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JR's Blog: Ross Report Podcast News, JR's Toronto Show, Wrestling Villains, Paul Boesh Houston Wrestling, Q&A's Updated.

JR's Blog:  Ross Report Podcast News, JR's Toronto Show, Wrestling Villains, Paul Boesh Houston Wrestling, Q&A's Updated.

Posted: Apr 17th 2014 By: Jim Ross

Thanks for stopping by our newly designed and enhanced website. I'm in the midst of another busy week working on some new projects and doing all that I can to not overload the wagon. Let's not burn any more daylight and get this show on the road....

The newest Ross Report Podcast is ready for downloading and features ESPN personality Robert Flores as my guest this week. Robert is one of the network's top personalities and grew up in the Houston area as a fan of Houston Wrestling promoted by the late, Paul Boesch. RoFlo has also watched every WWE WrestleMania ever and offers some great advice to those who wold love to be in the broadcasting business. It's a fun, informative listen from a true fan of the business that I'm sure that you will enjoy.

Next week's guest is the incomparable Jim Cornette and we discuss virtually every subject under the sun involving all areas of the wrestling business, the Jarrett, Watts, Von Erich, and Crockett days and of course our time together in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, WCW, and the WWE. Plus, we squeeze in a little foodie talk as well. It's one of my favorite podcasts and will be released this coming Tuesday late afternoon USA time.

Tuesday night I had a wonderful conversation with Impact Wrestling's Gail Kim and that show will air on Wednesday April 30 as the talented Canadian talks her career, her marriage to Food Network star and Brit Robert Irvine along with the differences in working in WWE and TNA. Good stuff from a classy, honest, respectful woman who is a credit to the business.

Next week I am scheduled to visit with Shawn Michaels and that podcast will air in early May. It won't be your typical "who's your favorite match" type of conversation I can assure you.

Our podcasts are FREE and can be downloaded at and via iTunes.

It's amazing how many folks who follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ truly don't understand the meaning of being a fan favorite or a TV Wrestling villain. The nuances of each skill set seems to be lost on a generation of fans who have bought into the fact that there's no real difference in heroes and villains in real life.

There are heroes and villains in every walk of life and in every professional sports entity. The UFC smartly positions fighters as heroes and as villains even though they often times do it subtly. My favorite fighter, Ronda Rousey, embraces being a heel and thousands of UFC fans pay big money to see some woman beat Rousey to a pulp which is the greatest compliment that any villain can have.

Back in the day, the Lakers and the Celtics would out draw every other team in the NBA on the road because they were primarily the pro hoops version of heels and fans wanted to see their hometown team, the heroes, beat the 'evil' visitors.

The Detroit Pistons even called themselves the 'Bad Boys' and embraced their villain persona in every arena in the NBA but in their hometown of Detroit.

Pro wrestling heels carry themselves differently than do their counterparts, they sell differently, they exploit their offensive weaponry differently than the majority of fan favorites and they certainly represent themselves unlike a fan favorite. One major difference is that there are more heel fans today than ever which makes the situation more complex. However, for one to say that there is no more good or evil is being naive and defies our basic human instincts.

Updated the Q&A's here earlier today. Some good questions.

One was about Bruce Prichard mentioning on @steveaustinBSR podcast that the late, Houston Promoter Paul Boesch did not like me. Not sure if he personally did not like me but perhaps Bruce is accurate. I know Boesch did not like change and when Bill Watts bought into the Houston promotion Cowboy brought with him changes and I was one of those changes. Paul did not like having a broadcast partner and he was given me as his new partner which never pleased him. It was easier for Paul to be not so nice to me than to be not so nice to the Cowboy. I never felt the same about Mr. Boesch and always respected him as a man and a promoter. Lots of old timers, me included, can be resistant to changes in our business.

Paul Boesch was a good man and whether he liked me or not, at the end of the day, is really irrelevant.

Wheels are truly in motion on our Toronto show promotion as we are scheduling a great deal of media stops within the market beginning imminently through the show on Friday May 9 at the Danforth Music Hall. It's one show only and one night only in Toronto the night before the big, ROH-New Japan show on Saturday May 10.

Tickets for RINGSIDE: An Evening with Jim Ross in Toronto on Friday May 9, one night only and one show only, are on sale at JR's products will be available at the Danforth Music Hall the night of the show as well.

Business has picked up at with all their JR's shirts. The "Tougher Than a $2 Steak" shirt is still the top seller so far. They have every size imaginable and ship worldwide. Fast, courteous service, too.

Grilling season is here and I'm hoping that you stock up on JR's products by shopping online throughout North America at and in the UK, Ireland and Europe via and

Thanks for stopping by and for all your support in the many arenas we are currently enjoying. Remember, our tomorrow's aren't guaranteed.

Boomer Sooner!



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