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JR's Blog: JR Talks with Jerry Brisco...Updates on Edge/Undertaker...HOT BBQ Sauce & Chipolte Ketchup Have Arrived! Mayor Lawler?

JR's Blog: JR Talks with Jerry Brisco...Updates on Edge/Undertaker...HOT BBQ Sauce & Chipolte Ketchup Have Arrived! Mayor Lawler?

Posted: Jul 10th 2009 By: mikeiles

Thanks for stopping by....I just returned from Connecticut where I did some TV production with Master Todd Grisham for WWE Superstars and Friday Night Smackdown. Big news on the BBQ front is that tomorrow afternoon we will receive our shipment of HOT BBQ Sauce and the hugely popular, Chipolte Ketchup. We'll have them up on the website ASAP. We also have some new, black JR's Family BBQ T Shirts in stock that are priced at under $10. Our on line store is open 24/7 and we ship within hours of receiving your order. Now on to some BBQ'ed random thoughts....

Jerry Brisco called me today from a Tampa area "medical facility" aka a hospital having returned to his room a few minutes earlier from the recovery room after finally undergoing heart surgery early Thursday morning. Jerry said he was sore albeit relieved to finally get the surgery done after it was postponed a couple times over the past two weeks. The doctors traveled up an artery in Jerry's leg to perform the repair on a couple of birth defects in Brisco's heart. While there the cardiologists found another couple of small issues in the form of more tiny holes in the heart that had gone undetected but those matters were taken care of during the course of the surgery. Jerry came through his heart procedure with flying colors and is expected to go home perhaps as early as Friday. Jerry should be at 100% in 2-3 months but knowing him he will be chomping at the bit to get back to work earlier. I know Jerry was feeling better because he said he was hungry for some J.R.'s BBQ. We're going to try and accommodate him.

Edge, who as many know recently tore his Achilles tendon, had surgery a couple of days ago in Birmingham, Alabama under the watchful eye of the best orthopedic surgeon in the world, Dr. Jim Andrews. Dr. Andrews has operated on literally a who's who in WWE and WCW over the years and even performed surgery last month on future NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre's passing arm. I communicated with Edge from the hospital and from his home in Florida and, despite the extremely untimely setback, the "Rated R Superstar" was in as good a spirits as one could ask considering the situation. Edge knows what it's like to be sidelined for an extended length of time by a serious injury therefore he knows what it will take to get back into the game. While in Birmingham, I suggested to Edge that he have someone get him some Dreamland BBQ but he refrained because he "was Jonseing" for some of our Chipolte Ketchup of which will be taken care of next week. I think we have Edge "hooked" on the best ketchup in the world. Dr. Andrews felt that Edge's surgery was a success but stopped short of providing Edge with an exact return date. Mother Nature will have a say in determining that date but one can assume that it will be no less than 6 months and likely a little longer. I do think that Edge can be back for Wrestlemania if his rehab and physical therapy goes well and he doesn't suffer any unforeseen setbacks. If Edge can successfully and effectively return to WM26 in Arizona it should be a significant boost to the show.

We get a ton of emails regarding when the Undertaker will be returning to WWE. I don't know anything official but my money would be on some time in September. I could theoretically see Shawn Michaels return in late August, perhaps even at Summerslam, and then HBK's WM25 opponent returning a month later. We'll see soon enough but these are simply assumptions and we all know what happens when on assumes.

It looks as it the King is actually going to run for Mayor of Memphis as a special election is apparently going to be held in Memphis in about 90 days. The position of Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee is a full time position and one cannot hold another job, as I understand the matter. Jerry has often talked seriously, yes we did talk seriously on occasion on our many, many road trips together, about how he would like to do something positive for his hometown. Jerry certainly isn't running for Mayor for the pay day but as an old school, public official who genuinely cares for his hometown and wants to make it better for all who live there. I heard an interview that the King made on a Memphis radio station where he talked about the grueling, weekly travel we undergo about 51 weeks a year for WWE and how that can wear on a person. ( I can definitely relate to that.) Point being is that Jerry has been announcing on Raw since 1994, with the exception of a short interruption in service along the way, logging some staggering miles. Plus, the King will be 60 this year and I can easily see Jerry Lawler being at the right place at the right time of his life to be a galvanizing force for the apparent racially divided Tennessee city of Memphis.

I had some fun on one of my blogs earlier in the week about King NOT running for Mayor. However, after communicating with Jerry, seeing how serious he is about making a difference in his hometown and his desire to help all the people of Memphis, I not only endorse Jerry's candidacy but am very proud of him for wanting to do such an honorable thing for the people of Memphis. Jerry Lawler is no professional politician (My gosh I'm tired of political pros) and will likely not even raise significant money to fund his own campaign (which might prove to be his downfall). Jerry will also not be controlled by special interest groups. If the people of Memphis feel that they are tired of professional politicos and want objectivity and a fresh approach to improving their city, then why shouldn't Jerry Lawler be considered as a serious candidate? Unfortunately, the person who spends the most money on TV/Radio ads will likely get elected which seems to be the norm in today's political world and that's a damn shame.

For Monday Night Raw fans, if Lawler wins the Memphis Mayoral race he will have to come off Monday Night Raw which would certainly end an amazing era that started 15 years ago. Jerry and I had approximately 12 great years together sitting at ringside every Monday night during the hottest period ever in WWE but as in all phases of our lives things change.

Happy Birthday to my old friend Kevin Nash who turned Five Oh on Thursday. Kevin was one of my favorite guests on my old AM750 WSB radio show out of Atlanta. By being on those Sunday night talk fests, Kevin finally got noticed by the politically influenced powers that be who were in control of WCW at the time which, by the way, was prior to Eric Bischoff taking the reigns. Kevin has a great, natural gift of gab and I always wondered how he and I would do if we had ever become the radio "voices" of the Atlanta Hawks of the NBA. It might have been a fun duo to listen to if we could have had a few beers to "loosen us up" during the course of a hoops contest.

No...it's not the Jim ROSS circus....it's the Jim ROSE circus. I realize this could be the source of a million jokes but to those that have emailed me, I have not purchased a circus.

I worked Wednesday night on the Mysterio-Jericho Intercontinental Title Bout that airs Friday night on Smackdown on MyNetworkTV and let me assure you that it's special. No hyperbole...no heavy sales pitch...but if you are a wrestling fan and want to see a true, old school contest with amazing athleticism, I strongly suggest that you see this one. It's three or four segments in duration and is compelling from start to finish but you can be the judge.

WWE had two shows in Tokyo this week that had a combined gross ticket sales of over $1M at the box office.

Perth, Australia saw over 14,000 WWE fans on hand this week for WWE Raw with approximately $850K in tickets sold at the box office.

A helluva accomplishment for WWE's "12 Rounds" starring John Cena as it sits atop the overall DVD charts in America based on the info that I saw.

As always, I hope that you will consider shopping at our store as your business is imperative to keeping our site up and running. If you enjoy the site and visit us, please think of ordering some of our family friendly priced products that are not "gimmicks" but are great products you will be proud to serve your family. It's grilling and smoking season, so what are you waiting on? Thanks!

Boomer Sooner!



Tags: WWE, Jim Ross, Jerry Brisco, WCW, Jerry Lawler

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