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Compound Pro Wrestling review (9-9-17)

Compound Pro Wrestling review (9-9-17)

Posted: Sep 11th 2017 By: Josh C. Jones

As always, I begin with a thank you to all the competitors.

Thank you for the great performances: Nathan Estrada, Chris Clay, Zack Mason, Kirk Chalmers, Morrison, Dustin Heritage, Psycho Sawyer, Armin Syzlack, Duke Swellington, Latrell Upton, Michael Wolf, and Aaron Anders.

Matt Cross was unable to attend this event due to illness, but I know everyone at Compound Pro and all the fans wish him a speedy recovery.

Since Cross was unable to perform the general manager, Brian Breaker, entered the ring to announce a change in the lineup for the main event. He called the Compound Pro Champion, Aaron Anders, to join him in the ring. The GM said he had someone special to challenge the Champion. The arena fell silent and everyone waited for the challenger to present himself.


The lonesome howl of the wolf echoed through the arena like a beast caught in a trap.


Another howl, this time from someone in the crowd.

Michael Wolf emerged and imposed himself in the conversation between the Champ and GM. As Wolf was apologizing for his recent appalling actions and asking for another chance to challenge for the title a young girl in the audience shouted, “Sorry doesn’t cut it!” Wolf, shockingly to the audience, agreed with her. It would seem his demeanor and apology did cut it with the GM though, as he agreed to allow Wolf to challenge Anders for the title in the main event.

The match between these two was fantastic. Each competitor truly gave it everything they had, and the audience noticed with chants of, “this is awesome!” There were numerous kicks to the head throughout the match from Wolf to Anders, yet Anders showed why he was the Champion and continued to kick out of the pin. Still, the most important and shocking aspect for me was that Wolf did not cheat or lose his temper. It was a fair match with the odds stacked against Wolf; however, he was able to pull off the upset. Wolf won the Championship and, instead of gloating, he walked to the middle of the ring, stuck his hand out and waited patiently for Anders to shake his hand. The competitors shook hands and left with, what seemed to me, a new mutual respect for each other. It would seem a true, heartfelt apology can sometimes cut it and, as hard as it might be to accept sometimes from some people, a person can learn from their actions and have a change of attitude and heart.

Fear the Fro! Nathan Estrada and Chris Clay actually started the night with a great match getting the crowd pumped for the rest of the show.

Sweet Caroline … er, I mean, Syzlack. As mentioned in a previous review, Armin Syzlack is the living epitome of ‘try and try again’. However, the audience members I was sitting with seemed less interested in seeing if he would actually win this time against Psycho Sawyer as they were in seeing if he could last longer than the previous match between the two. We timed it this time; he lasted one-minute and fifteen-seconds. May your reign of terror last one-minute sixteen-seconds next time.

On a side note: I do wonder how it would be for Psycho Sawyer and Armin Syzlack to team up. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I mean, that is the next step, right?


It was great seeing Kirk ‘Cha-Cha’ Chalmers in a singles match. He took on Zack Mason and did a great job. There was one point near the end of the match where we thought Cha-Cha had Mason for the three count. Mason kicked out and Cha-Cha looked frustrated. At that moment I shout, “Take it to the top turnbuckle!” to which he looked at me and replied, “You’re right.” However, this was the mistake that cost him the match. He was countered and soon after pinned. All I could do was look at my brother and say, “my bad.” It’s always great when the wrestlers interact with the audience members.

Morrison defeated Dustin Heritage, one half of the Tag Team Champs Excellence Personified, by DQ. He hit himself in the face with a chair requiring the ref to follow the rules and disqualified Dustin. Wait! That doesn’t make sense. Okay, fine. Excellence Personified brought the chair to the ring; Morrison then obtained it and was attempting to hit Dustin with it. Dustin, thanks to his buddies ‘Diamond’ Duke Swellington and ‘The Kingpin’ Mike Iles, obtained a second chair and swung; he connected with the chair Morrison was holding causing it to smash into Morrison’s face – ergo, Morrison hit himself in the face with a chair. Selective perception at its best right here.

Moving on.

Latrell Upton, the young rising star I mentioned in an earlier review, took on ‘Diamond’ Duke Swellington, one half of the Tag Team Champs Excellence Personified. Although he had a great effort, and once again proved himself as someone to keep an eye on, he was unable to pull off a victory. It’s okay though. He is young, talented, and someday soon could be the new Compound Pro Champion.

I can’t wait until the next time I can attend. It is always a fun and eventful night at Compound Pro Wrestling. On behalf of all the fans I would like to say thank you once again for a great show.

---- Josh C. Jones


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