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JR's Blog: Ric Flair to Wrestle Again? Couture-Lesnar...Cyber Voting

JR's Blog: Ric Flair to Wrestle Again? Couture-Lesnar...Cyber Voting

Posted: Oct 21st 2008 By: mikeiles

Another beautiful day here in Oklahoma as I prepare to head out EARLY Tuesday morning for Houston and then on to Laredo for the Friday Night Smackdown taping featuring a big time main event between HHH vs. The Undertaker. That's a helluva, free, TV main event in anyone's book and should encourage fans to find MyNetworkTV this Friday night to see it. There is no doubt in my mind that these two will have a superb match and let's hope that their presence encourages the rest of us involved with the program to raise our game too. I may have to have an extra cup of coffee before heading down the ramp.

A few Smackdown related questions:
1. Will we see MVP end his losing streak?
2. Will The Brian Kendrick provide us more oratory and will we see more of Big Zeke in the ring?
3. Is there something brewing between Diva Champion Michelle McCool and her #1 contender Maria?
4. What's next for R Truth? Perhaps the U.S. Title?
5. Will the "Angriest Man in the World" Tazz wear orange framed sun glasses indoors?
6. Should we cheer or jeer the Great Khali after last week?
7. Are Ranjin Singh's robust sideburns enhanced by some sort of follicle fertilizer?
The WWE is already hyping the huge, 3 hour Monday Night Raw slated for Tampa on Monday November 3. Looks like it will be a supersized show from what I read. I guess yours truly's invite is "in the mail." I can understand that after having such a presence for the 800th episode of the Monday night staple.

Sources tell me that Randy Couture is training with some large men who all have amateur wrestling backgrounds as the Couture-Brock Lesnar UFC showdown of November 15 is beginning to get in "countdown" mode. One could assume that Couture is going to try and fatigue Lesnar in the scheduled 25 minute fight while doing all he can to avoid Lesnar's amazing ability to execute physical take downs. First of all, after wrestling for Coach J. Robinson at the University of Minnesota, Lesnar knows what it is like to be in top physical condition and I am one that doesn't think that even though Brock will likely fight in the 280 pound range that fatigue will be a factor in the fight any more than usual. Both men will be superbly conditioned and if the 225 pound Couture wins it will be because of strategy and technique not because Lesnar physically fades as the fight goes on.

My Oklahoma Sooners are off on November 15 which will allow me to have friends over to watch the fight and eat some great BBQ.

The wrestling internet is seemingly abuzz discussing the possibility of Ric Flair wrestling another match. First of all, when is the last time you heard of a pro wrestler retiring, I mean really retiring, and never, EVER wrestling again after his "retirement match." Of course, it's happened but not that often and not in a good while especially when speaking of a high profile star such as "Naitch."

Ric is in a unique situation as he is one of the few free agent stars out there that can still sell tickets particularly when there is a strong promotion behind him and he is wrestling in a high profile situation. That situation would be in the Tokyo Dome on January 4, 2009 against a Japanese legend like Masa Chono, for example. The Japanese need an "outside attraction" to help resurrect their Dome business and Ric having his "Japanese retirement match" there would definitely help sell tickets. The ceremony and pre-match hype in Japan for this event would be memorable.

So, do I know for sure if Ric Flair is going to take a huge money offer for a one off event in Tokyo in the Dome on January 4, 2009? No. Would I be willing to make a friendly wager than it does happen? Without question.

The financial offer for Ric to don the rights one more time in a country steeped in wrestling heritage and where fans love to honor the legends of the game in an emotional show of respect is a promoter's dream.

I would much rather see Ric wrestle in a "one off" Tokyo Dome environment than ever see him advertised to wrestle in an armory or high school gym in the States. That would be sad.

One can assume that many folks are going to vote in one form or another for the Cyber Sunday matches and stipulations. One can also assume that these votes will largely be a popularity contest. I'm not sure that's bad as any promotion should pay attention and provide the paying customers with what they want. However, do I want to see Jeff hardy get one more shot at HHH and the WWE Title or do I want to see a new match and see the undefeated Vladimir Kozlov try The Game on for size? I am a big Jeff Hardy fan without question but just as many fans I like to see "new." I don't think Kozlov has a prayer of winning the popular vote but it would be damn interesting if he did. Just one man's opinion....

Thanks for checking in with us. We'll have more after Tuesday night's tapings and I return from deep in the heart of South Texas.

Boomer Sooner!


Tags: Jim Ross, WWE, Ric Flair

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