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JR's Blog: J.R.'s Random Thoughts..OU-Texas..FREE Meet 'n Greet Thursday Nite in Oklahoma..Foley's Book..Jericho's DVD..JR's BBQ Sauces

JR's Blog:  J.R.'s Random Thoughts..OU-Texas..FREE Meet 'n Greet Thursday Nite in Oklahoma..Foley's Book..Jericho's DVD..JR's BBQ Sauces

Posted: Sep 30th 2010 By: mikeiles

Lots going on here in Norman with it being OU-Texas week and the WWE coming to town this week as well. Yours truly is going to have a busy week starting today doing three radio shows. Here we go...

Thanks for the well wishes regarding my surprise, upcoming medical procedure this Monday afternoon where apparently a stent will be put into a heart artery. I just got this info Tuesday morning even though I knew last week while I was in Florida that my stress test showed some questionable results. Ironically, my blood work from my my annual physical and the overall condition of the structure of my heart have not been better in years and years. All my #'s of importance were the best that they had been in recent memory as a result of losing about 25 pounds, hitting the gym regularly, and adhering to a new, smarter diet.

My family has a history of heart issues so perhaps its genetic. Plus, the test is 90% accurate so I may be in the rare, 10 percentile that has a false alarm. Nonetheless I am more concerned about the outcome of the OU-Texas game this Saturday in the Cotton Bowl that will find me on the OU sideline than I am about this medical procedure. I feel great and it's business as usual for me this week. I've gone to the gym every day this week and even after I got the 'news' and defiantly did cardio.

Today I will be on WWLS 'The Sports Animal' in Oklahoma City from 12:30-2 p.m. central time and you can call in which I hope that you do at 1-888-285-9957. I'll be on with Mark Rodgers.

At 4:30 pm today I will be on sports talk 1400 The Ref in Norman for half an hour. Check out or call me at 1-800-355-5733. James Hale is the host of the show.

Then at approximately 6;10 pm I will be on my regular Wednesday gig with my pals Sean and John in Houston on

All of these stations have websites that you can listen if you choose and feel free to call in if you are so inclined. We will be talking OU-Texas and WWE on all three shows.

I'll join the Bella Twins and Kelly-Kelly Thursday night in Concho, Oklahoma, which is just west of OKC on I-40, at the fabulous Lucky Star Casino from 6-9 for a free meet and greet that everyone is invited to attend as we get set to kick off the HUGE, WWE Super Show Friday night in OKC's Ford Center. Tickets for Friday night start at only $15 and are still available for the biggest, most significant WWE event ever promoted in OKC.

I was never scheduled to appear in OKC Friday during the WWE festivities so that info has circulated erroneously. We're likely heading to Dallas after the Lucky Star appearance of which we have had planned for a year as I have been going to the OU-Texas game since 1971. Obviously, if needed I would certainly attend the WWE Super Show but I'm not and don't feel compelled to hang around catering all day. The desert table is too tempting.

I'm excited about the release of Mick Foley's book which I have read and reviewed here months ago. I really thought Mick did an excellent job with his latest literary creation and I honestly did not think that the topic felt that compelling before reading the book. I was wrong and throughly enjoyed 'Countdown to Lockdown' and encourage fans to check it out. I'm likely to read Mick's latest book again before I start writing my own some day. As a matter of fact I will probably go back and read several of Mick's books along with a few others to prime the pump of creativity when I embark on writing my first book of what could be more than one if all goes as planned.

Mick Foley is one of my all time favorite people and us being able to bring him to WWE when it wasn't the 'popular' decision is so rewarding. I wish that Mick and had the chance to work together more in the broadcast booth as I feel that we could have really meshed and could have become WWE's top team even though our 'looks' likely would have never allowed us to appear on the #1 show, Monday Night Raw. I hear Mick is going to be the subject of a movie about his life. Very cool...I wonder who's going to play 'J.R.'? I'm just saying....

Got a cool phone call from Stone Cold Steve Austin yesterday and we talked a little about my stent procedure but mostly about this weekend's football games. Steve has always been a valued friend even in the most challenging of times since we've known each other. I always know that I can count on Steve Austin when the chips are down in any scenario. Steve is entertaining the prospects of a couple of kick ass scripts for upcoming films and is really building a solid body of film work.

Also received a great text from Chris Jericho early this morning who had some wonderful things to say about my broadcasting work on his new DVD which is the best WWE DVD released in years and is available now. It's always nice to hear from one's peers, the 'Boys' if you will, and I keep in touch with several even though my road days have ended by and large. I'm not sure when or if we will see Chris Jericho back in a WWE ring but having the ultra talented, 20 year vet around makes any card better and Chris can compete with any one on the roster, arguably, better than most anyone.

Interesting night of TV on NXT. Interesting is an interesting word isn't it? I very pleased that Cole and Mathews are handling that broadcast assigning, along, of course with our teacher, Matt Striker. As caustic as Cole is at times regarding NXT, I could see where I could be worse and that would not be a good thing. I've never proficient in every phase of broadcasting but I know that calling a wheelbarrow race while loaded with a small person in it likely isn't my bottle of BBQ Sauce.

My pal and wrestling fan Brad Nessler is handling the PXP on ABC Saturday in Dallas at OU-Texas. We will hook up Friday evening in Big D at some point while WWE's Super Show is on going in OKC. Ness is a major advocate of me becoming the voice of OU Football on radio next season but as much as I would love that opportunity I feel it is going to be a long shot at best. Nonetheless I will remain positive and keep my fingers crossed and see how the process goes when it begins. I know that I've got plenty of broadcasts left in me and being a part of OU Football would be a boyhood dream realized.

Thanks again for all the well wishes but I'd like to think that I'm tougher than a $2 steak and Monday's medical procedure will be just another day 'at the office.' I guess this heart glitch disproves what some disgruntled, former WWE wrestlers have said on some of their 'I'll-say-some-controversial-BS-on-a-shoot interview-for-a-payday' rants where some inferred that I did not have a heart.

If you can see your way to either visit our store or to promote our products here on the site it is greatly appreciated. Remember that we offer FREE SHIPPING on every order that we Federal Express here in the USA.

Follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

My Oklahoma football blog is up at

Thanks for the support of our brand and all the well wishes.

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, WWE, Mick Foley

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