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JR's Blog: Tampa/FCW Trip Goes Well...Stuck in DFW...Q&A's Updtated..FREE SHIPPING ...Orders go out Monday!

JR's Blog:  Tampa/FCW Trip Goes Well...Stuck in DFW...Q&A's Updtated..FREE SHIPPING ...Orders go out Monday!

Posted: Jul 24th 2010 By: CMBurnham

I'm in computer hell...been stuck in DFW for 5 hours now and might not get home tonight. Damn I love traveling.

Enjoyed FCW trip...great facility...most kids have super attitude..looks like WWE has some keepers but overall the raw number or trainees is low.

Thursday's three TV show taping was solid. Dusty Rhodes does a nice job of writing the shows. Byron Saxton and Honest Abe Washington handled the broadcasting.

Percy Watson is an athletic freak. Funny looking red eye glasses or not, this dude can do it all athletically.

Kaval and Alex Riley had a helluva wrestling match that lasted almost 15 minutes on one of the TV shows. Match could have easily been a hit on Raw, etc.

I gave the kids an unofficial assignment to have completed by the next time that they see me which will be in about 30 days. I felt like a college instructor. Just call me "Dr. J.R." Or not.

Looking forward to being a part of the WWE tryout camp at the end of July. I hear over 50 prospects have made their own arrangements to attend.

FCW's current trainees w/o question have some potential keepers but I'll keep those names close to the vest for now. It largely depends on how hard they work and how they mentally approach the game. Those that make the business a major priority might succeed while those that only invest while they are at the facility or an arena will not.

Follow me on Twitter...@JRsBBQ.

This just in.....on ALL orders we receive this matter the will get all that's advertised PLUS a FREE JR's cap (or T shirt valued @ approximately $20) if we run out of caps so order early and often.

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, Dusty Rhodes, WWE

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