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JR's Blog: Heenan...Political Jackasses...Randy Savage..War Games ala Nexus..JR to Tampa..Sid Returning?..FREE SHIPPING TO USA

JR's Blog:  Heenan...Political Jackasses...Randy Savage..War Games ala Nexus..JR to Tampa..Sid Returning?..FREE SHIPPING TO USA

Posted: Jul 31st 2010 By: CMBurnham

The news of Bobby Heenan falling, apparently twice, and breaking his shoulder, pelvis,and hip are sobering. I think the world of 'The Brain' who will undergo shoulder surgery on August 4 and consider him a dear friend. When I first went to WWE in 1993 from the 'enemy' (WCW) Bobby and Gorilla Monsoon were the first two people who really took me in and made me feel welcomed in a new environment. They were in the minority but they had enough clout that it helped others come around to simply giving allowing themselves to get to know me and then make a decision based on fact not who my previous employer was.

There has been no better manager ever in the business than Bobby Heenan...period. He's the best all around performer in the history of the business when one takes into consideration his ability to wrestle, manage, talk, and be a TV personality. No one that I can think of ever exceeded Heenan's all around skill set.

Get well soon 'Wease' and remember that many, many fans love and respect you and think of you daily. You'll always be in our prayers.

Many emailers are sending me the uncreative and "Mickey Mouse' political ad one of Linda McMahon's opponents is airing which shows me getting a low blow...over and over...which is an eye rolling, embarrassingly ridiculous ad. It comes back to the same thing that I have experienced personally and professionally in my life for years and years....its another illustration of the pro wrestling bias that exists in so many forms of our society.

People who are colored with a pro wrestling brush are more often than not positioned to be one dimensional individuals who cannot successfully function outside the grappling genre. That sounds so ignorant to write but it is sadly true. Most young broadcasters realize this and many have left the biz over the years so that they are better able to get a day job in the mainstream sports world, etc.

Pro wrestling is show's's not professional sports and if one doesn't like the presentation of pro wrestling one simply can change their channel and watch a litany of other programs. I don't see the childish, boorish merits of knocking those that are fans or participants of the business especially those POLITICIANS that are being depended upon to make vital decisions regarding public policy and improving our standards of living.

Yeah, I want those mindless, insecure, professional politicos representing me in Washington. NOT. In closing and just to make sure that all understand my disgust with politics in general, particularly dirty politics, those that practice old school, dirt/manure slinging or endorse these ham and egger's who fancy themselves as full time, professional politicians can quite simply kiss my ample, Oklahoma ass.

WWE is expecting north of 50 individuals, both male and female, to their tryout camp today thru Sunday. I will be at the camp all day Saturday and Sunday. One never knows what to expect during these 'pot luck' affairs but my wish is that if there are 50 or so wannabes that WWE can find 2-3 keepers. Let's just hope that all are in acceptable, athletic shape as I, personally, have no time for those that show up too out of shape to put their skills on display.

Old friend Pat Rose, an excellent wrestler in his day, is a fishing expert now and has a radio show on WPLZ 95.5 FM out of Chattanooga starting Saturday August 7 @ 7 a.m.

Yours truly had dinner with the OU coaching staff Thursday night in our annual, function prior to the staff getting back on the field with their players which will commence next week. I've turned down some good paying gigs on football Saturdays this fall so I could attend all the Sooner games. I've never had a 2nd thought about that decision either. I'll be at Sooner practice next week before I head to Charlotte for the NWA Legends Fanfest on August 5-6.

We're getting a great deal of questions regarding Sid returning to WWE. I'm not in the loop nor do I know WWE's plans or Sid's physical status. Does Sid even want to get back on the road to any degree? I have no idea but if I had to make a random guess I would suggest that WWE and Sid will likely never do any thing together in a significant way again. I certainly could be wrong because as I said I don't know WWE's plans other than they are definitely trying to get their roster 'younger.'

Some readers did not know that we closed JR's Family BBQ in Norman several weeks ago. We have no regrets since closing the BBQ joint that served awesome food. The overhead was too steep for the sales that we were doing and it was a simple, mathematically based decision to shut the doors. We do not regret going into the business to begin with but I wish that I knew now what I did not know then about opening a restaurant. Nonetheless it was a good learning experience and it helped launch this website and the sale of the best BBQ Sauces in the land and our awesome, Chipotle Ketchup. Plus, we established our JR's Championship Original Beef Jerky too. One doesn't get their hand raised every day and to me it has always been about how one continues to compete (live) on a daily basis that really matters.

I do not know any more than most fans about WWE's updated relationship with Randy Savage or what the future holds for WWE/Savage, if any thing. It seems that a marketing arrangement has or is being established and one could always speculate that could eventually morph into more. Yes, Randy Savage is deserving of the WWE HOF and perhaps one day he will be inducted which would be a great moment for his many, loyal fans. Until then, let's just sit back, be patient and wait.

It is truly gratifying that so many fans miss my work on TV as there is not a day that goes by that someone doesn't Tweet us @JRsBBQ or email this website. If I'm not careful it could inflate my 'ego' but we all know that I already admit to having a sizable ego. For some reason, fans have asked if I would accept reassignment to Monday Night Raw and/or PPV's. The answer is obviously yes. But why? Simply because I'm a team player and what ever the decision is for how I contribute to the team is simply the way that it will be. I don't look to go back onto weekly TV commentary but making a cameo here and there is a remote possible. Obviously, what WWE person wouldn't want to be a part of WM27? If I am once again there and if I only watch the event as a fan, that will be fine but 'players' always want to 'play' if they can and many of us veterans generally feel that we have just a little more to give or at least that's usually our mindset.

Is the War Games a concept suited for The Nexus? It certainly might work but it adds yet another steel cage into the PPV equation. Steel cages, in any form, and frequent title changes seem to be over utilized from my personal perspective in general within the biz. Plus, although I like Nexus very much, they all have a long way to go and need significant ring time to hone their skills to a perennial main event level and there is no guarantee that all 7 can or will succeed in such. I do feel that Nexus is the freshest thing to come along in WWE in a good while so I am more than happy as a fan to watch this faction grow and develop and and to wait and see what happens down the road.

We're gladly accepting all your orders and will always try to accommodate any special request that we can. Orders between today and Sunday night will be shipped FREE in the USA. this Monday. Follow my Florida trip on Tweeter @JRsBBQ.

Be well everyone and say a prayer for 'The Brain.'

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, WWE, WCW, NWA,

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