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Missy's Manor: Heel Factions, Looking Like A Star On TV, TNA, Indies and More

Missy's Manor:  Heel Factions, Looking Like A Star On TV, TNA, Indies and More

Posted: Nov 11th 2008 By: CMBurnham

I always believe heel factions can be a great asset to any promotion. Especially if the faction realizes that they need to get the baby faces over and still retain their heat. The Four Horsemen were one of the greatest heel factions ever. They could cut the big promos, get major league heat on their various beat downs, and they could elevate a baby face when it becomes the proper time. Hot Stuff/Hyatt International [pardon me for putting myself over] was able to elevate Sting & Rick Steiner by being associated with the great wrestling mind of Eddie Gilbert. We were able to have various programs ranging from myself feuding with Dark Journey [worst worker ever!]. Eddie feuding with Bill Watts. Sting & Rick Steiner's quest for the tag team belts. The bottom line was enough programs were booked that kept the television interesting. By lumping every person in a heel faction and running rough shot over every baby face is the wrong way to do business.

I remember how awesome and revolutionary the NWO was in the beginning of their 4 year run in WCW. The whole faction took a down turn when they added a million names [ex. Virgil] that watered down the act. It also got numbing when too many segments were booked that had the NWO demolish the baby faces. The show quickly became stale and killed plenty of baby faces. A great heel faction still must recognize that if they kill there opponents, than there will be nobody credible to work against. They maintain their heat by playing the numbers game on occasion. But the important lesson is to NOT KILL THE BABY FACES. When the fans lose faith in the baby faces, than you ruined the heel faction and the promotion. The worst thing you can have is by making the heel faction become the cool renegade heels and make the real baby faces look incompetent. Once you reach that situation, than you booked yourself in a bad corner.

I preferred WWE's Evolution as the sole purpose to elevate Dave [the other "Big Dave"] Batista & Randy Orton by linking them to a established headliner in HHH. Even Ric Flair got mileage by being a heel manager and tag team partner with Batista. The bottom line was HHH worked the hot main event programs. Randy Orton got elevated by working against the great promo skills of Mick Foley & The Rock. Dave Batista got to learn psychology by being linked with HHH & Ric Flair. I would consider them to be one of the last great heel factions in wrestling. Keep in mind that Randy Orton's heel faction is in the embryonic stage & The Main Event Mafia is only three weeks in.

The Main Event Mafia could have potential in having a focused program for TNA. But TNA's main objective should be in making Samoa Joe, A. J. Styles, Motor City Machine Guns, etc. to come across as superior to the Mafia & they have to be elevated for the long term future of the promotion. Samoa Joe is not going to come across as a main event player with a slip on the banana peel win. A.J. Styles is not going to be a superstar if he is constantly outsmarted and guzzled by the heels. The fans will lose interest in the baby faces and you run the risk of the fans turning on the baby faces and losing hope that they can beat the heel faction. The end result is business takes a turn for the worst, since nobody wants to pay to see a pay per view that got heels beating and outsmarting the baby faces.

The Main Event Mafia also needs to stop adding new members. Every wrestler in the Mafia was established before as a individual. By lumping every former WWE name in the Mafia, they will all start blending in to one entity. Four Main Event Mafia matches on a pay per view or house show can run the risk of coming across as the same program or getting stale very quickly. I would have left it as Kurt Angle, Booker T, and Kevin Nash. I'm still on the fence with having Sting as a heel. I just can see people booing him, unless you can find the correct personal issue. I would have had him team with the younger baby faces to combat the heels. Since my main goal is to elevate people by wins over established performers and by getting the rub by being with a established wrestler.

I was baffled when I saw Scott Steiner cut a promo on the baby faces on last week's Impact. Scott cut a promo that buried everybody and the promotion. He said how the baby faces that stayed with TNA from the beginning was due to them not being able to go anywhere else. If A.J. Styles was walking in Georgia with a sign board that nobody would recognize him as a wrestler. How the new generation of wrestlers are a bunch of marks who search the net to see if they had four star matches. Great promo Scotty! If you beat A.J. Styles, than you beat a nobody. If A.J. beats you, than you lost to a guy who could never make it to WWE. I would have edited out the promo, since it did not benefit anybody. I'm shocked that some of the veterans have forgotten the art of cutting a $$$$ promo on how to build interest in their opponents. Instead they are more concerned about getting themselves over at the expense of the promotion and every wrestler on the roster. I would have never aired that segment. It made everybody else in the promotion look inferior and made TNA look like a minor league promotion.

Hopefully I still have a vision on what draws $$$$. Hopefully TNA got a vision that will produce entertaining television and elevate new wrestlers. I will eagerly watch TNA Impact to see if they booked themselves a hot program. I hope they don't book themselves in a situation that will only elevate the established wrestlers that were already over.

A big pet peeve of mine was on how some of the TNA wrestlers presented themselves on television. Television is the ultimate platform in making yourself come across as larger than life character. You don't need to be a roided three hundred pounds- six foot person to stand out any longer. My gripe is how many of the wrestlers came out to cut promos in jeans and t-shirts. My suggestion would have been dress clothes or even wearing wrestling gear. You never want to come across looking like a person sitting in the crowd that could have been in your spot. It would be equivelant to a TNA Knockout coming out in sweat pants and no make up to do a promo. It totally kills the mystique, especially when they should be presented as a larger than life superstar.

I worked on the debut show for World Premiere Wrestling on November, 1 in Brooklyn, N.Y.. The promotion had video screens, which the fans could watch the taped interviews that were inserted on the show. They had lighting, a big production set up, and a kick ass building. I hope the promoter will be in the business for the long haul. Their set up was more impressive than a TNA or ROH house show setting. The promotion had more children at their show than most groups.

The promotion boasted a great mix of current and old school wrestlers for their first show. A list of talent consisted of Angelina Love, Taylor Wylde, Kip James, Spike, Little Guido, Balls Mahoney, Rhino, Highlanders, Tito Santana, Bruno Sammartino, Larry Zbyszko, MYSELF, and others. There was enough talent to draw a older fan base and a young fan base to the same show.

I saw Angelina Love in person. She is the best female heel in the business, at least until becky Bayless gets national exposure. I even had to tell Angelina how her tiara and the way she carries herself makes her the best heel on the show. Mark my words, Angelina is $$$. I also think Taylor Wylde is great as a pretty baby face that can get a live crowd to back her up. Kip James finally found a combination that he's compatible in by being linked with The Beautiful People.

I ran in to Balls Mahoney. Balls truly has given his body to the biz. Balls has really messed up knees, a cracked orbital bone, etc. and yet he still busts his ass on every show and is one of the nicest wrestlers. I'm glad to see that Balls has also became a devoted father.

I signed autographs with Spike Dudley earlier in the show. Spike is so cool on so many levels. Spike is now my favorite Dudley, since he used to own a Jack Russell. Spike showed me pics of his dogs that he had to leave with his ex wife. Spike told me that since he was on the road, he felt it was the dogs best interest to stay with the ex. SPIKE RULEZ! He even gave me a website that can help develop a perfect Jack Russell diet.

We also had a long discussion about 2001 Space Odyssey, since I watched it prior to the show for the first time. Somebody told me the movie was meant to be watched on acid. I dispute that point. Spike and I than had a discussion on what movies were supposedly meant to be viewed on acid [ex: Pink Floyd The Wall & Alice In Wonderland]. This was a totally weird conversation by us being a bunch of straight edge geeks.
I ran in to Domenic Denucci at the show. He is one of the classiest wrestlers I had ever met. He told me so many old school stories about his wrestling school, charities that he participated in, and wrestling in Italy. I wish I had more time to soak up his stories. Domenic is awesome. I mentioned to Domenic that Eddie Gilbert and I worked on one of his shows in 1986 in order to scout talent for the UWF. That's how we discovered a young Troy Martin [I helped create the name Shane Douglas & I demand residuals] and almost hired a young Mick Foley.

I ran in to Bill Apter. Its no secret that I'm nominating Bill Apter for any wrestling Hall Of Fames. He made many regional wrestlers in to national superstars by gracing his magazine covers [ex: Kerry Von Erich, Road Warriors, Rick Martel, Lex Luger, Tommy Rich, and Mil Mascaras]. Too bad Bill is still denying to me that he did not create apartment house wrestling. Bill even claims that he didn't shoot the pictures. I'm calling SHENANIGANS! Until Bill writes a tell all book about being the brains behind apartment house wrestling and the details about how he found the women, than he will be excluded from all Hall Of Fames and wrestling gatherings. We demand the history of apartment house wrestling. Bill can't take the history to the grave. Don't kayfabe me that the photographer wasn't Bill!

Unfortunately I couldn't top the matches that Taylor Wylde, Angelina Love, Rhino, Balls, Spike, Nunzio, Jay Santana, and many others had that night.

I have no problems with green workers. Everybody got to start some where. The best way to learn is by working regularly, working in front of a big crowd, working with a veteran worker, and putting together a match that makes sense. I'm always available for advice on psychology, interviews, and putting a match together. Even if you don't agree with my advice, its still a veteran's perspective. There were several current names from TNA, former WWE stars, and old WWWF wrestlers backstage that were easily accesible. I wish some of the younger wrestlers picked their brains. They would have gotten advice that they probably would have not received on most indy shows. Plus many of those wrestlers were watching the matches from back stage. They could have gotten feedback on what to improve or helpful tips. I think this could have been a great opportunity for several wrestlers who are dedicated to their craft and want to learn how to improve. Just my opinion.

I managed Hawaii Allen [a fake Hawaian who is Isreali that lives in Brooklyn] against Jumpin Lee. The match was equivelant to anything you would see on Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Wrestling. I hope both wrestlers realize their mistakes and learn from them. A shorter match that had moves that they were capable of doing correctly would have been much better. Hopefully both wrestlers learned what went wrong and can improve from there.

I want to plug the next WSU show on 11/29 @ 121 New Jersey Ave in New Brunswick, NJ, bell time is 5:30 PM. I'm psyched that Portia Perez will be wrestling against Mercedes Martinez in the main event. This match will be hard hitting and will kick ass. I will be announcing and doing a live Missy's Manor. Roxie Cotton & Annie Social defend their tag team belts against Soul Sisters. Plus Gorgeous George, Tracy Brooks, and the rest of the hardest working womens locker room. I'm already throwing my resume for the commissioner job. Hey, I can't be any worst than Mike Adamle!


Tags: Missy Hyatt, Hyatt & Hot Stuff International, Sting, Rick Steiner, Eddie Gilbert, Dark Journey, Bill Watts, WCW, WWE, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, TNA, A. J. Styles, UWF, Shane Douglas, Kerry Von Erich, Mil Mascaras

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Spotlight in History

  • 1971 Bill Watts became the TSW North American Champion
  • 1978 Jose Lothario def. Assassin 1 for the TSW Louisiana Champion
  • 1985 The Von Erichs (Kerry Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich) def. The Dynamic Duo (Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams) for the WCCW American Tag Team Champion
  • 2008 Michael Barry def. Angel Williams for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 2008 New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) became the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 2008 The Gentlemen Thugs (Cast-Iron Cothern & Shane Morbid) def. New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 2009 Jermaine Johnson def. Ky-ote Joe for the MSWA Oklahoma Champion
  • 2013 Mike Foxx def. Tim Storm for the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 2013 Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) def. The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 2013 The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) def. Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Kevin Morgan & became the IZW Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Jordan Jacobs def. Drake Gallows for the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 2014 Claudia def. Bree Ann for the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 2014 The Brotherhood (Kyng Benjamin & Akuma Jones) def. A. C. Slaughter (Aaron Anders & Clint Cassidy) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 2014 Fuel def. Tim Rockwell for the UWE Heavyweight Champion

Week of Sun 09-15 to Sat: 09-21

  • 09-15 1969 The Medics (Medic #1 & Medic #2) def. Alberto Torres & Ramon Torres for the TSW United States Tag Team Champion
  • 09-15 1980 Junkyard Dog & Terry Orndorff def. The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts) for the MSW Mid-South Tag Team Champion
  • 09-15 1986 Black Bart def. Chris Adams for the WCCW World Champion
  • 09-15 2007 Sudden Impact (Sudden Impact 1 & Sudden Impact 2) def. Texas, Inc. (Bernard Funk & Tim Rockwell) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-15 2007 Anthony Jackson def. AWOL for the ComPro Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2007 Shane Morbid def. Justin Lee for the ComPro Oklahoma X Division Champion
  • 09-15 2012 Double D def. Aaron Neil for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2018 Chavo Guerrero, Jr. def. MVP for the WCR Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-15 2019 Chaz Sharpe def. James Southard for the ASP Inter-County Champion
  • 09-15 2023 Jastin Taylor def. Sam Stackhouse for the BCW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 1975 John Tolos def. Al Madril for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 1988 Michael Hayes & Steve Cox def. The Samoan SWAT Team (Fatu & Samu) for the WCCW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-16 2005 Lily McKenzie def. Chiquita Suzuki for the SRPW Womens Champion
  • 09-16 2006 Michael Barry def. Aaron Neil for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2006 Ryan Davidson became the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Paige Turner def. Erica for the IZW Womens Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Skyler Fayden def. Riker for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2017 Big Smooth & Zakk Sinizter became the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-16 2022 Shane Taylor def. Johnny Bedlam for the TexPro Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-16 2023 Red James def. Ozzy Hendrix for the EPW Internet Television Champion
  • 09-17 1979 The Spoiler & Mark Lewin def. Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody for the WCCW Texas Tag Team Champion
  • 09-17 2004 Bobby Dalton def. Shane Morbid for the SRPW Hardcore Champion
  • 09-17 2008 Michael Faith became the TCB Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2008 High Society (Al Farat & Thomas Trump) became the TCB Dual Kombat Champion
  • 09-17 2008 Michael Faith became the TCBW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2008 High Society (Al Farat & Thomas Trump) became the TCBW Dual Kombat Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Dane Griffin def. Cody Jones for the NWA-OK Texoma Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Aerial Assault (Ky-ote Joe & Montego Seeka) became the NWA-OK Oklahoma Tag Team Champion
  • 09-17 2010 Michael Faith def. Dane Griffin for the NWA-OK Oklahoma Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-17 2016 Mr. Nasty def. Brian Breaker for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-18 1967 Chati Yokouchi & Togo Shikuma def. Danny Hodge & Skandar Akbar for the TSW United States Tag Team Champion
  • 09-18 2005 Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch def. The Hurricane & Rosey for the WWE RAW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-18 2005 Ric Flair def. Carlito for the WWE Intercontinental Champion
  • 09-18 2015 Sons of Texas (Moonshine Mantell & Killer McKenzie) def. The Imperialists (Charlie Haas & Griffin) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-18 2021 Thrash def. Jermaine Johnson for the WFC Hometown Heroes Champion
  • 09-18 2021 Reed def. Thrash for the WFC Hometown Heroes Champion
  • 09-18 2022 Fuel def. Koko for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-18 2022 Fuel def. Koko for the UWE Apex Champion
  • 09-19 1979 Mike Sharpe, Jr. def. Mike George for the MSW Mississippi Champion
  • 09-19 1982 David Von Erich def. Bill Irwin for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 1988 The Samoan SWAT Team (Samu & Fatu) def. Michael Hayes & Steve Cox for the WCCW World Tag Team Champion
  • 09-19 2014 Simply Irresistible (Matthew Palmer & James Johnson) def. The Dark Circle (Mace Malone & Apoc) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-19 2015 Loaded Guns (Jon Cross & Brandon Walker) def. The Rising (Riker & Abel) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-19 2015 Brian Breaker def. Clint Cassidy for the UWE United States Champion
  • 09-19 2015 Zakk Sinizter def. Anarchy [2nd] for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2015 Jon Cross became the WFC Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2019 MVP became the WCR Imperial Champion
  • 09-19 2020 Pastor Brent became the WAH Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Maui Mike def. Thrash for the ASP Mid-American Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Brixton Barricade def. Brandon Barricade for the ASP All Time Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Malik Mayfield def. Jerome Daniel Griffey for the ASP Livestream Champion
  • 09-19 2021 Double D def. Jerome Daniel Griffey for the ASP 5-Star Champion
  • 09-20 1971 Bill Watts became the TSW North American Champion
  • 09-20 1978 Jose Lothario def. Assassin 1 for the TSW Louisiana Champion
  • 09-20 1985 The Von Erichs (Kerry Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich) def. The Dynamic Duo (Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams) for the WCCW American Tag Team Champion
  • 09-20 2008 Michael Barry def. Angel Williams for the IZW Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-20 2008 New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) became the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2008 The Gentlemen Thugs (Cast-Iron Cothern & Shane Morbid) def. New Canada (The Canadian Red Devil & The Canadian Luchadore) for the ComPro Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2009 Jermaine Johnson def. Ky-ote Joe for the MSWA Oklahoma Champion
  • 09-20 2013 Mike Foxx def. Tim Storm for the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-20 2013 Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) def. The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2013 The Rock Star Mafia (Dane Griffin & Armani) def. Genesis (Carrion Arcane & Kristopher Haiden) for the NWA-TXO Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Kevin Morgan & became the IZW Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Jordan Jacobs def. Drake Gallows for the IZW Impact Division Champion
  • 09-20 2014 Claudia def. Bree Ann for the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 09-20 2014 The Brotherhood (Kyng Benjamin & Akuma Jones) def. A. C. Slaughter (Aaron Anders & Clint Cassidy) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-20 2014 Fuel def. Tim Rockwell for the UWE Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-21 1954 Johnny Valentine def. Joe Christie for the WCCW Texas Brass Knuckles Champion
  • 09-21 2002 Shadow of Death def. Terry Montana for the OCW Oklahoma Hardcore Champion
  • 09-21 2012 Tim Storm became the NWA-TXO Heavyweight Champion
  • 09-21 2012 Kyra Maya became the NWA-TXO Rose Champion
  • 09-21 2013 Nasty Swag (Robert Lee & Ace Archuleta) became the UWE Tag Team Champions
  • 09-21 2019 Slice & Kill (Skylar Slice & Killista) def. The Proclamation (Ethan Cole & Reed) for the UWE Tag Team Champions
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