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JR's Blog: Thursday Update...Stone Cold Visit...Rock...Homeland Grocery News...Scott Coker...Mick Foley...FREE SHIPPING on JR's Products

JR's Blog: Thursday Update...Stone Cold Visit...Rock...Homeland Grocery News...Scott Coker...Mick Foley...FREE SHIPPING on JR's Products

Posted: Mar 19th 2010 By: mikeiles

Thanks for stopping by and also for your business in our on line store. We're shipping product daily as the grilling and BBQ season is upon us. Let's light the fire and get this show on the road.

Yours truly spent Tuesday night in the home of Steve Austin in Southern California and had a great time catching up with one of my best, old friends. If you follow either Steve, steveaustinBSR, or me, JRsBBQ, on Twitter you already knew that info. We had a great dinner, likely drank a little too much and stayed up later than either of us should have but we both enjoyed the much overdue visit. We destroyed ample amounts of grilled salmon. Steve is working OT in promoting his film "Damage" which is out on DVD on March 23. I know that I plan on supporting Steve's efforts and hope that you do as well.

Steve continues to train about 5 days a week and is in great shape. Before anyone goes nuts and starts emailing me, "NO" I don't see Stone Cold ever wrestling again as he is devoting the majority of his waking hours to building his film career and is well on his way to amassing an impressive body of work. "Damage" is a damn good, action adventure, kick your ass film.

Steve has two other films in the can and ready to roll out over the next 12 months or so plus don't forget his role in "The Expendables" which is the Sly Stallone blockbuster that also features MMA legend Randy Couture is set for its premier soon. Steve will be one of the select group of stars in the ensemble cast to do media work for "The Expendables" over the next few months.

The WWE HOF'er is going to try and make it to the Cauliflower Alley Club's annual function this year on April 21 in Las Vegas if his schedule allows such. I'll keep you posted but if he does attend he will introduce me when I receive the Art Abrams Life Time Achievement Award. Again, that's TBD.

Small world...I accidentally ran into Mick Foley in LA on Tuesday as both of us were there on personal business unrelated to the other. Mick was in good spirits and has many interesting irons in the fire. Helluva talented guy who, in my view, should wrestling 2-3 times a year and then on PPV. Mick was eeven wearing a sport coat which complimented his sweat pants nicely.

Enjoyed the Rock's appearance on the Tonight Show Wednesday night with Jay Leno as Rock sang an old, Sam Cooke song which did not totally surprise me nor the fact that the "Great One" loves old school, country music. Sam Cooke was one of the many aliases Rock used to use at hotels on the road with WWE.

Remember, the CONTACT US facet of this site is not another Q&A and non business correspondence will be deleted as quickly as I can hit the delete button. If you send a comment, question, etc to our Q&A section I am the ONLY one who will see it and if you want it to remain private then simply denote such. Only I decide what makes the public site re: the Q&A's. Please do not send your rants to Contact Us unless you enjoy writing things that no one will ever read.

We are aware that the email notification aspect of the site is running slow for many of you. We are having server issues due to heavy traffic volume but are addressing the matter. I suggest that you list us as a favorite and quickly check us out daily and not wait or be dependent on the email alerts. This is really a good problem to have and it can be solved. I have a meeting later to day to do just that.

ESPN's Skip Bayless would have made a superb, wrestling, bad guy manager or a Ventura-like commentator. The guy is a natural, heat seeking missile. He's a native Okie, too. Okies that live too long in Connecticut usually go a little crazy. Skip is so easy to dislike on ESPN's "First Take."

On Saturday April 3, I will be appearing at the Homeland Grocery Store on Alameda Street in Norman from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and we are going to be celebrating "J.R.'s Rib Mania." If you buy some slow smoked, homemade ribs from Homeland they will give you a FREE bottle of J.R.'s BBQ Sauce. I'll keep you informed and if you're in the neighborhood on Saturday April 3 I invite you to come by and say hello.

A couple of emailers send us some cool suggestions on how to use our sauces including using the HOT BBQ Sauce to make a delicious, BBQ Chicken Pizza which sounded awesome. Also, mixing the HOT with the Chipotle Ketchup and using the mixture in the construction of a helluva hamburger is befitting any grill.

Again, if you haven't made a homemade meatloaf by using our Chipotle Ketchup you are missing the food boat.

Nice to see WWE focus on eliminating chair shots to the heat of their athletes. I blogged about this several weeks ago which I am sure means nothing in regard to this decision being made. Some asked if I thought this mandate was "politically motivated" to which I emphatically say hell, no. It simply makes common sense and the overall health of the competitors has to be any companies utmost priority.

One emailer told me that TNA was going to "beat" WWE because TNA had "stronger tag teams." What?! TNA will never "beat" WWE but that doesn't mean that TNA can't be a viable brand that is profitable if they provide an alternative product to what WWE produces. Now watch the emails flow about how I am biased, which is true, and that I hope that TNA fails, which is very wrong.

It seems that many within the wrestling media know more about my Wrestlemania assignment that do I. I still don't know what I'm specifically and officially doing in Phoenix but as I mentioned I am just happy to be attending the event. So for those of you that may read what my role is going to be in conjunction with WM26, and insiders might be correct at the end of the day, just for the record and as of today I don't know. However, if you get any more inside info please share it. I need to know what to pack.

I've also I read where I signed a new contract with WWE, I hope to BTW, however that is also wrong as what I signed was a contract extensition to take us through the end of April. Re-signing with WWE is my top priority and I hope that we can get another, long term deal done sooner than later.

I was introduced to Strikeforce's Scott Coker Tuesday afternoon in LA and found Scott to be a really interesting and down to earth guy. He's a man that wears a multitude of hats as the CEO of Strikeforce MMA group. I admire Scott's work ethic and his passion for the brand that he is building.

Thanks for keeping us in mind as the "grilling season" draws near and to all of you that are having WM26 PPV watch parties and are featuring our products. We are at Federal Express virtually every day and will process your orders ASAP.

Again, I invite you to follow us on Twitter at JRsBBQ.

I'll have a new blog up at in the next day or so on the Smackdown page.

Our Facebook address is

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, Mick Foley, WWE, TNA

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