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JR's Blog: Wednesday Update..Shop Here For The Hoidays...Random Thoughts

JR's Blog:  Wednesday Update..Shop Here For The Hoidays...Random Thoughts

Posted: Dec 10th 2009 By: CMBurnham

The Weather Channel says that it feels like it's 16 degrees outside here in Norman which makes this a nice day to 1. stay in and write a blog and answer Q&A's and 2. Hit JR's BBQ for some main event level, smoked turkey breast.

Business has been brisk for our on line orders but we could certainly use your business and you have the time to still take advantage of some great offers on affordable products and still get them for the Holidays.

BBQ'ed Random Thoughts....

The Q&A Section of our site has been updated again and I invite you to check it out. Some interesting questions this go around.

Saw a Rheumatologist for the first time Tuesday and it was a unique experience. They are trying to tie a positive test for some sort of antibody issue virally back to my Bells palsy problem. Test results will be back in about 10 days which always provides some anxious times. I swear I'm feeling so much better but these damn tests just keep my anxiety level higher than needed. Anyway the unique part of my appointment was that my doctor was a Russian female who LOVES MMA and of course she was well aware of Fedor but was a bigger fan of GSP. Our visit would have made a nice episode on a reality show as she sounded like Ariana Huffington or Ivana Trump and of course I sounded like, well, a redneck from Oklahoma who has a southern drawl ala Andy of Mayberry. We needed an interpreter but she wrote down all the important stuff from our consultation.

Concussions are a big issue in sports today and let's not forget that pro wrestling/sports entertainment or whatever in the hell one wants to call it doesn't have the franchise on this dilemma. However, chair shots to the skull should be forbidden in wrestling. Period. End of story. Bottom line.

The "coach in waiting" concept being used in college football sux. Whoever came up with that must really believe that the town "Parts Unknown" truly exists.

The History of the World Heavyweight Title from WWE is being released this Tuesday. I've seen it...I loved it...especially for the really vintage (thanks, Cole) stuff from the 60's and 70's that highlighted some of the greatest performers of their or any other generation.

I wonder how many kids who are training to be a wrestler even know the location of the Pat O'Connor-Buddy Rogers NWA Title bout from the early 60's?

Speaking of some cool stuff from the past, is an awesome and affordable source for some really great stuff that you might have heard about but never saw. For instance, there's stuff from Smoky Mountain Wrestling on there and I see where the late Chris Candido faces the always underrated Tracey Smothers on a bout currently airing.

I actually called a fair amount of SMW TV back in the day when I was on one of my multiple "sabbaticals" from WWE and I loved it because I got to actually be a wrestling announcer, relax and do play by play.

My wife had Nancy Grace on TV last evening and I had to tap early because I am now officially on "Tiger Woods Overload." Tiger made some obvious mitakes...he needs to man up and make a public statement, once, and then move on and prepare to write many, large checks. Rich people, especially, who are so bold as to text incriminating info must obviously feel bullet proof but they aren't and are prone to public scandal. How many celeb's or politicos do you think are in the process of doing what they can to destroy their text messages or to replace their computer hard drives?

Eddie Fatu's funeral services are later in the week in Las Vegas. If you want to send flowers or cards you can call the Davis Funeral Home at 702-736-6200.

The "legit" media (which is such a oxymoron) blasting Mark Cuban on the omnipresent ESPN should not have shocked any one. Wrestling will never escape from how many wrestlers have died prematurely no matter the circumstances or causes not to mention pro wrestlings stigma from the elitists. ESPN doesn't have a dog in the wrestling hunt so they can easily be tools and blast the genre but they won't go nearly as hard on the NFL which has had drug and concussion issues for years because ESPN makes too much money from the National Football League.

I do encourage all wrestling organizations to instill as stringent a testing program as is possible for concussions, heart issues, etc and to monitor how many days an individual is booked either monthly or annually. Plus, establishing a zero tolerance policy regarding drug abuse is a gimme. Being in the wrestling business should be a privilege not one's right. If one accepts the glory and money one can earn as a successful wrestler in a major company then they should have no issue being a good citizen and living a clean life.

Why can't a defensive lineman win the Heisman Trophy. Nebraska's freak 'o nature Mr. Suh is most certainly the most outstanding and dominating football player in the college game. Another great Samoan athlete who will be making millions of bucks in the NFL by the spring of 2010.

Got a cool text from my pal Brad Nessler of ABC/ESPN who is the best all around, main stream, sports play by play man in the business. Ness keeps in touch with me on a regular basis and if I leave wrestling in the future I want to apply for the job of Ness's "gopher" as he gets to work some of the biggest college football and hoops games going.

I have deleted several politically oriented questions from our potential Q&A section. No, not wrestling politics, which is and always will be alive and well but the traditional political stuff IE Democrats vs. Republicans, etc. I am so turned off by partisan politics and by professional politicians I can't even describe it. Plus, never ending talking heads like Sean Hannity and Keith Olbermann who always look, seemingly, at one, biased side of most political issues have become overbearing, obnoxious not to mention predictable. Without question both men are talented and intelligent but their spiel is getting old and tired. Perhaps that's a function of how they are produced which can certainly impact one's on air performance. Nonetheless, this site isn't going to ever become a forum for traditional Dem's or Rep's debates or fertilizer. I address this matter succinctly on the new Q&A's.

Occasionally discussing lame, wrestling politics is enough.

Don't forget to check out our new FACEBOOK page/site. It's a really neat site thanks to Dennis Brent. I'm liking being a part of it.

This Saturday at midnight is the end for the personalized, autographed JR's Cookbook offer so don't delay. It also marks the end of our $15.60 deal.

We are still offering FREE SHIPPING on many holiday packages in our on line store.

If your questions about what's going to happen on January 4 when WWE and TNA will both be on the air simultaneously aren't addressed specifically don't be offended. I think I've addressed this matter as best that I know how. I don't have the slightest idea of what either brand will produce the night after my birthday. I also don't think that it will be much of a horse race ratings wise but the simple function of going head to head provides the opportunity for the smaller organization to become more relevant and nip at the big dog.

As a wrestling fan, in general, I would simply like to see more wrestling on TV and less out of the arena, bad acting, poorly executed, too long, talking segments featuring people who are trying to be funny but aren't or who are trying to act mad but soon discover that they're not "DiNiro."

Hopefully you'll head to our store and place an order and don't forget to check out the newly answered Q&A's. I'm off to see my neurologist. Sound like fun? Nonetheless thanks a million for stopping by. Life is good!!

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, WWE, Pat O'Connor, NWA, Tracy Smothers, TNA

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