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JR's Blog: JR's Take on the Huge, Brock Lesnar Story, Taz, The US and IC Title Picutre, Ken Shamrock o the Ross Report Podcast, Updates on TWO, RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Shows

JR's Blog: JR's Take on the Huge, Brock Lesnar Story, Taz, The US and IC Title Picutre, Ken Shamrock o the Ross Report Podcast, Updates on TWO, RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Shows

Posted: Mar 26th 2015 By: Jim Ross

Quick RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Show update...$20 tickets are still available and will be available Saturday at the Rockbar Theater in San Jose for our 1 pm, and only, show of the WM31 weekend. Tickets will be available Saturday at the venue and via This Friday morning tickets for my first ever 'RINGSIDE' show in Baltimore slated for Saturday night May 16 go on sale at 10 am at again this Friday morning. Tickets are limited and include a select amount of VIP meet & greet tickets. All the info is at Hope to see you at one of our shows.

Brock Lesnar made his announcement on Tuesday that he was staying with WWE and retiring from MMA of which is great news for WWE and their fans and something that I though would happen for the past several weeks even though I too have vacillated on this matter numerous times. Knowing Brock since he was a Junior in college at Minnesota when we started recruiting him, I know the gladiator spirit in the man desperately wanted to close out his MMA career on a more positive note than it ended but after becoming the Undisputed UFC Heavyweight Champion what else was there to prove? Lesnar is a wrestler and not a skilled striker in that world but the first thing to go with a wrestler's skill set is their quickness and the older one gets the less speed and quickness they possess.

Who knows what the affects of fighting in a rugged sport featuring four ounce gloves will do to one's brain as it relates to concussions so why take the risk especially when one is in their late 30's and especially one who has great financial options being offered them?

I'm sure that Brock's family and closest friends participated in the decision making process but at the end of the day the final, final decision had to be made by the man himself. A younger Brock, full of P&V, might have made a different decision but the responsible husband, loving father, son and friend looked at it from a different point of view.

Brock Lesnar made the best decision for him and everyone close to him by staying in WWE and earning what I'm sure is a magnificent salary for working what is essentially a part time schedule. Plus, by having a part time schedule it will manage how much exposure that he will get to insure that Brock remains an attraction and will not allow him to be over exposed as so many in his profession are in today's marketplace.

WWE would e well served to allow the talents to be rotated within the system to provide more talents additional off time to rest and recover and Lesnar's contract guarantees that he will be able to function in a more idealistic environment. No one is a bigger Lesnar fan than me as evidenced on how hard and long we recruited him but not even the most ardent Lesnar fan needs to see Brock every week. That goes for any established star on the roster for that matter.

Every amateur booker and even some of us who have done that job for a living as it relates to booking matches are having a field day looking at all the possible scenarios that might occur this Sunday at WrestleMania in the Lesnar-Reigns WWE Title match. There are potentially endless of scenarios that 'could' be utilized which makes this main event infinitely more intriguing that it was before the ESPN announcement with the talented Michelle Beadle and the "Beast Incarnate."

While many complained about the 'build;' to this WrestleMania being tepid in the eyes of some, the game changed drastically when Lesnar declared his intentions on ESPN Tuesday.

I'm intrigued as to how this match ends, how @HeymanHustle and event MITB winner Seth Rollins are utilized either on Sunday or on the RAW following the biggest event of the year.

So, as I said about 60 seconds on Twitter @JRsBBQ after Brock made his decision on ESPN that 'Business Has Picked Up' and Sunday's WrestleMania took on a entirely new it almost became a new entity.

Great 'get' by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon which virtually guarantees huge subscribers to the WWE Network for WrestleMania.

Plus, this decision gives WWE the opportunity to rejuvenate the IC and US titles if they choose considering Lesnar will not be on the road that much one has to assume. I could see John Cena and Daniel Bryan both re-energizing the US and IC Titles respectively.

If you are attending 'Mania remember that JR's products are fully stocked at the store at Axxess and I encourage you to drop by and shop without having to deal with shipping costs. conversation with Ken Shamrock on the Ross Report Podcast on iTunes and is excellent as Ken is a fascinating guest. Please listen to the World's Most Dangerous Man tell his story. You won't regret it. Download it for FREE at iTunes.

Also tune into Taz's podcast this week as we review WM31 and share some hilarious stories. I loved the chance to catch up with my old friend.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see many of you Saturday in San Jose at the Rockbar Theater at 1 for the RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Show as those $20 tickets are still available. .

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

Boomer Sooner!



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