May 18th 2024 07:15am

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Members: Buster Cherry, Mr. Barnes, & Dean Lambert

Feds Worked For: BCW, BPPW, ComPro, MSWA


Career Highlights: -MSWA Oklahoma Champion (Cherry)
-MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Champions (Cherry & Barnes)

Affiliates: Bobby Burns

Other Facts: -In ComPro, they compete as The Redneck Creepsters. Cherry is known as Big Ern, Barnes is known as Uncle Bud, and Lambert is known as Cousin Yogi
-In BPPW, they also compete as The Redneck Creepsters, but only Cherry and Barnes are members and they use those names. They are managed by Bobby Burns.
-In BCW, they compete as The Rednecks, but only Big Ern & Cousin Yogi are members and they use those names.

Supplemental Information

Oklafan Quiz

During a match between Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase for the NWA World Title, DiBiase was attacked a given a Brainbuster on the concrete floor and then was rushed to the hospital. Who delivered the Brainbuster?






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