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JR's Blog: Jarrett on Ross Report, RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Tkts on sale at, RAW Feedback, Droz Story at, restocked w/ JR's

JR's Blog: Jarrett on Ross Report, RINGSIDE w/ Jim Ross Tkts on sale at, RAW Feedback, Droz Story at, restocked w/ JR's

Posted: Dec 17th 2014 By: Jim Ross

We're coming onto crunch time as it relates to ordering JR's products online and in time for holiday delivery. is fully stocked and ready to roll with some great offers and discounts but you need to order ASAP. and are in the same boat in the UK, Ireland, and Europe and I hope that you will visit their sites and make our products a part of your Holidays. has plenty of inventory and JR's tees in all sizes and in multiple "flavors" for everyone plus they ship ANYWHERE. Let's grill...

Jeff Jarrett joins me at 9 pm ET tonight for the latest Ross Report Podcast at and via iTunes to talk about Wrestle Kingdom 9 on PPV in North America and elsewhere on the @FlippsTV app elsewhere on January 4 live from the Tokyo Dome. We will also talk about who my partner will be on the broadcast, Global Force Wrestling, and the WWE TLC event of this past Sunday night. It's FREE to download our podcast and I hope that you will subscribe which is also FREE and insures that you won't miss a show.

Next week I will have Vader on the podcast which will be interesting as the "Mastodon" has some interesting tales of growing up in LA, going to play football at the University of Colorado before being drafted by the LA Rams and then embarking on a significant, Hall of Fame pro wresting career. Check out Vader on

Doing lots of media for not only the PPV on January 4th from Tokyo but also for my two shows Royal Rumble weekend coming Friday January 23 at 9 pm at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ. The Jersey show starts at 8 pm withe VIP meet and greet set to start at 6 pm. Then on Sunday January 25 at 3 pm we tee it up at the Trocadero Theater in Philly with the VIP Meet and Greets set to start at 1 pm. The Troc is not far from the arena in Philly which will house the Royal Rumble later that day. It's an easy and doable double header.

All tickets start at $20 and are on sale now via

Here's some of the things that I enjoyed after watching RAW via my DVR:

Rollins vs. Cena...solid main event to close the three hour broadcast...Rollins seems to be lining up to be the next "Heyman Guy" somewhere down the road. My 'guess' is that Rollins will be WWE Champ in the next few months. I stress it's my "guess."

Opening segment was long but had such a large 'cast' that it kept my attention.

Roman Reigns return was good....but he's got lots of work to catch up on if he wants to eventually get to the Promised Land. Injuries are never timely and can be especially harmful for a 'rookie' level talent. Here' s where I'd expect Reigns athleticism and 2nd generation instincts to kick in.

Lesnar and Heyman...generally make any broadcast that they're on better and Monday was no exception. @HeymanHustle is arguably one of @WWE MVP's. The "Jew in Jiu Jitsu" line from Happy Heyman was classic.

New Day....if they remain over the top with the "positivity" will they naturally and organically become villains?

@CMPunk aka Phil Brooks is scheduled to the ESPN Car Wash media blitz on Thursday if you are so inclined to partake.

Check out my column that was posted today at about Darren Drozdov. It's a beautiful message from Droz about overcoming challenges. Darren is big winner in life. After talking with Droz for several hours over two conversations, I felt better about many things in my life and was so proud of Darren to keep battling just like he did on the gridiron and in the ring. Droz predicts that Daniel Cromier @dc_mma will defeat Jon "Bones" Jones for the @ufc light heavyweight title coming up on Jan 3. My story is at The Buzzer at

I'm told that likely someone who leaked what they believe to be a scoop on who my broadcast partner is for the Wrestle Kingdom 9 PPV came from a disgruntled person who wanted the gig but was unsuccessful. More on this matter on the new, Ross Report at 9 pm ET tonight.

Speaking of Wrestle Kingdom 9 on PPV on January 4, I'm somewhat certain that some NJPW aficionados will find something wrong with the commentary no matter who does it especially as it concerns the unique names of some of the holds that the talent's utilize. I can only do the best job that I can and let the cards fall where they may. I do think the style of broadcasting will be different that most USA broadcasts whether that be good or bad. Yes, I fully expect to be woodshedded by some keyboard warrior within minutes of the Tokyo Dome event ending. Gotta love the passion, right?

Q&A's here are updated.

Remember that has been fully re-stocked and are ready to ship to you for the holidays but you need to hurry.

Remember to catch a new episode of the Ross Report tonight (Tuesday) at 9 pm ET with Jeff Jarrett who discusses with me the issues of us not speaking for 15 years over his then contract status with WWE on a PPV day in Cleveland. We were talking about so many things that we almost forgot to tell that story but we did get it in.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day/night. Happy Holidays to all!



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