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JR's Blog: Friday Update..Interesting Week..Strikeforce...Rumble..Q&A'S Updated..Order Some Sauce Today

JR's Blog:  Friday Update..Interesting Week..Strikeforce...Rumble..Q&A'S Updated..Order Some Sauce Today

Posted: Jan 30th 2010 By: CMBurnham

Weather is not our friend today but we thank you for stopping by the site. I haven't been out of the house since Wednesday night. Ugh...bad case of cabin fever. On line biz has been solid nonetheless. Thanks for that.

Yes, some of my friends made some unwanted and unnecessary headlines this week but as I mentioned here earlier this week it wasn't as serious a legal matter as it was made out to be. It wasn't the smartest thing that I've read about recently but that's what often occurs when drinking booze goes from moderation to excess.

Key thing is to learn from one's mistakes as many of us have been guilty of using bad judgment. Thank goodness no one was DUI.

John Cena just can't slow down. As he prepares to try and win the Royal Rumble this Sunday in Atlanta, Cena "pops" a nice TV rating for Psyche on Wednesday nd then plays golf this week with Michael Jordan and Derek Jeter for charity in the Tampa area.

Cena's inhuman work ethic can be a blessing or a curse for the former offensive lineman.

BTW...regarding wrestlers being out late...after getting off work usually after 11 p.m. and being booked on the 1st flight out usually , around 6 which means they need to be at the airport by 4ish, being out late after a TV isn't unusual. Still no excuse to allow alcohol consumption to make one conduct themselves as a Jackass might.

Enjoyed watching a DVD of Kansas City Wrestling over the past few days. Really nicely done...sort of WWE 24/7 like, and full of great interviews and footage. Thanks to Percival A. Friend for getting it to me. Check it out if you can.'s Geico that Charlie Daniels appears on but my message in what I wrote stays the same. Read yesterdays' blog for that.

How can anyone be in the wrestling business and NOT watch all the product that they can of the genre? How? In a world of DVR's, etc there is no excuse. If one earns their living in wrestling then watch all the televised product is no brainier in my view.

Because of being on the sideline w/ Bells palsy #3, I unfortunately will not be a part of this fall's THQ/WWE video game. Bummer....and costly for the old wallet. That removed some of the cheese from my whopper.

Our Q&A's are updated....pkease check 'em out after you finish placing your orders that include FREE SHIPPING!!!

Women's MMA can be built into a viable, profit making entity. Guaranteed.

Strikeforce has their big event on Showtime Saturday night at 10 eastern. I'll be watching it live and then again to make sure that I didn't miss any thing. Mauro Ranallo does superb job handling the play by play. He would be a fun guy with which to broadcast.

Cris Cyborg is a star and there is significant $$ if Strikeforce can get Cyborg against the shining star of Gina Carano when the time is right.

Herschel Walker's 1st MMA fight intrigues me. Walker will be in shape and prepared but how will a 47 year old respond in his first MMA battle. Herschel is no normal 47 year old big time jock. Walker is special as evidenced by running rough shod over college football's elite when he was only 18 at the University of Georgia.

Bobby Lashley fights Wes Sims on the Strikeforce event and I think if Lashley is impressive that he takes a sabbatical from pro wrestling to capitalize on the small window available to him to earn potential mega bucks in MMA. That's w/ no "insider knowledge" but it might make the most sense for the talented and athletic Lashley. Why no one markets Lashley's military service has always baffled me.

As much as I respect Lashley's athletic skills, I hope that he is not rushed into a bout with the feared Fedor any time soon as in 2010. That fight has the potential to be a big money maker on PPV if both fighters are properly promoted and branded. Lashley needs more, impressive wins.

Follow us on Twitter at Lately we've talked Serena Williams, BBQ'ed Salmon in the oven, married wrestlers who insist on wearing their wedding bands when thy compete (UGH), and Curt Gowdy whose story telling at Super Bowl 3 was and still is incredible. Old storytellers never die and their work lives on for generations.

Come back and see us and thanks for all your support.

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross

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