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Some different things and thoughts on the business today

Some different things and thoughts on the business today

Posted: Apr 9th 2009 By: mikeiles

The following is a MySpace blog from native Oklahoman "Impressive" Anthony Wayne, who is currently wrestling professionally mostly in Tennessee. The opinions and views expressed here are those of Anthony Wayne only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of any staff member of Oklafan.

Buddy of mine shot me the following issues, wondering what I had to say about each...

General Entertainment vs. wrestling (killing the business?)...

I wouldn't say so much that general entertainment has killed the business, but that the business allowing itself, at least in the case of WWE and TNA, to become entertainment has. I am of the full opinion that entertainment and professional wrestling (you hear that Vince? I said PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, not sports entertainment) should be two different things. You can get in your car and drive to a destination of your choice, or you could get on a motorcycle and do the same thing. Just as, you can watch a movie because you enjoy it, or you can watch wrestling because you enjoy it, but they are and should be two different things.

Leaving wrestling for Hollywood...

That all depends. One of the guys who makes a movie once in a while like Triple H or Kane is totally different than someone like Dwayne Johnson using the wrestling business to make himself a literal worldwide household name, then bailing for twenty million a picture while the guys whose shoulders he put on the mat on the way to the top of wrestling are still busting their butts 300 nights a year on the road.

Workhorses of the company getting the "shaft"...

Sadly, this has been a mainstay of the wrestling business as long as it has been a mainstay in America. So many times the most talented guy on the card is in the middle, or worse, jerking the curtain, because he's not 6'5" and all the 14 year old girls aren't gonna drop $25 freaking dollars at the gimmick table for his stupid T-shirt. It's like that ugly fat chick at the office that has been there for ten years, does a great job, never missed a day, but who's got the office next to the boss and makes the most money? The Jenna Jameson look alike that's blowing him after hours.

Could the Territory system still work in a generation of MMA and General Entertainment (wwe)...

Yes, if professional wrestling is professional wrestling. If Vince was smart, that's what he'd be doing now. Raw, Smackdown, and ECW would each have a secondary champion, and the World Champion would visit each respective show no more than three times a year to wrestle the secondary title holder. It would mean something, because people would know they couldn't expect to see the World Champion in five segments of a two hour show every week.

What were to happen if UFC landed Monday night cable show during prime time...

Within one year, Vince McMahon: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart tonight that we bring you this final broadcast of WWE Monday Night Raw..."

Rourke knocking out Jericho at Wrestlemania 25, a joke?

Yes. Folks, we are professional wrestlers. Actors, go make movies. Stay in Hollywood. Leave wrestling to us. Actors should never, ever be involved, and I'm going all the way back to Bella Lugosi guest managing Lou Thesz to all the celebrities that were at the first Wrestlemania to last weekend with Rourke. If wrestling can't draw wrestling, why in the world should we depend on guests from Hollywood or a TV show to do it? Anyone who does shouldn't be running shows, so of course that includes Vince. I wanted to shove pencils through my own skull a while back when TNA was using Pac Man Jones, and don't even get me started about idiots like Master P and all his goons and Dennis Rodman that WCW used in the late 90's.

So that's what I think on those topics, anyone please feel free to drop comments about anything here.


Tags: Anthony Wayne, WWE, TNA, ECW, Lou Thesz, WCW

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