROH, I will speaking with broadcaster Steve Corino this Monday night for a future Ross Report podcast. Should be entertaining and a great show. Funny, knowledgeable dude.

The current Ross Report with the Professor Mike Tenay, the first of a two parter, is garnering great numbers at, iTunes, and here on the homepage of our website. This is one of my most enjoyable shows that I hope that you will check out. You won't regret it and listening is FREE just like subscribing at iTunes which helps us immensely.

About 30 VIP tickets for each of my Summer Slam week shows remain. Wednesday August 19 at the DC Improv, tickets at the box office and via plus on Saturday August 22, the day before Summer Slam, in the Gramercy Theatre in NYC with tickets on sale at the box office and via General Admission tickets for both shows are only $25.

Doing two long days of movie work next week on the much anticipated 'Mid Atlantic Memories' documentary that will premier at the Charlotte NWA Legends Fan Fest on Thursday July 30 just before the RINGSIDE wi Jim Ross Show and then the Jim Cornette Experience. For all the info this must attend event I invite you to visit

I still think that ROH, TNA, and GFW should work together in some manner as all three companies could compliment each other in a variety of ways. There are strength in numbers and a talent exchange wouldn't hurt any of the organizations. Where are the three organizations going to get new stars in the future? Where are these new stars going be developed? Would a three company promotion of a joint PPV be productive?

Sad that it seems that some "Ambulance Chasing" attorneys never go away and are attempting to convince some former wrestlers to seek monies from WWE, and no other companies or promoters, for alleged concussion related issues supposedly received during their years in various wrestling rings while working for multiple companies. While I have compassion for anyone suffering, to blame WWE for all their issues seems ludicrous. This seems like a frivolous lawsuit lead by barristers who want to earn a payday for themselves and their gullible clients many of who did not prepare for their future, create an adequate self employment/independent contractor personal, business structure likes thousands of electricians, plumbers, truck drivers, farmers, carpenters, etc.

I'm now Facebook and invite you to check us out there.

Pro wrestling is a unique entity and those at the top of the food chain that do not have product knowledge or are not highly motivated to acquire needed knowledge then history will continue to repeat itself over and over. Multi Millionaire owners of NFL franchises surround themselves with high skilled "football people." The genre of pro wrestling takes a unique skill set to navigate/manage profitably. Those we little product knowledge are soon exposed. Just some food for thought. is rocking the JR's products in the heart of grilling season. Online shopping cannot be made easier.

Just got our July 4th crab cake order from Jimmy's Seafood in Baltimore. Ordered online and received the best crab cakes in the world. May add a hint of JR's Seasoning and a little JR's BBQ Sauce on a couple of them just to live on the wild side.

Thanks for stopping by and hurry back and see us. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Boom Sooner!



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