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Billy Wicks

Billy Wicks

Height: 5' 11"

From: Minneapolis, MN

Birthday: Apr 4th

Pro Debut: 1951

Feds Worked For: NWA, Gulf Coast Wrestling (AL/FL/LA/MS), Tennessee

Finisher: Reverse Step-Over

Signature Moves: Backdrop, Leglock, Short-arm Leg Scissors


Career Highlights: -NWA Gulf Coast Champion (4x)
-NWA Tennessee Champion (2x)
-NWA (Alabama/Tennessee) World Tag Team Champion (w/ Yvon Robert)

Affiliates: Yvon Robert

Notable Feuds: Sputnik Monroe

Other Facts: -Inducted into the Memphis Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1995.
-After retiring, he served as a law enforcement officer.
-Passed away May 6, 2016 at the age of 84 due to complications from a stroke.

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