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JR's Blog: Saturday House Cleaning...UFC 118..Frankie Edgar dissed..Wrestling Union Would Not Solve All Perceived Ills..Luna..

JR's Blog:  Saturday House Cleaning...UFC 118..Frankie Edgar dissed..Wrestling Union Would Not Solve All Perceived Ills..Luna..

Posted: Aug 31st 2010 By: CMBurnham

Great day to clean up some often asked questions and to address some of the most frequently addressed subjects. These are questions and comments we get on our Q&A section of the site, updated BTW as we speak, and on Twitter. I am on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Yes...Our case price offer where you receive a free $20 J.R.'s T Shirt is still in effect even though our webmaster has yet to find the time to officially get it on the site. You simply go to the store, order your case, and we will include the free T shirt along with whatever else the offer states.

No...I do not plan on doing single bottle orders as the shipping makes it cost prohibitive in my view. Federal Express rounds up to the next pound so an 18 oz bottle will be shipped as 2 pounds or more depending on the packing. We think that our 3 pack is a great value and a super way to try out products.

BTW...I'm still waiting on the proposal from Federal Express on the feasibility of us shipping to Canada. We haven't forgotten our Canadian friends but I do wonder how much business we will actually get from our neighbors to the North. Nonetheless when we get the data and can meet I will keep every one informed.

NO...there were never any official or unofficial 'hat rules' regarding my black hat as someone asked on Twitter. Austin wore my hat at WM25 in an impromptu moment which I felt was cool as hell. However, I don't share my hat with fans who want to take their picture wearing it. I also don't ask to borrow a stranger's tooth brush.

Yes...for goodness' sakes I am STILL employed by WWE. I'm a consultant for Talent Relations and perform various and at times random functions within that department. There are NO plans for me to return to weekly, WWE TV. NO plans. That aspect of my career with WWE is OVER. No...I am not bitter. I had a wonderful 'run' and to complain about it would be ridiculous. There are enough bitter, ex wrestlers out there who can provide folks that need it with plenty of 'dirt' and 'poor me' stories that I don't need to add to the misery. Mel Gibson should provide every one their quota for bitter behavior.

It was only a few years ago when I was 30 days away from dying from a perforated large intestine so if any one thinks that my job status is more important to me than is my family and my health then one needs to seek professional help. I'll get you Dr. Phil's number if you really need it.

I am a truly blessed man with the greatest wife in the world and a wonderful home life. I married a lovely Italian from Pittsburgh who can cook, loves football, watches MMA with me and puts up with my often times cranky ass. I've learned that life is about much more than calling a pro wrestling match which is not to say that I don't miss it from time to time. But, as I have said, I also miss playing high school football for the Westville Yellowjackets and weighing a buck ninety.

Please do NOT come to J.R.'s Family BBQ Restaurant in Norman. It is CLOSED. It has been closed for a few months now. There are NO plans to go back into the restaurant biz at this time. In case you might have missed it, the economy sucks. We failed in a volatile business but we gave it our best shot. No regrets....or bitterness. We're working diligently to sell more products off this website of which many of you support.

Frankie Edgar wins the title from BJ Penn in Dubai and still gets no respect from many from within the MMA community/media. BJ is still the 'star' in this equation. A lack of respect affects people in a variety of ways especially athletes. Even though BJ is badass and one of my favorites, his fight tonight against Edgar, who is the champion mind you, won't be the slam dunk many may think. I think BJ wins a war but if Edgar prevails don't be shocked. If I had an opportunity to speak with Edgar I could be more detailed as athletes are rarely able to hide their true feelings and my guess is that Edgar is pissed that he's still looked upon as 'less than' BJ Penn. Edgar also knows that if he loses tonight that he is out of the title picture until well into 2011.

I prefer to use the term 'inside cradle' because it is a true wrestling term rather than to use the term 'small package' because that's an insider/pro wrestling term.

A wrestling unions would not have solved the issues that many wrestlers have had over the years. Walk in clinics, shady doctors, hiring the wrong people, and a changing society in general would have prevailed in a battle with a wrestling union. What can be done to erase many of the perceived issues that have plagued pro wrestling in the past few generations? I wish I had a fool proof answer but when dealing with human beings there are no guarantees or answers that are always right. I do endorse zero tolerance for all banned substances. I endorse on going , through education to teach wrestlers young and old alike about the evils of drug and alcohol abuse. I endorse recruiting as high a quality of a human being and world class athlete as is possible but that too is a gamble and provides no guarantee that those individuals will remain 'issue free'. Extensive education, constant mentoring, monitoring every athlete's behavior as much as possible, continued random testing, and a never ending search for new solutions to stay up with new ways to cheat are some of the issues that one could consider for what is becoming a societal issue that plagues all pro sports and various forms of entertainment.

One last thing on a wrestling would be almost comical to see a group of wrestlers attempt to form a union because there would likely be a bitchfest on what to order for lunch, where to have the meeting, etc not to mention who to elect as the head of the union and subsequent decision makers. An outsider would likely be needed and to find an outsider with product knowledge, although not impossible, would not be easy. Forget the wrestler's union theory as it isn't going to happen inmy life time at least.

Yes...I watched MMA years and a years ago and the early Ultimate Fighting organization was poorly structured and destined for failure for one reason, their lack or rules and the fact that their fights often times resembled a back room assemblage of shady characters. UFC has done a magnificent job of creating rules and regulations which has legitimized UFC as a pro sport that still hasn't reached it peak. Rules and Regulations are needed but as are competent refs which are not in abundance in MMA at this time. Hopefully, as the sport continues to grow, the officiating will improve just as it did in the NBA, NFL, and MLB over time.

Tweeted that we got our first sample of 'JR's Main Event Mustard" Friday and I've been using it this weekend. It will be a really healthy condiment that will be honey mustard based with a splash of personality IE spice. Sweet and Spicey is the goal. We are still about 60 days from having it ready to roll out as I'm not going to put my name on something that I am not totally committed to and that I believe in 100%.

We do not ship to UK or Canada or any where else outside the USA but does. They are working on some less expensive shipping costs for these international shipments too as I understand it.

Thanks for those who read my blog on the late Luna Vachon and sent along their thoughts. Luna was without question the happiest when she was inside a pro wrestling ring. Like most people, Luna simply wanted validation and love and, as many have done in their lives, looked for those things occasionally in the wrong places. I think that most of us can say the same. When I saw Luna at CAC 3 years or so ago, she said that she was clean and sober and I never saw her have even a cold beer at the function. She was beaming to see so many of her old friends and I have to believe that event was one of the happiest days of her life. I've often wondered how well Luna would have done in MMA if it had been available and she had started on that path early in her career. Without question, she was tough enough to handle the physicality.

No...I don't think that Floyd Mayweather, Jr is dodging Manny Pacquiao. Anticipation for any major event builds the desire to see it and therefore makes it more lucrative for all involved. Floyd knows the Pacquiao fight is HUGE money and the younger Mayweather isn't going to leave significant monies behind in what possibly might be a trilogy of fights that would be the great, financial hope of pro boxing in today's world.

Getting ready to fire up the grill. Marinating fillets since last night with liquid mesquite smoke, Montreal Steak Seasoning Grinder, sea salt, garlic, and some BBQ rub. After these steaks come off the grill I will warm up some JR's Chipotle Ketchup to use for a steak sauce and if the mood hits me I may add a small amount of our HOT BBQ Sauce to the ketchup to kick it up.

I'll be Tweeting tonight during UFC 118 @JRsBBQ so join in. We'll have another blog with my thoughts on the fights and any thing else that pops into my mind before the end of the weekend.

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, WWE

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