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JR's Blog: JR Responds to a Fan and Jesse Ventura's alleged Criticisms...FREE SHIPPING STILL AVAILABLE IN OUR STORE

JR's Blog:  JR Responds to a Fan and Jesse Ventura's alleged Criticisms...FREE SHIPPING STILL AVAILABLE IN OUR STORE

Posted: Dec 3rd 2009 By: CMBurnham

Thanks for stopping by and paying us a visit. We appreciate your time and your business. Thanks to you, our on line sales are beginning to increase of which we are thankful.

Random Thoughts....

I got some interesting feedback to our last blog regarding the fact that I wasn't making the drive to Dallas this Monday for Raw. You can read these emails in the feedback area of yesterday's blog from a gentleman named "Logan."

He essentially accused me of having no passion for the product and basically backing up to the pay window as a reason for not driving the 5-6 hour round trip from Norman to Dallas to hang around the locker room area and "see the boys."

I forgot to let "Logan" know that I have a doctor's appointment with a specialist on Monday that I was lucky to be able to be able to secure. Yes, Logan, I too, wish that I did not have any health issues to deal with and that I could make the trip to Dallas to hang out. But my health issues will be behind me soon enough I assure one and all but for now they are what they are.

Oh, yeah...I'm feeling better every day.

Logan also said he spend 5, whole minutes with Jesse Ventura once upon a time and that Ventura told thim that "Jim Ross was selfish and only cared about himself." That must be accurate because it was uttered by the former Governor of Minnesota who's NEVER been known to embellish a story or "break his arm patting himself on the back" as Gorilla Monsoon often said about Jesse. For the record, in the politically volatile world of pro wrestling if one doesn't look out for one's self then one can easily be taken advantage of and kicked to the curb for a variety of reasons or for no reasons. So, perhaps at the end of the day many of the "survivors" within pro wrestling have to be a little selfish to make it long term. I am indeed a survivor.

Also, I assume that when I take the time to sign things that fans send us, not associated with a purchase, etc that I am being selfish. I assume that all the Make A Wish visits that I have been involved with over the past many, many years makes me selfish as well. I might be a lot of things but being egocentrically selfish isn't one of them.

Plus, I personally don't care what Jesse Ventura thinks about me. He was great in his day as a wresting broadcaster but I wouldn't consider him to be one of my favorite partners. I am not taking any thing away from Ventura's talent but I had partners that I felt were better while working with me including Lawler, Heyman, and Cornette.

BTW...Ventura's new TV show "Conspiracy Theory" debuts tonight on truTV...just to be fair. I hope that you watch it as I'm going to check it out.

"Logan" also took me to task about not going to Iraq with the WWE on their annual pilgrimage to produce the "Tribute to the Troops." I have volunteered to go on this trip every year that it has occurred since its inception. There is limited space available on the plane with all the talent, production people and equipment. Even all the wrestlers who want to go can't go every year. Michael Cole is attending this year getting info for, etc but the show will be voiced over, as usual, once it is edited back in Stamford the week of it's airing on NBC.

So, for all you "Logan's" out there please keep your feedback coming as it provides me with "material." Also, for the record, I am still managing a $50M plus WWE Talent payroll and dispersing said payroll on a weekly basis, consulting WWE Home Video and WWE 24/7 On Demand, Talent Relations and working with and will continue as an on air talent for WWE 27/4 on the Legend Roundtables. I still earn my keep for those that feel a need to know.

So, Logan I feel that my 35 years in the wrestling biz counts for something. I may not be TV worthy yet, and I stress yet, but I will be sooner than later. I am just as passionate about our business as I have ever been but I'm not going to continue to be stupid and put the wrestling business before my own health. I did that once and it almost killed me.

Finally, it was also suggested that if I hated travel so much that I go to work for TNA because of their reduced schedule. Best I can tell TNA either produces TV or they do voice overs every week Plus, and more importantly, TNA has an announce team that I happen to feel are very competent. I appreciate everyone's career advise but I think I can handle this one not to mention that no one knows what's going to happen at the end of the day.

Interesting days lie ahead without question. I'm anxious to see how every thing plays out. I have had an amazing "run" since 1974 and honestly feel that I can bring things to the table within the wrestling business that others will never be able to do because of my personal experiences, my mentors, and the education I received in the territory system.

However, for once in my professional life I am putting my own, personal health first. I'm not ignoring the fact that I have to make life style changes and do other things to maintain a, hopefully, long term, quality of life.

Being a workaholic isn't something that I endorse but not being a workaholic doesn't mean that one doesn't love or have passion for their profession.

I have plenty left to offer the wrestling business and the great fans that have supported the biz and me for generations. My best on air work is still to come and when I am allowed to simply be myself I can still kick ass with the best of 'em.

Thanks for stopping by and indulging me to express another opinion. BTW...the on line store is open for business!

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: Jim Ross, WWE, TNA

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