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Prime-Time Roundup

Prime-Time Roundup

Posted: Dec 2nd 2007 By: CMBurnham

11-26 WWE RAW

A black limosuine pulled up and Ric Flair emerged. Jim Ross speculated why Flair chose to return tonight in his home town. Jerry Lawler said he hoped it wasn't to make the announcement he feared.

Ric Flair came to the ring. He thanked the fans for their reception and said they're too kind. He said there's been a lot of discussion about why he chose Charlotte, NC to make this announcement. He said they'd been so good to him and gets emotional. He said there was a reason he hadn't been on RAW for 6 months. He knows his wrestling career can't go on forever. He recently got himself involved in politics and opened a marketing business. He knows there will be a time for him to retire, but then announced that he will NEVER retire until he's ready to. He has too much left and loves this business. He's going nowhere. Vince McMahon came down and said Flair had him going. HE was very happy that Flair will never retire because Flair means a lot to him and he's a good piece of property for the WWE. Vince hopes Flair keeps on going forever as long as he keeps winning. But that's the catch. As of now, Flair's career only continues as long as he wins. The first match he loses, no matter how, his career is over. He told Flair that he hopes he doesn't die anytime soon. Then WWE RAW World Champion Randy Orton comes out. He said he cannot thank Flair enough for all the advice Flair gave Orton early on, for being a friend in his formative years, for being there whenever he had personal problems, for being a role model and he then thanked Flair for giving him the pleasure of ending Flair's career. Vince announced that Randy Orton would face Ric Flair in the main event tonight. Orton again thanked Flair.

Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Super Crazy & Jim Duggan def. The Highlander & WWE RAW World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.

Ric Flair was seen backstage talking with Arn Anderson & Barry Windham.

While begging off from a match with Chris Jericho, Satino Marella made a surprise and unprovoked attack on Jerry Lawler, pummeling him at ringside beore leaving up the ramp.

After Chris Jericho def. Santino Marella, he invited Jerry Lawler into the ring to exact some revenge.

Shawn Michaels greeted Ric Flair as he was lacing up his boots. He said he came tonight to see Flair, but didn't know it might be the last time Flair could wrestle. He wasn't sure he wanted to embrace wrestling without Flair. He's always been biased in regards to Flair. Randy Orton has been on a roll. He gave Flair a pep talk calling Flair the one legend the industry will ever have, then quoted Flair's famous line. "To be the man, you've gotta beat the man" and said he didn't think Orton could do it. Flair thanked him and said he'd do everything he could to live up to the bond they've had for the past 2 years. If nothing else, Flair would go out in a blaze of glory.

Ric Flair was headed down the hall to the ring. When he turned the corner, he was met by a plethora of WWE superstars (including WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter) who burst into applause. Triple H stepped out, shook hands with Flair and embraced him, then simply told Flair to "show them who you are." Flair headed on to the ring entrance as they stars applauded again.

Ric Flair def. WWE RAW World Champion Randy Orton

11-29 TNA iMPACT

TNA World Tag Team Champions A. J. Styles & Tomko were backstage being interviewed by Jeremy Borash. A. J. assured the viewers that there were going to work with Christian Cage & TNA World Champion Kurt Angle. He compared them to the Waltons. Tomko called A. J. "John Boy" and reminded him that Cage & Angle can't stand each other. A. J. said they just need to talk things out if there are problems. He said they'd be back together like other famous groupings and cited Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton and Van Halen & David Lee Roth as examples. Tomko suggested going and finding Cage and Angle and talking things out.

A. J. Styles was begging for Kurt Angle to meet with Christian Cage. Angle refused and said he woudl deal with things when they got out there. A. J. reminded him who they were fighting that night. Angle said everything would be OK and since A. J. was now in the Angle Alliance, he had nothing to worry about. A. J told Angle that Karen had said he could be in both teams. Angle asked her if this was true. Karen said sh edid what she had to to make things work. Jut said that Karen was going to talk with Cage. After they left, Angle told tomko that everything was working. Tomko sarcastically agreed.

A. J. Styles & Tomko were waiting outside Christian Cage's dressing room. A. J. was nervous and had to pee. Jeremy Borash had A. J. do some breathing to calm down. A. J. & Tomko entered Cage's dressing room. A. J. went to hug Cage, but Cage threw him up against the wall and griped him out. He asked Tomko what he was thinking letting A. J. do this. Tomko reminded Cage that he told him not to think. Cage said he made A. J. co-captain and he messed that up. As far as he's concerned, Cage doesn't need A. J. & Tomko. They need him. A. J. begged him not to do this. Cage said he hoped A. J. was happy with the side he'd chosen. A. J. said both Angle & Cage are his bosses, like when he worked for his Aunt Bee's bakery and his dad's hardware store. Cage said he's not A. J. dad. He did want to talk to Angle, though. A. J. said he'd go get Karen. Cage asked Tomko if he heard that right. Tomko told Cage that Kurt wouldn't meet with him. Cage was not happy.

A. J. Styles called the meeting of Christian Cage and the Angle Alliance to order. He said they were there to work as a team. Kurt Angle was still not present. A., J. asked Karen to shake hands with Cage. They reluctantly did so. A. J. was ecstatic that they were really working together and aksed for a group hug. A. J. asked that they go get ready for their match. Cage told them to go on whil he talked business with Karen.

Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Kaz & Abyss def. Christian Cage, TNA World Tag Team Champions A. J. Styles & Tomko & TNA World Champion Kurt Angle (w/ Karen Angle). Kurt & Cage got into a confrontation after the match and A. J. had to calm them down.


Tags: WWE, Ric Flair, Jim Duggan, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, A. J. Styles

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